2016 Log

Heavy lower day

Forgot weigh-in

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 250, 260. Couldn’t get 270 to budge, frustrating but still not recovered from Thursday.

DL back offs; 5 x1-230.

Seated DL, box+12mats; 3 x5-230.

Deficit deads, beltless, 12 mats; 3 x3-150
Standing pulley abs; 3 x12-55kgs.

Leg extensions; 2 x12-40.
Leg curls; 2 x10-40.

A pretty disappointing session all around. Calories are down a bit but all the same, that usually wouldn’t impact peak strength quite so much. I’m still failing to consistently get a good leg drive at the upper end. More practice required.

Leg curls may be a bit heavy and better suited to 15-20 rep range. Felt tightening around the adductor strain after those sets.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench and DL day

110.6 I figured I might try to make the four day split work a bit better but be more mindful of RPE and fatigue along the way for lower body.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings, wrist wraps; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 125, 130, 135, 140-3/4 rep.

Chin-ups, clustered-singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x3-bw+20kgs. 4 x3-bw+40kgs@9, @9, @9, @10.

DL, medium-V, swing-in practice, low RPW top triple; 1 x3-70, 120, 170, 220@7. This was fine for today given the fatigue from yesterday.

Incline bench; 3 x5-110.
WG chin-ups; 3 x7-bw.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Very happy with this session today. Will leave it as it is for next week.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Lower dominant accessories day


5min knees-up march, 5min wake-up walk

FPDL, medium-V, swing-in, triples; 1 x3-70, 120, 170, 220@7.5, 230@8.5. 3 x1-240@9.

Felt good, plenty of room to improve on technique and increase load.

SSB SQ, triples, sleeves; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@7, 162@7, 162@7.5. Feeling good after taking Monday off squats.

RDLs, medium-V stance; 2 x8-170.

Larsen bench, pinkies on rings, paused triples EMOM; 1 x5-70. 4 x3-100. Nice to mix the grip up. This has always been a comfortable grip width for me, even if the ROM increase impacts max load.

SG hypers, #6 50deg; 3 x8-80. Focusing on getting my hips well over the pad at setup.
Standing pulley abs; 3 x12-55kgs.

Leg extensions; 3 x15-40.
Leg curls; 3 x10-30.

Generally quite happy with the session. Tomorrow will be completely free of posterior chain and legs loading. Some ideas for Monday.

Daily walks
1 x30min
2 x15min
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Upper accessories day

111.5 heavily fatigued from stressful and high fatigue day yesterday. Will pace things slowly today.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x4-120@9, 120@9, @9.5.
Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x10-bw. 3 x5-bw+25kgs@9, @9, @9.5.

Incline bench; 3 x4-110@9, @9, @9.
WG pull-ups, bench grip width; 3 x5-bw+10kgs@9, @9, @10.

CG high incline pin press, middle to knurl; 2 x10-50.
CG neutral pull-ups, pullover-style; 2 x10-bw.

DB preacher curls; 3 x10-DB+10kgs.
Band pressdowns; 3 x15-IE blue band.
Neck extensions; 1 x20, 18, 15-30kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x45min
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Heavy DL day

Forgot weigh-in. Heavily fatigued and under recovered.

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250@9.5. Leaving it here, even if frustrating to do so. Decided to see if moving the bulk of work to Monday’s lets me sufficiently recover each week. The Thursday sessions are setting me too far back right now.

Back offs; 5 x2-220. Focusing on technique practice.

SSB SQ, sleeves, OLY shoes heavy triples; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@7, 162@7.5, 162@7.5. Struggling for motivation today. They moved fine though.

RDLs, medium-V stance; 3 x8-170. Hoping I can reactivate this stance.

Leg extensions; 3 x15-40.
Leg curls; 3 x12-30.
Standing pulleys abs; 3 x10-60.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Heavy upper day

112.6 feeling bloated in the heat

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings, wrist wraps; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 125, 130, 135, 140 (3/4). All of these are getting better slowly.

Chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x10-bw. 5 x3-bw+40kgs@9, @9.5, @10, @10, @10. The last cluster was kinda meh.

Incline, index on rings; 3 x5-110.
WG chin-ups; 3 x8-bw.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Reasonably good session.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x30min
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Squat focused lower day

Skipped weigh-in

5min knees-up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL, narrow || stance, beltless, heels focal, cluster singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x-120, 170. 15 x1-220. Found the spring again.

SSB SQ, sleeves, cluster triples; 1 x3-82, 132. 5x 3-142. Plenty of RIR.

Zercher SQs; 3 x3-120. More practice needed. Probably less weight for a while, and doing them from the floor rather than the rack to save setup time.

