200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

Deadlifts - flat shoes, alternate grip, no belt, no reset between reps

Warmed up to 3 sets of 320 for 5.  RPE = ~8-9.

This actually felt less awkward the 2nd and 3rd set - perhaps I will get my groove back in alternate grip.

Squats - high bar, flat shoes

Did a light set of this after deads, 165 x 15.  Wasn't easy after all the deadlifting.

Dips + Bench

Dips - Me + 85 for 2 sets of 5.  RPE = 8.


Me + 70 for 2 sets of 5.  RPE = 9, dips are totally zapping my lat/chins strength.  Weird/interesting.

Backoff set of me + 2.5 (with the belt, this is like another 5 lbs) for a set of 15.
Rip commented on my deadlift form...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My standard approach is in fact from the top down, so these look essentially perfect to me.</div>

Mikey, any particular reason why have you recently started recording RPE? Are you basing your RPE numbers on the last rep or the general feel of the whole set? Would a '10' be classed as taking a set to MMF?

(Apologies if you've explained this already and I've missed it.)
(Lol @ Jun. 03 2009,9:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Mikey, any particular reason why have you recently started recording RPE? Are you basing your RPE numbers on the last rep or the general feel of the whole set? Would a '10' be classed as taking a set to MMF?

(Apologies if you've explained this already and I've missed it.)</div>
Started recording it because I read Tuscherer's RTS manual recently, and it just seems like a variable worth tracking.
RPE scale according to Tuscherer is something like

10 = True failure, enough to make Arthur Jones proud
9 = ~1 rep shy of failure
8 = ~2-4 reps shy of failure
7 = speed weight

My guess is 8-9 is probably the place to be, according to the above scale. I think I have a tendency to push too far into 9-10 too often.
(mikeynov @ Jun. 03 2009,9:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Rip commented on my deadlift form...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My standard approach is in fact from the top down, so these look essentially perfect to me.</div>

I see Rip agrees with my expert assessment.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For what its worth, I think your deadlift form is damn near perfection in the second photo above.  Nice tight pulling.</div>
Squats - oly shoes, loose belt on work sets

Warmed up to 230 for 2 sets of 5 in high bar.  RPE = ~9.  These seem a little prematurely tough, also hip shifty, though I noticed my bodyweight is down a bit.

Backoff set of 165 x 15 in low bar (no belt).

Chins + Pullups

I started with these first today, and sure enough, they felt easier.

Me + 75 for 2 sets of 5 reps.  RPE = ~8.

Backoff set of me x 15 in pullups, possible all time PR?

Dips + Press

2 sets of me + 90 x 5.  RPE = ~8.

Backoff set of Press @ 95 x 12.  After the pullups, these were very tiring, my shoulders fry out fast for reps.
High Bar Squats + Low Bar Squats - oly shoes, loose belt on 5's

Warmed up to 235 for 2 sets of 5 in high bar.  I felt my abs bracing strongly against the belt in the bottom, which as a consequence seemed to noticeably help hip drive.  RPE ~8-9, easier than last time.

Backoff set of 175 x 15 done low bar.  Tiring, but not too bad.


Me + 80 for 2 sets of 5 reps.  RPE ~8.

Backoff set of me + 10 x 15.

Dips + Bench

I was an idiot and didn't warm up on this.

As a consequence, my first set of 5 @ me + 95 was actually very noticeably hurting my left shoulder, pinchy pain in front.  Possibly biceps tendon?  I've had this in the past sometimes, I really need to warm up before just strapping on a bunch of weight.  Also need to stretch consistently after presses.

Second set of 5 didn't noticeably hurt at all, which is good. RPE for these was maybe ~9, possibly as a consequence of pain inhibition.

Backoff set of 165 x 15, first rep paused in bench.
Hey Mikey, love warmups, love your shoulders... or they'll end up like mine!
Bootleg workout at my school's gym, today.  Also ignored lol's advice about warming up on a pushing exercise due to time constraints (i.e. I lifted between lab and lecture in gross anatomy).

Deadlifts - flat shoes, alternate grip, no belt

Warmed up to 325 for 3 sets of 5.  This actually went pretty well, though last set was pretty tough, as I wasn't waiting a whole hell of a lot of time between sets.

Press - BB + DB

Awkwardly cleaned 135 and pressed it for 5 weird reps.  I should have warmed up.  I didn't hurt anything, it just felt awkward as hell.

Backoff set of 45s for 8 in dumbbells.

Pendlay Rows

185 for a terrible set of 5.  Had no groove on this, doing it out of context (many many months since I've last done these).  Backed off to a more manageable 145 for a set of 10.
Squats - oly shoes

Worked up to 240 for 2 sets of 5 in high bar squats using a belt.  RPE = ~9.

Backoff set of 185 x 15 in low bar squats, no belt.

Chins + Pullups

2 sets of me + 85 x 5 reps.  RPE ~9.

Backoff set of me + 2.5 in double overhand pullups for 15 reps.

Dips + Bench

I actually warmed up (me, me + 45) to me + 100 for 2 sets of 5 in dips, which felt several fold better than last time, no shoulder pain.  RPE maybe ~9, just under?  Note to self: warm up like this every time, stupid.

Backoff set of bench @ 170 for 14, slightly narrower grip than last time.
Squats - oly shoes

Worked up to 242.5 for 2 sets of 5 in high bar squats wearing a loose belt.  I think I might have accidentally did 6 reps on my 2nd set.

