2016 Log


Seated unilateral knee raises; 1x10 per side
Parallel hypers; 1x15
Hanging leg raises, unilateral alternating; 1x15

Deadlift, || stance, slack pull; 10-70, 5-120, 140, 5,2-150. I stopped once everything started feeling twitchy and on the verge of spasming

CB GM; 5-70. These weren’t there. Too much S.I. activity and tightness.

Parallel hypers; 3x20-bw+10.
Hanging leg raises; 3x15


DL, extreme V, rising slack pull; 1-120, 140, 150, 160, 170. Had some kg’s left in the tank. Lots of external hip in this, rounded back and it seems to be viable.

Buffalo squat, paused, widowmaker protocol; 1x20-40kg. SI handled this just fine, should be interesting. I wasn’t feeling motivated enough to setup belt squats but I’ll try to reach in for that discipline on Monday.

Reverse hypers, toes out, glutes; 3x15-100
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Seal rows; 10-70, 3x8-100.
Bench, wide-grip; 10-70, 5-90, 4, 3- 110.
Chin-ups; 4x5-bw+10kg.
Neck extensions; 25-30, 25, 22, 20.
CB oblique holds; 4x15-30s per side.
Hanging leg raises; 20, 20, 20, 20.
Giant set.

Workout cut short. Will look to finish up bench and chins ups later most likely.

Bench, wide-grip; 5-60, 2x3-110.
Chin-ups; 3x5-bw+10kg.

Reverse hyper, glutes, toes out; 1x30-50.
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111.3 GPP

Reverse hypers, close heels, toes out, lower back focus; 10-50, 3x20-100. I tried lying flush on the pad for these and felt like that really opened up the hips and S.I, at the expense of ROM. Something to cautiously experiment with and probably benefits from band loading more than plates in terms of resistance on the correct vector.
Hanging leg raises; 4x20.

Leg extensions, concentric 1sec pause; 3x20-50.
Dips; 2x15-bw.

Step-ups, explosive; 5x25 per side.

Missed these due to workout cut short:
Neck extensions
CB oblique raises

2nd GPP at days end

Reverse hyper, close heels, toes out, lower back focus; 20-50. 2x20-50+red band. Might go to black band for this, not quite enough tension.
Hanging single leg raise, alternating; 1x20, 15, 10 per side.

CB oblique raises; 3x10-60 per side.

Keeping an RH focus on glutes is probably better moving forward.
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111.3 cutting out 1 egg and 1x2g fish oil capsule per day to see if my lipid needs are reduced based on being nearly 20kg lighter than when I started this. I’d rather keep in the carbs if possible, continue to fuel the activity and recovery etc. 5 XL eggs and 6g fish oil a day plus trace amounts elsewhere should still cover me, I think.

Banded seated clamshells; 1x10-blue band. This is just to warm up the S.I. and glute medium on the right side, which is trouble area over the past three years and currently as well. It’s a 4:15am tool, not a resistance/hypertrophy tool.
Hanging leg raises; 1x20
Reverse hyper, glute focus, toes out; 20-100
Seated unilateral knee raises; 1x10-5kg per side. Used an ankle strap and loading pin combo whilst sitting on RH.

DL, extreme V, slack pull; 10-70, 5-120, 1-170 (bounced up on the slack pull, which was encouraging), 180, 190, 200. Strength potential wise there is significantly more there of course but decided that would have to do for today. No sense fucking up the recovery-rehab progress just to get a single at 220. 4x4@75%-160.

SG deadlifts; 3x8-140. A couple of early-set reps in set#2 were too slow as far as starting position goes and I nearly felt a cramp/spasm resurfacing. Adjusted hip height and that sorted everything out. Same mistake on s3r1, same correction. A lot more hip drive doing things this way.

Lunch plan;
Buffalo bar widowmaker squats; 20-50kg. 10kg increments until I find the limit and will progressively increase thereafter. These will become a morning exercise once I’m back to normal efficiency in a week or two.

Reverse hyper, glutes, toes out; 2x20-100.
Probably time to pump the weight a bit.
Hanging leg raises; 2x20.

