DL and bench day
110.7 woke up feeling hungry, a good sign for this number moving forward. Plenty of fibre yesterday. Focusing a little more on the mirror and clothes-fit than just this, at least for now.
Right hip inflamed-flexor feeling overly tight.
5min wake-up march
DL to heavy single; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 240. Hip was significantly limiting my ability to do much with a toes out stance. I struggled to keep my weight behind the bar and lost counter-balancing as a result.Moved to hip width || and just muscled it up. Skipped back offs today. Too much time burned already.
Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 140. Deeper than last year and an easier rep than last week but not quite back to a proper touch yet.
Back offs; 2 x120@8, 7.5. The 2nd had a much improved setup.
Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 4 x4-bw+30kg @8, @8.5, @9, @10. Didn’t quite groove the last set properly. Still, strongest yet at this load.
DL back offs, V stance; 1 x1-170. 4 x1-220. Much better.
Nordic negatives; 2 x12-green band assisted.
Hanging leg raises, full ROM; 2 x15-bw. These felt great on the hip, I’ll make sure to do more of them.
Daily walks
1 x30min
Reflection - the heavy volume/clusters day is kicking my arse for recovery and I don’t think will pay results. Going to adjust back to higher frequency of heavy work.