200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

they are similar to the Anderson Squats?

Deadlift is good for a skinny boy, just think what it would be like when you are man sized
(Aaron_F @ Jul. 08 2009,3:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">they are similar to the Anderson Squats?

Deadlift is good for a skinny boy, just think what it would be like when you are man sized</div>
I snagged a video of what these look like:


Probably a hair above parallel, and I realized I wasn't deloading long enough between reps.
Fun training day.  My ADD tendencies do well with an element of randomness to my training.

Bench (first reps paused)

Warmups went something like:

135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1,1
235 x 4

I was initially using my &quot;usual&quot; grip, with pinky fingers just inside the rings, but I felt a little slow.  On a hunch, I tried a bit closer grip spacing, as it's more similar to the width of dips I've been hammering lately.  Sure enough, it felt much faster.

I actually benched alone at home, and figured I'd maybe do a set of 3 or something with 235.  The first (paused) felt really easy, so I decided I'd definitely do at least two.  Second felt easy.  Okay, three.  Third felt pretty easy still.  Four?

I did four reps, and kind of wish I had a spotter, as there's a chance I could have actually gotten 5 reps @ 235, which would be an all time record.  I didn't want to risk this alone though, so oh well.

Almost Floor Press in a Rack

Not sure what the hell to call this, but I'm a big fan.

I did these a bit differently today.  I noticed a lot of people floor pressed with straight legs - presumably to eliminate any potential leg drive.  So I did this - felt a little harder.

I also made my grip pretty narrow to get as much ROM as possible.  A thumb's distance away from the smooth on either side.

Sets went like this:

225 x 5
235 x 5
245 x 5
255 x 4

5 MIGHT have been possible on the last set, but I didn't want to risk failure, which will be a theme on &quot;intensity&quot; days, I think.


Me x 5
Me + 25 x 5
Me + 45 x 6

I did all of these quite strictly, depressing my shoulder blades while keeping the chest high on every rep.   Versus, say, just trying to get my chin over the bar.

Shrugs with a Deadlift Bar

150 x 15
170 x 15

Didn't go too heavy here, just trying to get a feel for shrugs with this.  Still burned like crazy, so I assume it was working.
(Aaron_F @ Jul. 10 2009,10:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How are the trannies?</div>
Man, you just cursed me. He just messaged again to show me his &quot;tits.&quot; :\
Pretty good squat day today.

Squats - low bar, flat shoes

135 x a few (band)
185 x a few (band)
205 x 1 (band)
225 x 1 (no band)
245 x 1 (no band)
265 x 1 (no band)
285 x 1 (belt)
305 x 1 (belt)
315 x 2 (belt) - all time PR in this style.

The flat shoes seem to help me avoid GMing the weights, which is good.  The only rep where I very clearly lost extension was the second rep of 315, but in as much as this is an all time PR in this style (just outside of shoulder width and retard deep), I'll forgive myself.

Widowmaker Squats - high bar, flat shoes

I really like the cue of &quot;sit on your heels&quot; and &quot;chest up&quot; for high bar squats.  Makes it feel very natural.

Backoff set of 185 x 20 done with a belt, high bar.  Yeeeeeouch.  Tiring.  Never widowmaker'd this before with high bar, so also technically an all time PR.

Leg Extensions

75 for a set of 20 with a long pause on the last rep at the top.  Also ouch.
Pretty good strength today.

Press - flat shoes + belt on work sets

bar x a few
95 x broken light - lol oops :-x
115 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3 (captured video, but useless angle)
145 x 3 (captured video, shitty angle, but you can see lockout - see below)
145 x 2 (ran out of juice)


As is evident in the video above, I am not getting under the bar well enough at heavy weights.  I suspect this is a consequence of it being heavy for me, though.

Also not sure what's up with my overhead press strength.  This always feels weirdly hard in my basement for reasons unknown.


Me + 115 x 4 - all time PR.  This is ~270 x 4, which is good stuff.

Burnout set after heavy set of dips - me + 70 x 10.  Also an all time PR.


Me + 115 x 5.  I actually caught this on video.  Not the best angle in the world, but my form looks good, so I'll take it.