Leg extensions with concentric pause; 2x15-50.
Parallel hypers; 2x20-bw+10.
Seated unilateral leg raises; 2x10-10
Giant set.
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Seal row; 10-70, 4x5-105.
Bench, wide-grip: 10-70, 90, 1-110, 120, 130.
Chin-ups; 5x5-bw+11.25kg.
Neck extensions; 25-32, 27, 23, 20, 20.
Hanging leg raises; 5x15.
Giant set.

Bench, wide-grip cont.; 2x7-95.
Chin-ups; 2x7-bw.


Reverse sled drags on grass, 10-12minutes, 50kg. These were harder than I anticipated. Picked up the sled for $5 on FBM. I’ll use it for higher load reverse and longer drags via harness.

20mins walking with sled, 25kg.

BB curls; 3x12-30kg. A starting point to address the lingering elbow tendinitis. A week-long holiday in December can’t come fast enough.
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Speed deads, 60s break; 10-70, 120, 5x5 - 140. These may become really high volume deadlift work just to grease the groove in terms of injury prevention.

Workout cut short


SLDL, beltless; 8-120, 2x8-140.

Buffalo squat, widowmaker set; 1x60.
Belt squat 3x15 - 75. Load was too light and the ROM a bit short, but it’ll do for now.

Leg extensions, concentric pause; 2x15-50.

Reverse hyper, lying flush, extended arms; 3x20-50. Over extension of the lower back seems to be a cause on inflammation/impingement so far as the SI is concerned, so my reasoning is that tightly managed hip and sacrum rotation may be of value.

Progress is slow but it’s progress.
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BB rows; 5-70, 90, 4x5-100.
Bench, wide-grip, 2sec pause; 10-70, 5-90, 4x3-110.
Chin-ups; 5x8-bw.
Neck extensions; 25-27, 26, 22, 20, 19, 17.
Giant set.

Hanging leg raises; 3x15.

Massively fatigued this week. Probably combo of the calorie drop off and not being diligent enough with my sleep.

I feel like there’s one last thing to snap/crackle/pop/click into place on the right SI/hip and then it’s just a matter of the inflammation/discomfort dying down.

BB rows returned to restore that positional and lumbar strength. Lightweight for now, back to 140 soon I hope.

Dips; 3x12
Inverted rows; 3x12
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Leg extensions, unilateral with concentric pause; 4x20-50. Time to move to 55kg.

Reverse hyper, flat on pad; 4x25-50. These kicked my ass. Probably bump to 55/60 next time.

Seal rows, narrow gorilla grip, short rest times; 5x15 - 70. These are basically yoke/upper back and forearms. Very little biceps or lat, given the angle. Looking to build work capacity and a bit of size.

Step-ups, explosive; 5x25.

Not really in the 45min zone but that’s a fitness and work capacity concern rather than the layout. Something to work on.

Later on:
Hanging leg raises; 4x15
Standing PSOAS curls; 1x10-10kg. Not sure if standing or seated hits the target better. It might be seated actually.
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111.6 massive food weekend and another today, lockdown freedom hi jinx. It’ll drop back once the glycogen is used up again.

Reverse hyper, lying flat; 10-50.
Hanging leg raises; 1x15. Getting fairly high on these now.

DL, V stance, slack pull; 10-70, 120, 5-150, 1-170, 190, 210. Capping it here but plenty in the tank once I have my body-confidence back. Felt good. 4x4-170.

SG deadlift; 3x8-140.

Buffalo HB paused beltless widowmakers, OLY shoes; 1x20-60. The oly shoe made all of the difference here. Will continue using it moving forward. 65kg on Thursday.

Sumo, toes to plates; 5-120. Low RPE, I’m doing this simply as a hip exercise, to see if it will convince whatever the last thing needing to ‘click’ into place to actually do that. If it feels shit, I’ll take it out. The ROM is about 10 inches, so I’m getting next to nothing out of it in that respect.

EDIT: maybe not on the sumo, feeling a bit off on that right hip again


Leg extension, concentric pause; 3x15-55.

Step-ups, explosive; 3x20 per size. These will get more valuable once the weighted vest arrives at years end.

