I trained at the gym I used to work at again today, same deal as last time with my former coworker, Chuck. I went there today as a birthday present of sorts (Chuck's birthday is tomorrow), and I'm glad I did, the session went quite well.
Squats - low bar, oly shoes, loose-ish belt
I've been doing predominantly high bar for a bit now, but decided to try low bar again. I had a hypothesis that part of the reason it felt so awkward going back to low bar a week or two back was probably because I went from high bar in oly shoes to low bar in flat shoes - i.e. I was a lot more bent over.
So I figured going low bar in oly shoes was a much more subtle transition, and, sure enough, I felt quite strong.
I wound up going all the way up to 315 for a single, which did not feel too terrible, so decided to embrace greatness and attempted 335, which I JUST made. New all time PR for this style of squat (i.e. ~shoulder width stance, versus very wide/sumo).
Press - oly shoes, strict
Despite not having done this in a while, I followed Chuck's lead here. He wound up going up to 155 for 3, a weight I've never exceeded 2 reps on, but I was damned if he was going to beat me in this, so I matched him. Another all time PR.
After the high due to the previous two lifts, this exercise went bizarrely easily.
I wound up warming up to me + 135 for a single, which felt easy. Then me + 145 for a single, also not bad.
Finally, I attempted, and succeeded at, me + 155 for a single. This is just over 320 lbs at a clothed bodyweight of 165+. All time PR by a lot, even a relative PR (i.e. I've never done a strict chin with that much around my waist).
This was an excellent way to end the day, and we celebrated afterwards with some deliciously fatty pizza.