2016 Log

Heavy lower day

Forgot weigh-in

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 250, 260. Couldn’t get 270 to budge, frustrating but still not recovered from Thursday.

DL back offs; 5 x1-230.

Seated DL, box+12mats; 3 x5-230.

Deficit deads, beltless, 12 mats; 3 x3-150
Standing pulley abs; 3 x12-55kgs.

Leg extensions; 2 x12-40.
Leg curls; 2 x10-40.

A pretty disappointing session all around. Calories are down a bit but all the same, that usually wouldn’t impact peak strength quite so much. I’m still failing to consistently get a good leg drive at the upper end. More practice required.

Leg curls may be a bit heavy and better suited to 15-20 rep range. Felt tightening around the adductor strain after those sets.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench and DL day

110.6 I figured I might try to make the four day split work a bit better but be more mindful of RPE and fatigue along the way for lower body.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings, wrist wraps; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 125, 130, 135, 140-3/4 rep.

Chin-ups, clustered-singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+20kgs. 4 x3-bw+40kgs@9, @9, @9, @10.

DL, medium-V, swing-in practice, low RPW top triple; 1 x3-70, 120, 170, 220@7. This was fine for today given the fatigue from yesterday.

Incline bench; 3 x5-110.
WG chin-ups; 3 x7-bw.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Very happy with this session today. Will leave it as it is for next week.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Lower dominant accessories day


10min wake-up walk

FPDL triples;

SSB SQ, triples, sleeves;

Block pulls;

SG hypers, #6 50deg;
Standing pulley abs;

Leg extensions;
Leg curls;

Daily walks