Reverse hyper, lying flat on pad; 3x15-55.
Hanging leg raises; 3x15.
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BB rows; 7x5-120. These are feeling really good again. Hitting the lumbar in right way and it’s almost as though they’re pulling the hip and S.I. back into place.
Bench, wide-grip; 10-70, 5-90, 100, 1-110, 120, 125. 130-fail. I just didn’t have it this morning. I’ve gone back to sleeping in really shoulder-unfriendly positions which has re-triggered the inflammation in left socket a bit. 125 was a solid rep though. Delts are weak here and letting me down off the chest.
Pull-ups -> chin-ups; 4x7. 3x7. Pull-ups just feel sort of shit and more of a forearm exercise. I shall stay with the supinate grip moving forward.
Neck extensions; 25-30, 30, 25, 25, 20, 20.
Giant set.

WG, paused OHP; 10-40, 42.5, 42.5. I’ll see how the joints recover and hopefully give them a good wave in the rotation. I might be better off seated though in order to avoid potential aggravation of the hip-lumber intersection.
BB rows cont.; 3x5-120.
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Reverse hyper, flat on pad; 15-55.
Hanging leg raises; 1x15.

1” deficit DL, V stance, slack pull; 10-70, 120. 5x10-150. Didn’t puke, so that’s a win. I plan to gradually increment the load and reduce rest times between sets, though that will be done sensibly. Theoretically I could just do a LOT more sets of 5s, with shorter rest times, but I’d like to try it this way because it’s harder.

2” SLDL; 2x5-150. Good enough for Dan Green, good enough for me. And hopefully will help me to stop dropping my hips and compromising my S.I. Lower RPE/RIR today, will build on this in the 5-8ish rep range.

Buffalo HB paused beltless widowmakers, OLY shoes; 1x20-65. 70kg on Monday. These feel so damn comfortable in a ‘groove’ sense, but damn if they don’t teach mental resilience as well. I may add them as a max lift on Monday’s as I move to a more defined concurrent setup.

Belt squats, OLY shoes; 3x15-90. Still need to add some mats for greater ROM. Using a stance that’s comfortable, it’s sort of between by HBBS and DL stance widths.

I *think* everything that needed to jump back into place has happened now re: S.I. and hip.

Reverse hyper, flat on pad; 3x15-55.

Hanging leg raises; 2x15
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BB rows; 5-120, 5x5-125.
Bench, 2sec pause, wide-grip; 10-70, 5-90. 4x5-100. Bringing the weight and my ego down and the reps back up. 110 was just too heavy to make progress on. 2.5kg bar weight incrementation moving forward.
Chin-ups; 6x8.
Neck extensions; 25-32, 30, 25, 25, 20, 20.
Giant set.

CGBP; 3x10-80.
Chin-ups cont.; 3x7.


Sled drag, 25kg on grass, 1km approx.

CB SG shrugs; 2x10-170.

Reverse sled drag, 50kg on grass, 15mins approx.
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110.7 had extra carbs last night knowing that today’s GPP pallid be a bit more intense. More discipline with the walks and diet next week should see me soon consistently below 110.

Leg extensions, unilateral, concentric hold; 4x15-55.

Step-ups, explosive; 5x30. Discovered my box is too high to be sensibly compatible for doing these to time. Bumped the per set volume instead.

BB curls; 2x20-25kg.
Lying BB triceps extensions; 2x20-35kg.
Supersetted. Need to take both to failure next time.

Reverse hyper, lying flat; 3x10-100kg. The traction is real, though 80-90kg might’ve been better.
Hanging leg raises; 3x15. The ROM on these has really picked up, and they’re killer now. Ab size and strength is starting to get to a respectable place.

Cut it when I was spent. An active day ahead, time to refuel.
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Something to remember and experiment next week is increasing the upper back work, specifically inverted rows. I don’t think they would hinder recovery for Monday deadlift if pushed on GPP Saturday, for instance. I’d prefer to still have my last pulldown, but shit manufacturing quality dealt with that 18months ago.

Chuck Vogelpohl is on records several times for doing as many LPD’s as he could handle. I’m
No Chuck, but the theory’s sound IMO.
110.7 same weight but a mostly fed state instead of depleted

Reverse hyper, lying flat; 1x10-100.
Hanging leg raises; 1x15.

DL, V stance, slack pull; 10-70, 120. 3-170. 1-200, 220. 3, 3, 2, 200, cluster reps. I dropped my hips too low/knees too far forward on the would-have-been 9th rep and the lower back started to cramp again. Stupid & frustrating mistake. Waited a moment, kept the hips properly high and pulled the last rep. It’s probably fine but an unnecessary and potentially costly loss of focus after all of this rebuilding.

