115.7. 10kgs of fat loss to go. Hopefully 5 remaining this year and then once paused/stabilised, I should regain 3-4kgs of glycogen and water in a fully rested state, i.e pre-meet. My options for next year are probably tested 105kg (IPF affiliate) or untested 110kg :/. Would prefer a tested 110 but can’t do much about Australia’s geography.
Buffalo bench with double mini bands; 10-70 (no bands), 3-70,75,80@9. 6-70@9.
Pullups, gorilla grip; 4, 4x8. Supersetted.
Buffalo CGBP; 3x10-70@8.5.
BB rows; 3x10-110. Supersetted. Trying to do these with as high hips and horizontal torso as I can. Wide grip.
Seal rows, narrow spacing, gorilla grip; 15-70, 3x10-80. Tried it with fat gripz for a few reps at 70, but I’m not quite there just yet. Not too far away though.
Banded triceps extensions; 4x10, green bands, high starting tension.
SG CB trap shrugs; 3xamrap no straps, 1x amrap straps - 100kg
Pushups; 3xamrap.
Just wanted to get something done.