2016 Log

Heavy clusters day

110.3 normal Wednesday overnight bump. Implemented some small changes and have some sugars to cut out but scale and mirror seem generally ok at the moment.

10min wake-up walk

DL, clustered doubles; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120. 1 x1-170. 10 x2-220. Natural closer-V and lowered the belt. Focused in on my slack pull and counter-balance for the break, found a great rhythm.

Bench, index on rings, clustered doubles; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120. 9 x2-122.5.

SG axle hypers, #7 50deg, clustered 60s apart; 4 x10-90. Great pump and felt good everywhere. Better than when supersetting them.

GHD-style sit-ups, plate behind head; 2 x10-bw+15kg.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume day


Skipped walk due to time constraints

Belt squats, oly shoes, knees out; 3 x15-100. Stood behind the plates and used a close feet stance. Kind of like my HBBS. Felt good, need to try and remember this next week.

Bench, pinkies on rings, 2ct pause; 3 x8-90. Right shoulder is shitty from bad sleeping position for a few nights running.
Pull-ups; 3 x10-bw.
Step ups, oly shoes, quad emphasis; 3 x15-bw.
Giant set.

Seated DL, box+8mats; 3 x12-170.

Nordic negatives; 3 x12-green band.

Cut short

Deficit push-ups;
Inverted rows;

Daily walks
1 x30min

Grenade pull-ups; 10 x2-bw.
Inverted rows; 3 x15-bw.
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Rest day

109.9 carb and ramen refeed. Won’t be rucking the vest today.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Rest day

111.0 heavy food in the gut. Should be much lower tomorrow and definitely by Tuesday.

Daily walks

High NEAT day
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DL and bench day

110.7 woke up feeling hungry, a good sign for this number moving forward. Plenty of fibre yesterday. Focusing a little more on the mirror and clothes-fit than just this, at least for now.

Right hip inflamed-flexor feeling overly tight.

5min wake-up march

DL to heavy single; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 240. Hip was significantly limiting my ability to do much with a toes out stance. I struggled to keep my weight behind the bar and lost counter-balancing as a result.Moved to hip width || and just muscled it up. Skipped back offs today. Too much time burned already.

Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 140. Deeper than last year and an easier rep than last week but not quite back to a proper touch yet.
Back offs; 2 x120@8, 7.5. The 2nd had a much improved setup.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 4 x4-bw+30kg @8, @8.5, @9, @10. Didn’t quite groove the last set properly. Still, strongest yet at this load.

DL back offs, V stance; 1 x1-170. 4 x1-220. Much better.

Nordic negatives; 2 x12-green band assisted.
Hanging leg raises, full ROM; 2 x15-bw. These felt great on the hip, I’ll make sure to do more of them.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Reflection - the heavy volume/clusters day is kicking my arse for recovery and I don’t think will pay results. Going to adjust back to higher frequency of heavy work.
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DL and accessories day


10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy single, close || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120. 1 x1-170, 220, 230@8ish. It’s been a minute since I pulled with high frequency. I’m going to give it another shot and see where I land. The challenge will be staying within myself on days 2 and 4.

Larsen press, paused; 1 x10-70. 3 x3-110. 2nd and 3rd set of these felt really strong. Training myself to stay compact at the lift off and touch lower given my arm length.
SG Turtleshell rows, DL stance; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-120. Really solid reps. Will build into the 8-rep space and then very slowly increment through 5-8 double progression.

Vest circuit;
Pull-ups; 3 x5-bw+15kgs.
Deficit CG push-ups, bottom pause; 3 x5-bw+15kgs.
GHD-style sit-ups; 3 x10-bw+15kgs.
Giant set.

Step ups, low box with quad emphasis, alternating, short break; 1 x15-bw.

BB curls; 2 x10-50. More power curl-esque with a forward lean.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x20-purple band.
Need something better here. It’s my weak point right now.
Neck extensions; 2 x25-25kg.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Heavy volume day

109.5 feeling a bit better all around in terms of the hip, fatigue etc.

