2016 Log

SBD is solid as well by all accounts. Their lever doesn’t need to be moved to adjust placement/hole used. Not cheap though.

Pioneer have an excellent reputation as well.

You wouldn’t order from them direct? Shipping wouldn’t be too bad I’d have thought.

I’ll have a bit of a look about And a think. Yeah I would happily order direct but so i’ll Have a bit of a think

Pioneer aren’t on the IPF approved list.... this is he ballache of competing in an IPF affiliated federation

SBD looks nice I just don’t know if it’s worth that hefty price tag

Really like the look of he Titan Brahma buckle belt ala Bryce Krawcyk. I’m in no rush I have a good belt I just think I would be better served by a 13mm rather than 10
I’ll have a bit of a look about And a think. Yeah I would happily order direct but so i’ll Have a bit of a think

Pioneer aren’t on the IPF approved list.... this is he ballache of competing in an IPF affiliated federation

SBD looks nice I just don’t know if it’s worth that hefty price tag

Really like the look of he Titan Brahma buckle belt ala Bryce Krawcyk. I’m in no rush I have a good belt I just think I would be better served by a 13mm rather than 10

I would go and YouTube Layne’s video about his belt issues that ends with him endorsing Iron Tanks.

He covers the issues he had with Titan, which was enough to put me off, personally.
Pull-ups; 4x5-bw.

3x10 ab wheel rollouts.
9x1 dragonflags - ouch.
1x10 bent leg raise +20kg.

20min recumbent bike lvl 8.
I would go and YouTube Layne’s video about his belt issues that ends with him endorsing Iron Tanks.

He covers the issues he had with Titan, which was enough to put me off, personally.
Yeah I watched it this morning although the Titan belt I was looking at was the single prong belt rather than the lever
Yeah I watched it this morning although the Titan belt I was looking at was the single prong belt rather than the lever

Fair enough.

Not a fan of prongs myself, although if you have a different position for each lift then there’s an obvious cost advantage vs. two belts.
I find pressing strength is very quick to disapear if its not a primary focus.
You guys are awesome st pressing!
I totally agree, I put my priority on overhead pressing recently and put pectoral work second and my shoulders are popping out a bit now.
Ab wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@7, 1-250kg@8.5. 2x3-220kg@6.5-7.

BB hypers; 2x5-100kg.

Encouraging return after a weekend of core work. Will be keeping that fully integrated moving forward.
Ab wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg@6, 3-230kg@8, 3-240kg@8.5-9.

FSQ; 3x4-100kg@6. Back was fine with them, time to load up.

Pull-ups; 4x5-bw.

Dragon-flags x5, EMOM.


Ab wheel; 3x10
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Ab wheels are hideous..... effective but hideous

And dragon flags? Basically Rocky IV right?
DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-230kg, 13x1-240kg@7-7.5. Singles about 1-2min apart, felt fantastic.

Pull-ups; 3x5-bw.
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13 singles keeping the rpe consistent is impressive. Who says you need volume to build work capacity ;)

I’ll flick you the BBM update shortly. Apparently there’s some interesting changes. Feigenbaum probably decided to add in some half marathons as the volume was too low for him ...
I’ll flick you the BBM update shortly. Apparently there’s some interesting changes. Feigenbaum probably decided to add in some half marathons as the volume was too low for him ...

haha!! That made me chuckle!!

I think Mike T put it best when he said increased volume takes care of itself as you get stronger, as volume encompasses sets, reps AND weight. So if you are doing 3x5 @100kg one week then 3x5 @105 kg the next week the volume has increased from 1500kg to 1575kg
FPDL; 3-200kg, 3x3-210kg@8.5. Fried today after a long work week. Will try to fit in BB hypers a bit later.

Ab wheel; 2x10.

BB hypers; 3x5-100kg.
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Realising that my lower body recovery isn’t what it once was. BB hyper recovery impacting today significantly. Probably gets better when I find more sleep again.

DL; 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 10x1-240kg@8-8.5. Didn’t max out, wouldn’t have gained anything.

Pendlays; 4x5-120kg.

Pull-ups: 4x5-bw.
Ab wheel; 2x10.

Deficits; 3-200kg, 2-220kg@8.5, 3x4-200kg@6.5-7. These felt fantastic for the lower back. The belt pressing on the diaphragm always limits more than the load.

FSQ; 3x4-100kg. These felt horrific and am cutting them out. Felt like being punched in the S.I. Maybe they even potentiated/contributed to the strain to begin with. Maybe lunges or split squats will be a viable alternative.

OHP; 3x8-60kg.


Ab wheel; 3x10.
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Deficits; 3-200kg, 2-220kg@8.5, 3x4-200kg@6.5-7. These felt fantastic for the lower back. The belt pressing on the diaphragm always limits more than the load.

FSQ; 3x4-100kg. These felt horrific and am cutting them out. Felt like being punched in the S.I. Maybe they even potentiated/contributed to the strain to begin with. Maybe lunges or split squats will be a viable alternative.

OHP; 3x8-60kg.
BB Bulgarian split squats would be my choice!
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