200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

(_tim @ May 09 2009,9:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That sucks!  Feel better soon, Mike!</div>
Thank you, tim
Sick?  Who cares...time to squat!

Squats - 5/3/1

Squats - oly shoes

215 x 3 - no belt
245 x 3 - no belt
275 x 5 - belt

Considering the fact that I'm sick, a top set of 275 x 5 is not entirely terrible.  Last two reps GM-y, but what else is new?

Halting Squats

175 x 12 - oly shoes, sloppy the last couple of reps (technically an all time PR)
175 x 8 - no shoes
175 x 5 - no shoes

The first set didn't really feel right.  It's interesting, doing these in oly shoes, I felt them more in my quads and less in the posterior chain, which I suppose makes sense.  Net effect is that they actually felt harder - maybe I should try flat shoes for my power squats again at some point?

The last two sets without shoes actually felt tighter.

Calf Raises in Leg Press

3 plates + 10 lbs per side for a set of 15/15.  Ooooouch.
(mikeynov @ May 10 2009,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sick?  Who cares...time to squat!</div>
That's more like it!

Re the flat soled shoes for power squats: makes sense to do that. I'm trying some wider stance squats and forcing my knees out to track correctly with flat shoes as I think I'll be able to nail a 400 below-parallel squat more easily that way. There's so much more emphasis on the posterior chain than when I squat with a regular stance in Oly shoes. It almost feels as if my quads aren't involved!
Still sick, still lifting.  Am I pressing my luck, pardon the pun?

Press - 5/3/1

Press - oly shoes

107.5 x 3
122.5 x 3
137.5 x 6 (all time PR)

I had 6 in mind for the third set, and just managed to get it.  Didn't feel quite as strong as last week, but I'll take this PR.

Seated Cable Rows

60/side + increment x 12, 8, 5.


Me + 55 lbs x 12 (all time PR?), 8, 5.


Me + 40 lbs x 12, 8, 5.
ANOTHER set of new PR's?

Fantastic work, Mike. Keep it going!

On the sick thing... On the one hand, your body needs rest to fight the good fight and quash the bug. On the other hand, you're healthy enough to have the energy to continue your cycle and hit new PR's. Sounds like you're fine.
Still a little under the weather, also really tired today, but lifting went decently.

It's worth noting that on deadlift days, PR's are kind of hard to qualify, in that I've gotten better over time at actually maintaining lumbar extension.  Once upon a time, I didn't even try very hard to keep a tight back, nowadays, I attempt to hold my back in extension from the very first rep onwards, and as a consequence, can't lift quite as much.

Deadlifts - 5/3/1

Deadlifts - flat shoes

275 x 1 - double overhand
320 x 3 - straps, no belt
350 x 6 - straps, belt

The final set matches what I got on the 3's week last time but + 5 lbs, so I'll take it.  I stopped when I wasn't positive I could maintain my back in extension for the next rep, rather than hitting true failure, i.e. left a bit in the tank.  Will attempt a set of 5 @ 370 next week if all goes well.


225 x 12, 12

The second set of this was actually quite difficult.  An awesome exercise to practice maintaining a hard arch, absolutely obliterates my hamstrings, too.

Single Leg Press in Hammer Leg Press

The Hammer machine I used was bizarre, a single plate per side for a set of 12 on each leg was pretty difficult.

Hip Abduction

145 x 15.
Bench - 5/3/1 (3)

Bench - first reps paused

185 x 3
205 x 3
227.5 x 5

I'm not entirely sure what to do about bench, as I don't feel I'm making any real headway.  5 reps wasn't THAT bad, but the last rep was kind of grindy, and I didn't bother trying the 6th, which was my original plan.  This makes my strength in this exercise at least close to what it's been for quite a while.

However, I may just wind up changing bench to heavy dips and use bench as an assistance exercise, for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I hate having an exercise that depends on a spotter.

Bench Assistance - first reps still paused

The first couple of sets on this I did in the standard grip, I repped out 185 just because I knew I could probably get a PR (I haven't tried anything &gt; 10 reps) in it, which I did.

185 x 12 (might have had 13, but had no spotter)
185 x 9 (nice and slow to feel the burn after the PR set)
185 x 5 (close grip, my tris were blasted at this point)

Lat Pulldowns

147.5 x 13, 7, 5.

EZ Bar Curls

90 x 15. A bit of body english, but all time PR. And I haven't even done direct arm work lately, yay.

90 x 10. Extra strict.
Squats - 5/3/(1)

Squats - flat shoes

230 x 5 - no belt
260 x 3 - no belt
290 x 3 - belt, all time PR

I decided to be wacky today and squat in flat shoes. Noticed a couple of interesting things.

1) The weight almost felt heavier on my back, perhaps as a consequence of being comparatively less upright?

2) I wasn't GMing the weights as much as I did with oly shoes, at a guess because of the reduced depth inherent with more hamstring stretch at the bottom.

Not sure what this means, but I was pleased with the last set, felt tighter than 285 x 3 did the last go around.