10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy single; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120. 3 x1-170. 1 x1-220, 230, 240, 250@9. Started with || then went to a more extreme V. Not sure if that’s sustainable but I struggle to keep weight behind the bar with knees going forward. Something to keep chipping away at. V-stance is just so explosive too. I spent too much time on this, a bit of fuckarounditis. I’ll fix it next time.

Bench, index on rings, heavy doubles; 1 x10-70. 3 x2-130@9, @8.5, @9.5.

Seated DLs, box+12 mats; 4 x3-250.
Will add the extra set back in next week. Wasn’t pushing the work rate on these.

SG axle hypers, 50deg #7, short breaks; 4 x10-90. Great pump and has me feeling refreshed, oddly. Being disciplined and leaving at 4 sets, given more pulling tomorrow.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Volume day

109.9 big salt and vege load yesterday, all good. Hip feeling tight again after the extreme V stance yesterday. Looks like I’ll need to work on || for a bit.

10min wake-up walk

Hanging leg raises; 1 x10-bw.

DL to heavy triple, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x3-220. Fairly easy. I need to stay with high hips and round back. The more upright and lower hips I go, the worse it is for sure.

Shrugs, figure-8 straps; 3 x15-170.

Belt squats, flats, wide stance; 2 x15-100. Had a slightly higher belt position and pushed into it like a pendulum or hip-drive and it felt good. I’ll see how the irritation handles it but this could be the way forward for now.

3-2-0 tempo bench, index on rings; 2 x10-70.
SG Turtleshell rows, DL positioning; 2 x10-100.
GHD style sit-ups; 2 x20-bw. Brief hold/pause at the bottom.
Giant set.

Nordic negatives; 3 x10-green band assisted. Found a good groove today. I’ve been moving away from the band hand position, so it really kicks in where I need it and let’s me load the knee end of the hamstrings to through a greater ROM.

Chin-ups; 3 x10-bw.
Band pressdowns; 3 x10-green+purple band.

Really enjoyed this session. Moderating Lowe body volume with the 4x a week pulling.

SSB GMs need a place and Monday looks like it has the most room.

Daily walks
3 x15min
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DL and bench day

109.9 lots of vege fibre and salt bloat right now. Should be down a bit by Wednesday morning.

10min wake-up walk

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.

DL to heavy single, extreme-V; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x1-220, 240, 260. Struggled to do this comfortably.
Back offs, || stance; 2 x2-220. This stance felt much better on my hip.

Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 140-FAIL. Didn’t have the confidence and should’ve re-racked. Bar path was bad, arms out of place. Lowered it into the pause and then deflated onto the pins. Live and learn.
Back offs; 2 x2-120@8, 7.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x4-bw+30kg@8.5, 1 x2-bw+40kg@10. 2 x3-bw+30kg@9.5, @9.

Nordic negatives; 3 x10-green band. These are very on and off. It’s difficult to match the setup week to week and I’m thinking I may drop them and try to rig up a leg curl using the belt squat arm.

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.

Too many fatigue triggers I’m on the weekend, from Friday evening, for me to continue the high frequency pulling. I was a bit slow today, wasted a lot of time getting the 260.

Did everything before the 260 in heels and kind of liked it, will give it another crack on Thursday. Things felt a bit less stiff.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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DL and accessories


Slept through alarm by half hour so cut the warm up short.

DL to heavy single, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 240. The first attempt was to squat like and wen nowhere. Got the bar in front and hips high for the second and it moved fine. Obviously fatigued but fine all the same.

Going back to twice a week pulling is probably still better for me. Just felt like testing this stance out again. Felt a lot better.

Larsen bench, index on rings, 2ct pause; 1 x5-70. 2 x5-100.
Bent over rows, pinkies on rings; 3 x8-120.
Extra set back in next week.

Vest circuit;
Pull-ups; 3 x5-bw+15kgs.
Deficit push-ups; 3 x8-bw+15kgs.
GHD-style sit-ups; 3 x15-bw+15kgs.
Giant set.
As above, the usual 4th set comes back next week.

