2 month SD and return to BB

(quadancer @ Apr. 18 2008,3:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quick afternoon workout before hitting the road tonight:
Deads x 5
225, 275, 305, 335, 365, 405 - felt pretty good. Had done BW chins 3 x 15 at work in a playground today, just showing off in front of the local housewives, heh.
Shame on me. Hope to borrow a bench tomorrow down in Hinesville from a cousin and get that done before the funeral, but I dunno.? Is that typical of us....the only guy in the room breathing hard, redfaced and pumped</div>
yep it is.

however it shows the level of dedication we have in regards to our training.i went to the gym just before my nieces christening last week, and i couldnt get in my old suit lol.
Darn. I'm in Hinesville and the guy only has 200 lbs. for the bar, and his porch gym hasn't been used in a while, so it's a mess. I warm up with 225, so I'm looking for someplace to do dips instead. Or I'll just drive back to Atlanta and do me at home, properly. Weight 206.5 lbs this morning. At least I didn't gain back anything.
edit: Darn. His scale LIED to me! 211.
Home safe now, had done the dips with his 50lb db for weight...heheh, that was ALL his plates for his spinner db to make ONE db...you can guess what he looks like.
(quadancer @ Apr. 18 2008,3:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hope to borrow a bench tomorrow down in Hinesville from a cousin</div>
My number two son and his wife lived near Hinesville at Fort Stupid when he was with the Third Infantry Division. He's back in Ohio now, and safe, but they surely enjoyed their time in Jawjuh...
(quadancer @ Apr. 20 2008,10:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Home safe now, had done the dips with his 50lb db for weight...heheh, that was ALL his plates for his spinner db to make ONE db...you can guess what he looks like.</div>
You should have just asked the guy to step into HIS gym and hung the guy from your belt...ya know, to make him feel more like a man before you left
HAAAA!!! Yeah, that would do him up all right!
Well, had a big 'ol workday...needed to catch up on legs...so did a couple thermo's and a lot of water. Weight the same.
225x5, 315x5, 385x1...waitaminnit, this shouldn't be this LIGHT...

315X10 I have NO idea where that came from, but I'LL TAKE IT! BOOLYA!
Thot I'd try some westside stuff and do GM's for my first time.
all 5 rep sets, 45, 95, 115, 135 and I quit so I don't get any surprises tomorrow morning. (still have ta work ya know.)
Congrats on the 405x2 squats. That's some serious s#%t man! Must be real nice hitting those big numbers while on a cut. Keep up the good work.
How in the sweet merry hell did you do that?!
I doff my cap in your general direction big feller. I want what you're having.

Anyway, my front squats are up this cycle already and I'm hoping my back skewatts too, so I should join you in, hmm let's see, about 10 weeks time??
Thankx fellas! I TOLD you to watch out Lol! The old man is a-comin'!
Actually I'd say some of it is the SuperDrol helping strengths, so I'm not entirely natural here, even on a slow cut. One thing I did do different was to put the hands in as close as I could on the bar, kept my elbows back (it turns out that I have been anyway) and of course kept the bar low on the back. This was a really painful position, but it sort of locked the torso in a more rigid stance and gave me more power and control. After every set, it hurt to let go of the bar and let my arms down. I have NO flexibility up there. But it's worth it.
I guess the SD puts us on an even playing field, huh?
(quadancer @ Apr. 22 2008,6:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">405X2 - SHAZAYAM!!! I'M IN THE 400 CLUB!!!</div>
Whoa! Ding Ding Ding --- 400+ rings all the bells.

Nice lift.
Holy crap. Well...


At least I still deadlift more than you. Haha.

Good work with the squatting, 405 is insane. Almost double bodyweight now.
(quadancer @ Apr. 22 2008,6:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">HAAAA!!! Yeah, that would do him up all right!
Well, had a big 'ol workday...needed to catch up on legs...so did a couple thermo's and a lot of water. Weight the same.
225x5, 315x5, 385x1...waitaminnit, this shouldn't be this LIGHT...

315X10 I have NO idea where that came from, but I'LL TAKE IT! BOOLYA!
Thot I'd try some westside stuff and do GM's for my first time.
all 5 rep sets, 45, 95, 115, 135 and I quit so I don't get any surprises tomorrow morning. (still have ta work ya know.)</div>
damn it, im gonna have to get my game on to keep up.my squats gone down the pan since my back injury so it'll have to wait a few months.

well done!
TBH, I'm pretty amazed myself. I've done 430 before, where I quit due to back injury, but getting back in the club is like having a birthday! I wanna T-shirt!
New goal: beat the 430. Now that the fear of the big 4 is gone, no problem; sooner or later I'll get it. Especially as I now know so much more than I did and I've trained deep. Ya know what they say...
It's a squat dammit, not a curtsey !
Congrats on the 400+ !!

Beating the 430 isn't that far away... it's lightweight! (Hm, just som pep talk here)
Just be careful man. Injury can happen in a split second without warning.
I would recommend a lifting belt when doing attempts above 400 from now on. You'll still get plenty of core training, the belt will only help. Even that tough old codger Rippetoe wears one!
Interesting, Sci. I felt no need for a belt at just under 400 for a full squat and for over 400 doing bench squats. I guess there will come a point where the extra pressure that a belt affords will seem absolutely necessary. Dunno? I ought to try a heavy rep with and without next time I'm doing the heavy stuff to see how they compare. I did see a vid of a guy who broke a rib because he was wearing a belt - it evidently put extreme pressure on his rib cage when he was in the hole. It was a big son-of-a-belt though!