SG deadlift; 3x4-170. Wanted to do these for 5s, but left an extra RIR to make sure I wasn’t risking aggravating the near/mini-cramp.

Buffalo HBBS ATG, paused; 1-70, 100, 110, 120. Plenty in the tank, but giving myself room to improve and maintain technique. 20-70 widowmakers. Felt great as usual and really helped to relax the S.I. cramp region with the full-range of the hip.

Reverse hyper, lying flat; 3x10-100kg. The first set resulted in the left, crampy side feeling much better but the right might have tugged a little too strongly, something objected slightly. Not overly concerned. Standing and walks today should leave me sorted and BB rows tomorrow will finish it off.
Hanging leg raises; 3x15.

There’s a reasonable amount of work done but the session probably should take less time overall. In the 100-110mins range. Fitness levels improving will help and if I can be more disciplined with my hips on DL and not waste time accommodating unnecessary niggles, that probably shaves off 5-10min too.

Reverse hyper, flat on pad; 2x30-50. Possibly should have been tighter on these at the bottom of ROM.
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110.9 seems off but variance is normal

BB rows, pinkies on rings; 5-120, 130. 4x5-140. These were mostly pretty solid reps. Lower back, hips and yoke all feeling it. They do nothing significant for the lats but it isn’t really meant to.
Bench, wide-grip, rings between index and middle fingers; 10-70, 5-90. 1-110, 120, 125, 127.5. 125 was an absolute grinder and 127.5 flew up. No idea.
Neck extensions; 30-15, 12, 11. 25-15, 15, 13.
Giant set.

Chin-ups, clusters; 10x3 cluster sets, 20-45s-ish apart- bw+10kg. These felt great and should enable me to progress tension and strength without beating me up too much. Only took a few minutes as well.

Inverted rows, bench grip; 5x15-bw.

Seated OHP; 2x10-40.

Sled drags, 50kg, 10min, 25-30metres then pause, reverse, on grass.

Reverse hyper, lying flat; 2x30-50. Limited the lower ROM and these felt better. Doing them as part restoration, part recoverable glute work and part GPP. Would prefer to have a 45 degree hyper but that’s not on the cards for a while.

Reverse hyper, extended, lower back emphasis; 2x30-50+red band. Feeling great now.
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Reverse hyper, lower back emphasis, concentric pause; 20-50+red band
Leg extensions, unilateral, concentric pause; 20-50.
Hanging leg raises; 1x15.

1” deficit DL, V stance, slack pull, cluster sets 30-60s; 10-70, 10-120, 10x3-170. Will add a rep to each cluster next week, then again, then go back to 10x3 with a higher load. Goddamn this felt good.

Buffalo HBBS, OLY shoes ATG, paused, cluster sets 30-60s; 1-70, 10x2-100. I thought this might have been 11 clusters but figured better to do more than less. As above, will add a rep next week, then another, then add load and back to 10x2. Very manageable starting load. Max & widowmaker to remain on Monday’s. I tried too hard to be an upright Chinese weightlifter and my erectors gave me a hint of warning on 1 rep on either 5th or 6th cluster. Lesson learned without damage, thankfully.

2” deficit SLDL, || stance; 3x4-170. I still always want some heavy hamstring work. Good Mornings may return next week, but there’s a workout efficiency here with the bar already being setup.

Reverse hyper, lower back emphasis, concentric pause; 3x15-70+red band. I drove my feet out wider against the belt here and it felt pretty sweet. Active glutes with the erectors doing the actual work against the pendulum.
Hanging leg raises; 3x15.


Leg extensions; 2x15-70.
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BB rows, wide grip; 6x10-120. Bump to 125 next week.
Bench, wide-grip, 2-sec pause; 10-60, 5x5-100. Bump to 102.5 next week.
Neck extensions; 30-16, 14, 10. 25-24, 20, 20.
Giant set.

Chin-ups, cluster sets; 9x3-bw+11.25. Didn’t have a 10th, will aim for it next week on both sessions then bump the load.

Dips; 3x10-bw. I didn’t have a heap to give this morning at the end of the above. A long week and bodyweight started dropping again. I’ll get some extra high reps in tomorrow during GPP.

Reverse hyper, wide feet, lower back emphasis; 3x25-50+red band. The change in feet width is just a different animal.
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