Burnout set AFTER the burnout sets of chins - me + 70 x 10.  I could do more fresh but I was pretty wiped by this point.  I actually captured a video of this but I'm not going to post it since I feel like I can do better
Tough day.  Strength okay-ish.


135 x a few
225 x a few
275 x a couple
315 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1 (first set using a belt)
405 x 1 (belt)
315 x 9 (sumo)

I decided I wanted to feel 405 again, and had in my head to do more than one rep.  The first rep was pretty slow, though I don't think it was too heinous in respect to losing extension (I'm sure I did to some degree, nature of the beast and all).  However, in starting the second rep, I was positive I was going to lose extension, and while I probably could have brute strength/roundbacked this up, I decided not to.  Wisdom with age or fear of greatness?  You be the judge.

The backoff set of sumo was...awkward.  It felt like I wasn't maintaining hard extension super awesomely, but not attempting to retard arch felt really natural.  Dunno, stopped myself at 9 to avoid form going to ****.

Bottom Position Rack Squats - below parallel, no belt

Good ******* night were these tough.  I put these a notch below the previous video, and I definitely felt the difference.

bar x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
185 x 5 (really hard, I knew I was in trouble)
205 x 5

205 felt painfully difficult.  I had to take several deep breaths between every single rep just to make it through the set, and the last rep I was fighting my ability to maintain extension.  Probably exacerbated by all the deadlifting beforehand, but oh well.

I also noticed something kind of interesting.  My strongest position at the bottom this deep was definitely a little more knees forward position than a notch higher in the rack.  I suspect that, when going appreciably below parallel, being too bent over / sitting too far back is actually a detriment.
Solid upper body session despite lack of sleep and stress levels high with a group research review paper due tomorrow :-x

Bench (first reps paused)

135 x a few
185 x a few
205 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 3,3,3

3 x 3 @ 245 ties an all time best for me in this lift, and given that I did this at home on my somewhat unstable, kind of shitty bench, I could probably argue it represents a level of strength possibly greater than I've ever displayed, and at a lower bodyweight (low 160's). Not too shabby.

Floor Press - legs flat

225 x a few
245 x a few
255 x 5

Added a rep from last week. I moved my grip out just slightly, but I'll still take an improvement. This is weirdly harder with my legs completely flat on the ground, kind of wacky.


Like that name?

Me x 5
Me + 45 x 3
Me + 55 x 5 (overhand, pullups), 5 deep breaths, me + 55 x 5 (underhand, chins)

I thought this would be an interesting experiment. I took the 5 deep breaths simply to regain my breath for a second between mini-sets, and aimed at matching my reps with the chins. This felt pretty intense, i like it.

T-bar rows

I managed to do a weird form of t-bar rows in the low cable pulley in my rack that actually felt pretty good.

Last pretty blasted after the pullchins (lol @ that name), so I did sets of 80 x 15 and 100 x 10. Given the enormous amount of friction on my pulley, this weight scale translates to approximately nothing, but it's still interesting enough.
****.  Okay strength today, I guess, but I shot for glory and burned for drifting too near the sun...

Squats - low bar

135 x a few (band)
185 x a couple (band)
205 x 1 (band)
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
285 x 1 (belt)
300 x 1 (belt)
275 x 5 or 6 (belt).  Let's call it 5 to be safe, but I literally lost count :-x

These were...okay.  I stopped myself once I noticeably started losing extension.  Versus allowing myself to substantially roundback/GM it up.

Squats - widowmaker, high bar, belt

This is where I really crashed and burned.

Not sure what possessed me to try 205 for a set of 20, I guess because 185 x 20 wasn't THAT bad last week.

Anyways, I made it up to 18 before stopping myself.  Why?  I started roundbacking it up an uncomfortable amount.

If I were Dr. Ken, I might have sucked it up and went for those final two, but I really don't like continuing a set when I'm clearly violating my own rules for form, i.e. a substantial loss of extension on the way up.

I will give this another go in a couple of weeks, perhaps.  Technically speaking, 205 x 18 is still a PR by a mile for me, so I guess I should be happy.  BUT I WANTED 20, DAMMIT.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Me x 50 per leg.  All the way down, momentary pause, back up.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouch!  GLUTES ON FIRE 8(
Mikey, some great lifts going on here. Congrats on the multiple PRs. I hate you!