Halting Squats

185 x 11 (all time PR, a little shaky)
185 x 6 + 3

Calf Raises in Leg Press

3 plates + 20 lbs per side for 13, 5, 2/15.
Great stuff Mike, especially so soon after that bug. I knew it wouldn't be long before you were repping with 300lb. 290 is just a stone's throw away now. Couple more cycles if things go well, I guess?? - bearing in mind 5/3/1 cycles are pretty short.

Q. Do you ever do parallel-squats? I had a go at them the other day and couldn't believe how much easier they were than full-squats with the same load. Instead of reasonably hard sets of 5 or 6, I could do sets of 10! Not so much of a quad workout compared to full-squats but, because I was able to do more reps, they really hammered my hams and adductors. I've avoided them for years (once I learned how to squat properly) but I can see they could be quite useful as an assistance exercise, perhaps instead of box-squats.
(Lol @ May 17 2009,11:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great stuff Mike, especially so soon after that bug. I knew it wouldn't be long before you were repping with 300lb. 290 is just a stone's throw away now. Couple more cycles if things go well, I guess?? - bearing in mind 5/3/1 cycles are pretty short.

Q. Do you ever do parallel-squats? I had a go at them the other day and couldn't believe how much easier they were than full-squats with the same load. Instead of reasonably hard sets of 5 or 6, I could do sets of 10! Not so much of a quad workout compared to full-squats but, because I was able to do more reps, they really hammered my hams and adductors. I've avoided them for years (once I learned how to squat properly) but I can see they could be quite useful as an assistance exercise, perhaps instead of box-squats.</div>
Weirdly you're the second person to ask me a variation of this question today. I haven't done reduced depth squats in forever, though back in my PL days, I went somewhat wide which had a similar effect I suppose (i.e. stopping at/near ferrealz parallel instead of substantially deeper).

At some point I need to do some video analysis of my form to see just how deep I'm going, and how much I could cut off to simply hit competition parallel. Might bump my numbers up a little.
Press - 5/3/(1)

Press - oly shoes

115 x 5 - no belt
130 x 3 - no belt
145 x 4 - belt (all time PR)

I had originally hoped for 145 x 5, which I realized would be quite ambitious, but even 4 reps @ 145 is an all time PR.  I got the 4th rep, which was a bit grindy at lockout, and actually attempted a 5th rep.  It paused hard at my forehead, though, so I killed it instead of trying to grind through it.

Bench - first reps paused

I might be lifting with a friend on Thursday, and decided to bench today as an accessory instead of dips as I'd like to dip/chin with him.

190 x 12 (all time PR)
190 x 8

Pullups (wide grip, chest up, chest to bar)

Me + 25 x 8, 5, 6 + 1

Bodyweight Chins

I actually did a set of 20 full ROM chins, going absolutely balls to the wall in terms of effort to see what my limit on this is. All time PR in terms of full ROM.

The last few reps I actually had to take a few breaths while hanging, but in that you are still actively fatiguing hanging from a bar, I'd count this as one set.
Today wasn't so awesome. However, I did manage to earn this...


Deadlifts/Bench - 5/3/(1)

Deadlifts - flat shoes

Warmed up to 370 for a set of...3. And the third rep wasn't particularly pretty. I just felt like **** in this today, I wanted 5, but didn't push past a breakdown in form.

Strength seems down a little from last cycle.


Warmed up to 237.5 x 3.5...could not lock out the 4th. Strength in this also seems down from last cycle.


A weird bright spot, managed me + 90 x 7 reps, all time PR.


A set of 245 x 15, all time PR, though mostly cause I hadn't pushed RDL's for reps in a long time.


Two sets of me + 90 x 7. First set felt shakey, second a bit better. This is alright, but not a PR.
Congratulations on your success in the Triple King Challenge, Mike.  That has to feel damn good, especially if a nap followed shortly thereafter.

Your chinning is amazing - BW+90 x 7 is just flat out fantastic.  Great work, yet again!
(_tim @ May 22 2009,11:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Congratulations on your success in the Triple King Challenge, Mike.  That has to feel damn good, especially if a nap followed shortly thereafter.

Your chinning is amazing - BW+90 x 7 is just flat out fantastic.  Great work, yet again!</div>
Thanks Tim

Deload week coming up. Afterwards, I may alter my routine a bit for the summer, in that I enjoy being lean/active during the beach months, and know what allows me to best preserve my strength in that context.
I took a video today of me warming up in deadlifts, as I wanted to see what my form looked like with &quot;real&quot; weights.

I tried two different methods, one setting up at the bottom, the other the top.  The form actually wound up looking remarkably similar between the two, so I think either are viable, though I'd have to do bottom to top using straps.