Axle hypers, #6 50 deg; 3 x9-80.
Sit-ups, plate behind head, 6mats; 3 x12-bw+10kgs.

Belt squats, pendulum style, knees forward; 2 x12-100.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper volume day

113.8 really weird number. Figure it has to be sodium and maybe gut volume. Thinking of cutting out the creatine, the swelling feeling and extra water load just doesn’t suit.

Fighting a cold and energy is down, feeling fairly crap.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, paused, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x3-120@9, @9, @10.
Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x10-bw. 3 x5-bw+25kgs@8.5, @9, @10.

Work capacity is significantly impacted today by health.

Incline bench; 3 x8-100.
WG chin-ups; 3 x8-bw.

DB preachers; 3 x6-DB+12.5kgs.
JM press, paused; 3 x8-40.
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

CG axle hypers, #1 50deg, lower back emphasis; 2 x10-80kgs.

Daily walks
2 x30min
1 x15min
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Posterior dominant lower day


10min wake-up walk. Pretty fatigued this morning. Trying to figure out how to get the DL pop back after a few bad weeks.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270. Got it back finally. 2nd attempt. Big pull into the bar.

DL backoffs; 3 x1-250. Could feel the fatigue but they moved well enough.

CG Rubish hypers, #8 45deg; 2 x8-100. Think I prefer heavier and low reps. The static hamstring position seems to limit this for high reps.

SG DL, beltless; 2 x6-170. These were hard. Not sure if that’s a sign they’re something to continue or because they’re too far removed from usual positioning to transfer that much compared to an RDL.

Standing pulley abs; 3 x12-60.
Leg extensions; 3 x12-40.
Leg curls; 3 x12-30.
Giant set.

Mostly happy with today. Not sure where I stand on keeping a heavy squat exposure on today’s session. Once the DL ‘pop’ is back, I mightn’t need the same work up sets.

Possibly deficits or something with bands are better than SG work.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Heavy upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings, wrist wraps; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120, 130. 140kg fail. Misgrooved it. Managed to pin myself. Those safeties need to go up a notch, came out ok but only just.

Chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 2 x5-bw+30kgs@9, @9,

Incline press; 3 x4-110.

Bent over rows, pinkies rings; 3 x5-140.

SG high pulls; 2 x10-70.
JM press; 2 x10-40.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Anterior dominant lower day

113.0 sodium and creatine impact to a degree. Background step-count and activity will increase back up significantly next week, which should bring the base number back down pretty quickly.

10mins knees-up marching.

DL, || stance, top triple; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-120, 170, 220, 250 clustered@9. Slack pull not amazing. Bringing the body to the bar is my cue-focus right now.

Backoffs; 2 x4-220. Forever needing to dial in slack pull and the hips forward.

SSB SQ, sleeves, clusters; 1 x3-82. 5 x4-142.

Front SQ, sleeves, oly shoes; 3 x5-70. Getting used to the front rack mobility requirements again.

SG hypers, #6 50deg; 3 x5-110.

Zercher squats; 2 x10-70.
Standing pulley abs; 2 x20-50. These felt more useful when heavier.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper volume day


5min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x4-120@9, @9, @9.

Chin-ups; 1 x10-70. 3 x7-bw+20kgs@9, @9, @9.

Incline bench, pinkies to rings, sink-paused; 3 x4-100@9, @9, @9.

WG chin-ups; 3 x9-bw@9, @9, @10.

Nightmare DL’s, 2pumps&rep, beltless; 3 x2-170. Plenty in the tank. I feel like they might fit better for time availability and maybe also applicability in this space than Seated DLs.

DB preachers; 3 x7-DB+12.5kgs.
JM press, pinkies to knurling; 3 x8-45kgs.
Neck extensions, full ROM; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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DL and extras day

112.6 right hip flexor is really in a grumpy place right now.

10min knees-up marching.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270@9.5. Focused in and got it like the old DL every day times. Something I need to be more consistent with and not worry about technique so much.

Deficit back offs, 6mats; 2 x1-230.

4-2-0 temp bench, index on rings, low RPE; 1 x5-70. 3 x4-80.
Chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 3 x5-bw+30kgs@9, @9, @9.

SSB SQ to top triple, sleeves; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@7.5.

Leg extensions; 3 x15-40.
Leg curls; 3 x12-30.
Standing pulley abs; 3 x10-60.
Giant set.

Fooling around with a few ideas atm and trying to find ‘what works’. High intensity and frequency still seems to be the best thing for me re: DL and bench.

I feel like leaning back into a lot of hypers with lower back emphasis.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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