Hatfield SSB reverse lunges, alternating; 2 x5-32kgs (empty bar). Just a starting point to reintroduce the general pattern. Felt good. Will push these into a proper lift on Friday.

BB curls; 2 x10-50.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x20-purple band.
Neck extensions; 2 x25-25kgs.
Giant set.

Under the weather and short on time but more or less got it done, can’t be too unhappy with that.

Daily walks
1 x30min

Chin-ups, 15-30s breaks; 10 x3-bw. Little density work to try and build work up capacity in the biceps again.
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Heavy volume day


10 min wake-up walk

DL, || stance, pull-in slack-pull, clustered doubles; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 1 x1-220. 3 x2-240. All of these were @9. Focused a lot on getting the positioning right rather than break speed. Allowed stance width to be dictated by hip comfort.

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 2 x3-120@9, 8.5, @9. Continuing to find out that squeezing the scaps together/inwards fucks me up. Bringing them down and then compressing against the bar appears to give me a better press and a happier set of shoulders.

Power rows, mid-wide grip; 4 x5-150. 2 sets from the floor like a Pendlay start, 2 sets like a BB row. Not sure which I prefer yet.
Supersetted. Extra set comes back next week.

Axle hypers, #7 50deg, density sets; 4 x11-90.

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Daily walks
3 x15min
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Accessories day - lower focus

109.7 - food volume was up yesterday. Should be closer to 108s against tomorrow morning.

10min wake-up walk

SSB GMs, beltless; 1 x10-82. 3 x10-102. Felt good. Going beltless for now until it adds something. Very conservative and controlled eccentric speed given the right hip issue.

SSB SQs, ATG; 3 x5-82. Using these almost as weighted mobility to try and out everything back where it should be. Not taxing from a workload point of view but I can take them there soon. Holding these for a long pause. The comfortable stance was a bit wider than usual but I’m going with what works best.

CG bench, flat back, thumbs on knurling; 3 x11-70.

CG and regular chin-ups; 3 x11-bw. Not sure which grip width I prefer. CG is a bit more lat, regular more bicep. The variation might be better in considering overuse.

Zercher squats, oly shoes, knees out; 3 x5-70. Another starting point. Just taking everything through what it can handle initially and then I’ll build up reps as things improve. Doing these in the rack was annoying. Too difficult to find the right setup. Next week I’ll use my cambered squat bar and start from the ground up.
Giant set.

WG Inverted rows; 2 x20-bw.
Deficit Push-ups; 2 x15-bw.
GHD style sit-ups, pause at bottom; 2 x20-bw.
Giant set.

Axle hypers, #5 50deg; 2 x15, 1 x10-90. These are a much shorter ROM and have a lower back focus more than dynamic hamstrings or glutes. Need to work on consistency but they hit the spot. Possibly drop to 80kg, Will see if I have better capacity next week.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Ruck day

109.7 time to lower the fibre load. Creating a lot of discomfort and excess in the gut.

Daily walks
1 x60min +15kg vest
1 x30min +15kg vest
1 x30min
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DL and bench max day

111.1 some of that is salt bloat and just being carbed up but some is also laziness with diet etc. time to just focus and get that 4-5kg’s gone and then level out for a bit. Less sugars and maintaining activity required.

10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy single, hip || stance; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 1 x1-220, 240, 260kg fail. Just couldn’t find the right position.
Back offs; 1 x4-210, 170.

Need to remember to round that thoracic.

Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 130, 140kg fail. Misgrooved it forward off the chest. Worlds in front of last week, just became a hit excited to hit it. Should be better next week.
Back offs; 1 x4-120@8. Very solid set. With a bigger and stronger arch, I think my positioning will finally be set.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x5-bw+30@8.5. 1 x2.5-bw+40kg. 2 x4-bw+30kg@9.5, @9.5.
Tried using 3 plates to reach the 40kg and it sucked for the setup. Will just prepare properly next time with 2 x20s.

CG bench; 2 x12-70.
BB rows; 2 x10-120.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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