Here's a video at 335:


Note that the form here is pretty close to identical to what Rip advocates, imho.  My guess is some people are going to look at this and be like &quot;ZOMG UR STIFF LEGGING IT LOLNUB!&quot;  To meet Rip's criteria of scapulae/bar/midfoot, however, the hips need to be, to quote Rip, &quot;higher than you think they should be.&quot;

All of that said, if you watch the video carefully, the bar has to deviate back slightly towards me, which implies the bar is forward of midfoot, which could only really happen if the hips are too low and/or I'm not flexible enough.  The problem here is that I start to borderline lose extension at much higher of a hip height (due to comparatively greater stretch on hamstrings), so there's a tradeoff of safety vs. mechanical inefficiency.
I don't have Rip's SS DVD so they could show different forms there, but from what I have seen in videos floating around of Rip coaching the dead, usually just before the start of the pull, the lifter's hip lowers slightly and he uses some sort of hip drive to help break the bar from the ground.
Of course that is not to say your form is wrong but you might be able to pull more weight if you use the hip thing to your advantage.
(electric @ May 29 2009,10:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't have Rip's SS DVD so they could show different forms there, but from what I have seen in videos floating around of Rip coaching the dead, usually just before the start of the pull, the lifter's hip lowers slightly and he uses some sort of hip drive to help break the bar from the ground.
Of course that is not to say your form is wrong but you might be able to pull more weight if you use the hip thing to your advantage.</div>
The hip drive thing is a cue in the squat, not the deadlift.  Rip generally talks about the quads breaking the bar off the floor in the pull.

In the pull, Rip advocates getting your hips set to the right height before initiating the pull. Here's one of his longest posts about the subject:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The problem is your start position. The bar is in front of where it needs to be in order for you to efficient off the floor. On the second rep the bar clearly moves forward at the start of the pull, from a position that was already forward of the mid-foot. Here is our method that we teach every weekend:

1. Take your stance, feet a little closer than you think it needs to be and with your toes out more than you like. Your shins should be about one inch from the bar, no more. This places the bar over the mid-foot (not the mid-instep).

2. Take your grip on the bar, leaving your hips up. DO NOT MOVE THE BAR.

3. Drop your knees forward and out until your shins touch the bar. DO NOT MOVE THE BAR.

4. Hard part: squeeze your chest up as hard as you can. DO NOT MOVE THE BAR. This establishes a &quot;wave&quot; of extension that goes all the way down to the lumbar, and sets the back angle from the top down. DO NOT LOWER YOUR HIPS - LIFT THE CHEST TO SET THE BACK ANGLE.

5. Squeeze the bar off the floor and drag it up your legs in contact with your skin/sweats until lit locks out at the top. If you have done the above sequence precisely as described, the bar will come off the ground in a perfectly vertical path. All the slack will have come out of the arms and hamstrings in step 4, the bar will not jerk off the ground, and your back will be in good extension. You will perceive that your hips are too high, but if you have completed step 4 correctly, the scapulas, bar, and mid-foot will be in vertical alignment and the pull will be perfect. The pull will seem &quot;shorter&quot; this way.

Try this during your warmups next time and let me know what you think.</div>
It's worth pointing out here that it's totally possible my understanding of Rip's advice is in error, and I actually submitted that video to him to check on his opinion.

That said, look at the above text.  In theory, once the bar is over midfoot and the shins have been shoved forward into the bar, making contact with them, you have (largely) established your hip position in the lift for the most mechanically efficient pull.  Which is a fairly high hipped position, imho, as one can see on the actual Starting Strength DVD.

I took some stills from the video, the one on the left being me before starting the &quot;wave of extension,&quot; and the latter after I have &quot;raised my chest without dropping my hips&quot; immediately before the bar breaks from the floor.


The &quot;without dropping your hips&quot; thing is huge, because if you drop your hips appreciably besides just arching your back, in order for the bar to stay in contact with your shins, you would push it forward away from midfoot.  Hence my comment about needing to either A) get more flexible or B) start in an even HIGHER hip position to have the bar not travel horizontally back towards me.

As far as I can tell, I'm following his directions as well as I possibly can in terms of arching my back without appreciably dipping my hips.  Stated differently, I'm not sure how I could possibly achieve a lower hip position in the pull without pushing the bar forward away from midfoot.
First day back on my &quot;new&quot; routine, which is strikingly similar to the first one in this log.  Best way I know to both gain and maintain strength, particularly in the short term, so I'll go with what I know.

High Bar Squats + Low Bar Squats

Warmed up to 225 for 2 sets of 5 in high bar wearing a loose belt.  RPE = ~8-9.  Felt more difficult than it should have, but I haven't done &gt; 3 reps in almost 3 weeks in squats, so I'm probably a bit deconditioned.

Backoff set of 155 x 15 in low bar, no belt.  Jesus was this tiring, albeit not &quot;hard.&quot;

Dips + Bench

Warmed up to 2 sets of me + 80 for 5 reps.  RPE = ~7-8.

Backoff set of 155 for 15, first rep paused in bench. Slightly wider than usual, felt it more in my chest.


Warmed up to me + 65 for 2 sets of 5.  RPE = ~7-8.

Backoff set of me for a set of 15 reps.