Did another set of 5 in low bar, which felt a bit awkward, specifically in terms of not GMing the weight up, which probably isn't a huge surprise.

RPE throughout ~9.


3 sets of me + 87.5 x 5 reps. RPE = ~9.


Warmed up to me + 102.5 for 3 sets of 5 reps.  I've wanted to take a video of my form on this for a while, and snagged one today on my 2nd set:


Form/ROM looks pretty solid to me, I have no major complaints with myself

First two sets were RPE ~9, last set was getting closer to true failure.
I'm always blown away when I watch your vids Mikey. Nothing different here. Awesome form and excellent ROM for those dips. Your tris are looking insane too.

Interesting piece of apparatus you're using. I think I've seen it advertised but never thought it would be up to the job for heavy dipping.
(mikeynov @ Jun. 14 2009,5:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dips

Warmed up to me + 102.5 for 3 sets of 5 reps.  I've wanted to take a video of my form on this for a while, and snagged one today on my 2nd set:


Form/ROM looks pretty solid to me, I have no major complaints with myself
Hahaha Mikey, you make those plates look like they are made of foam. Great dipping!
Deadlifts - flat shoes + belt on work sets

Did these at school during my lunch break between Gross Anatomy lecture and lab.

Warmed up to 335 for 3 sets of 5.  This actually felt easier than 325 for 3 sets of 5 felt beltless last time.  RPE = ~8 on the first two sets, maybe ~9 on the last?

Press - oly shoes + belt on work set

Warmed up to 135 for a repeat performance of 5.  RPE = 10...i.e. my last rep was a true failure rep.  I swear lifting in my basement makes **** feel heavier...I don't get why.  Universal across almost all lifts. I should test my strength next week somewhere else to see if I'm just paranoid.

Anyways, excuses aside, I'm not sure why my overhead press took such a nosedive, lack of practice I guess.  Options going from here are to go back to a 5/3/1 format ala Wendler, which had me hitting lots of PR's, or try the default Texas method recommendation of doing heavy/low volume work ala 3 x 3 or something.

Barbell Rows

I got a much better groove on this today.

Warmed up to 145 for a set of 8, then decided to rep it out for my second set, and got 15, taking a few breaths between the last few reps.
Squats - oly shoes, no belt

Warmed up to 185 for 2 sets x 10 done high bar, 1 set x 10 done low bar.

RPE = ~8 throughout the sets, towards the low end, if 8 = ~2-4 reps to spare.

Bench - first reps paused

Warmed up to 3 sets of 185 x 10.  RPE = 8, 8.5, and ~9 respectively across the three sets.


3 sets of me + 5 x 10.  RPE = ~8-9.

EZ Bar Curls

Threw in a set of curls for the girls...

95 x 12. I use a little body english towards the end - sue me.
Squats - oly shoes + belt on work sets

Warmed up to 245 for 2 sets of 5 high bar, 1 set of 5 low bar.  RPE = ~8.5, 9.5, and 8 respectively.

Low bar felt significantly easier today, possibly as a consequence of allowing myself to lean forward a little more to put my hips into a better position.  I seemed to GM it less doing so than trying to stay too upright.


Warmed up to me + 90 for 3 sets of 5.  RPE = ~8.5, 9, and 9.5 respectively across sets.


Warmed up to me + 105 for 3 sets of 5.  RPE = ~9, 9.5, and 9.5 respectively.

Floor Skullcrushers

Not sure what else to call these, basically skullcrushers but the bar is lowered to RIGHT behind the head, dead stop at the floor each time. I rather like the lift.

70 x 13 on this, momentary pause on floor before each lift.
(mikeynov @ Jun. 21 2009,4:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">[
Floor Skullcrushers

Not sure what else to call these, basically skullcrushers but the bar is lowered to RIGHT behind the head, dead stop at the floor each time.  I rather like the lift.</div>
I've got a buddy that calls these Dead Skulls, because they are like deadlifts for skullcrushers. It makes sense ....

I think they are a great exercise, too.
Deadlifts - flat shoes + loose belt on work sets

Warmed up to 340 for 3 sets of 5. RPE = ~9 across the sets. This might be the most weight I've used for 3 sets of 5 across?


Warmed up to 135 for 3 sets of 5. RPE = ~9.5 across or so, pretty ******* hard. Still, an improvement over a single set of 5.

Pendlay Rows

Warmed up to 145 for 2 sets of 12.
I'm sick...again.  Third cold in 6 months?  Pretty lame.  Didn't stop me from training, and my training actually went reasonably well.

Squats - oly shoes

Warmed up to 190 for a couple of sets of 10 done high bar, one low bar.  I recorded the first (high bar) and third (low bar) sets.  Unfortunately, I did not have access to a good digital camera, so the video is pretty shitty.

Still, I think the form is overall okay.  Rip would object to my knees traveling forward towards the bottom, but this seems pretty common in oly shoes and for people who go real low, and I'm doing both.


RPE probably ~8 tops for all the sets, in that if I took a few breaths, I could easily have cranked out a buncch more.


Warmed up to 187.5 for a set of 10, first rep paused.  This was way too easy, an RPE of like 7.5 or something, so I upped it to 190 for the remaining two sets.  RPE at probably ~8 and 9 for the last two sets.


Me + 10 for 3 sets of 10.  RPE ~8, 9, and 9, maybe.