For your widowmaker squat set, I'm guessing 205 is between 60% and 65% of your 1RM. So, seeing you are doing this following some heavy squats, are you doing the whole set in one continuous effort or are you taking some breathing breaks and doing it in myo-rep fashion, ie. once you get close to failure, taking a few deep breaths and then knocking out two or three more reps, etc. until you hit 20?
(Lol @ Jul. 19 2009,9:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Mikey, some great lifts going on here. Congrats on the multiple PRs. I hate you!

For your widowmaker squat set, I'm guessing 205 is between 60% and 65% of your 1RM. So, seeing you are doing this following some heavy squats, are you doing the whole set in one continuous effort or are you taking some breathing breaks and doing it in myo-rep fashion, ie. once you get close to failure, taking a few deep breaths and then knocking out two or three more reps, etc. until you hit 20?</div>
I follow the old time standard of &quot;breathing 20 rep squats&quot; where I &quot;take as long as I feel like as long as the bar stays on my back.&quot; I don't really count between reps, but by the end, I am sucking in a whole lot of breaths between reps.

Here's maybe my favorite video example of a (natural) dude doing this style of high rep squat. Brutal, awesome ****.

My goal is to get up to 225 like this in the short to medium term for a set of 20. 315 is just unimaginable for me at this point, but one day, dammit.

And don't hate...love!
Yeah, great vid. Bastionhead is already on my list of YouTube faves. He's a nut. It's always fun to watch someone else drive themselves really hard. Hmm... Is that a bit odd?! Schadenfreude, I guess.  

225 for 20 will be a great achievement.
Pretty solid training day.  I am cautiously pleased.


Bar x a few
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3,3,3 (oly shoes on the first + belt, barefoot + belt on the latter two).

Wound up getting that third set for three this week.  I.e. added a rep from last week - hey, that's still progress, right?

I played with oly shoes and degree of leanback today.  My findings:

* I wasn't really leaning as far back as I thought I was, increasing this helped a little.

* Flat or no shoes really does seem to irritate my back less than oly shoes.


I decided to match the set/rep scheme I did in overhead press today.

In this case, I wound up doing me + 115 for 3 sets of 3.  This is an all time PR at this weight (~280 lbs).


Warmed up to my ~5 RM for a paused single, then a set of 10 @ me + 75.  This is also an all time PR, I believe.

Cable T-Bar Rows

100 x 12.
Solid deadlift day.


I started off by working on my &quot;dynamic&quot; start on these.  I.e. setting my back and pulling as one sort of continuous motion.  I feel a bit stronger this way than Rippetoe's method of setup, and if I ever compete again, this will be how I pull.

135 x a few
225 x a couple
275 x 2
315 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1 (belt)
405 x 1 (belt)
365 x 6 (belt, straps)

405 for a single felt as tight as 405 ever has.  I.e. the &quot;cleanest&quot; single of 405 I've ever done,.

The backoff set of 365 was also reasonably solid.  5 continuous reps, a few breaths, then a 6th rep.  Tried to match a friend who recently got this as a PR - competition is healthy


I will call this an SLDL, in the sense that my back was not super duper arched like an RDL.  By the end I was starting to flex a bit, so I stopped.

275 x 12 - an extra rep, if you count deadlifting it off the ground in the first place.  This might be an all time PR.

Situps + Ab Machine

A set of 15 situps done on a decline bench with a 25 lb plate held to my chest, a set of 150 for 5 on this kind of weird but decent feeling ab machine where you have your arms straight out in front of you, and a set of 110 for 13 on the same machine.
Jesus, back and hammies already sore, and it's not even the next day yet (well, technically it is, but you know what I mean).
Yep - if you hurt now, Day 2 is gonna be wicked. Nicely done, Mike - those were some monster SLDL's.
(_tim @ Jul. 23 2009,11:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yep - if you hurt now, Day 2 is gonna be wicked.  Nicely done, Mike - those were some monster SLDL's.</div>
Really? I kind of figured pulling 365 for a set of 6 was more impressive than SLDLing 275 for a set of 12. I wonder what the &quot;exchange rate&quot; is between the two...