2016 Log

Ab-wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3x200kg, 3-230kg, 3-240kh@9.5. 3x3-220kg@6-6.5. Positioning on top set triple was off, not stressed about poor RPE.

Pull-ups; 4x5-bw.

Pendlays; 3x6-120kg.
Ab-wheel; 2x10.

Deficits; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg@8. 4x3-210kg@7.

LBBS; 2x5-120kg@low. No pain, which is a plus.

OHP; 5-60kg, 4x4-80kg@8-8.5. Boulder shoulders time.
Ab-whew; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@6, 1-250kg@8. 260 didn’t budge, which was unexpected. Think I was trying to squat it up. 3x1-230kg@7.

OHP; 4x8-60kg.

Pull-ups; 4x5.

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Ab-wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg@6ish, 3x3-230kg@8.5.

Woolam rows; 3x5-150kg.

OHP; 3x6-70kg@7.5.

Left knee issues on interior.
OHP; 5-60kg, 1-70kg, 1-80kg, 1-85kg@7.5-8, 1-90kg@10. 2x6-70kg.

Will probably add a near max single to Monday’s pressing as well.
Ab-wheel; 2x10. Volume to go up.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@7, 12x1-245kg@8-8.5, last 2 reps @9.

Pendlays; 3x5-130kg.
Ab-wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 3-230kg@7, 3-240kg@9.

Beltless PSQ; 3x5-120kg@6.5.

OHP; 5-60kg, 3x5-80kg@8-9.


Pull-ups; max-stim - 18-bw+10kg.

Ab-wheel; 3x15.
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Ab-wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 2-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@7, 1-250kg@8.5, 1-260kg@9. 3x3-220kg. The only rep that felt good was the 260kg. Couldn’t quite find the groove.

OHP; 3x7-70kg@8.

Pendlays; 3x5-140kg.
Ab-wheel; 2x10.

DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 3-230kg@8. 2x3-220kg.

OHP; 4x5-75kg8.

DLs felt off, OHP felt great.

Only squatting once a week because of knee issues.
Ab-wheel; 2x10. Think I will try these standing now, very easy.

DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 1-230kg, 1-240kg@7, 12x1-245kg@8. Nearly re-tweaked the left erector on final rep by dropping hips too low and trying to pull the slack into the ceiling. Reset it and fine but conscious of it.

OHP; 5-60kg, 3-70kg, 1-80kg, 1-85kg, 1-90kg@9-9.5. 95kg no-go. 90 moved a lot faster than last week.

Pendlays; 3x5-140kg@6.
FPDL; 3-200kg, 10x2-210kg@7.

OHP; 4x4-80kg@7.

Platz squats; 2x5-100kg. Just testing the waters re:knee. Encouraging but sample size negligible.


Pull-ups; max-stim-15 - bw+10kgs.
Standing ab-wheel eccentrics; 10x1. Feel the burn.

DL; 3-200kg, 1-220kg,230kg,240kg@7,250kg@8.5,260kg@9-9.5. 3x3-225kg@7.

Top single felt solid, moved better than last week.

OHP; 3x7-70kg@7.
DL; 3-200kg, 4x3-225kg@7.

Pendlays; 3x5-140kg@5.

HBBS, close stance; 2x5-100kg, 2x5-120kg. Going to gently add volume on these.

OHP; 3x5-75kg@8.

Pull-ups; max-stim; 15reps +10kg.
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Platz Squats! Old skool!

Gotta find something that the knee will forgive often enough, at least until the last 10kgs come off and I’ve some more latitude in the joint.

And building up the VMO is an ongoing concern. I should probably just bite the bullet and get a leg extension machine ...
Gotta find something that the knee will forgive often enough, at least until the last 10kgs come off and I’ve some more latitude in the joint.

And building up the VMO is an ongoing concern. I should probably just bite the bullet and get a leg extension machine ...
Always been confused about leg extensions... keep hearing opposing thoughts on its use in rehab.. I have a leg ext machine and unsure whether to ever use it haha..