6ft woman to add muscle/lose fat

Definitely form is important. Starting off light is important too. Personally, GMs were staple of my training for a long time, though I quit doing them back in December for simplicity. My erectors have a lot of mass in them and I never have problems with my lower back. I think it has helped my rowing strength considerably as well. I can row 1.25 x BW for 5 reps but can only bench 1 x BW for 5 reps, so it's probably partially due to that.

SLDLs are a bit easier to do properly than GMs, so if you decide to go with one of them, I'd go with SLDLs first. I love GMs but they are on par with squats in terms of the learning curve for mastering form, in my opinion. Just be sure to start off light, don't get all into your ego and go heavy before you are ready.

edit:oops, typo
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">but so many people have lower back problems now days</div>
Yeah, and I reckon that has a lot to do with them NOT doing SLDLs or Good Mornings on a regular basis.  

My lowerback was weak as a stick after years of sedentary living and work. Now, after a year of training and building up my SLDLs to 330lbs and my deads to almost 400lbs, it is much stronger and I am able to do things that used to give me pain without any pain (or worry) at all.
hmm Lol you may be on to something there...I might start recommending them to people with minor back problems, with light weight of course, and see how it goes.
I agree. I have had heaps of lower back problems after having my son. If i do SLDL, it starts to strengthen, but I have to make sure I have good form so when i lose it i lose the excercise for awhile.

I do some pilates (prescribed by a physiotherapist pilates instructor) for my lower back also which has really helped to develop the internal muscles.....

I think when it comes to the lower back you have to take it slow and with great care....even if you only start with the bar on SLDL to get form, it really helps.
(Angel Rising @ Sep. 01 2006,01:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think when it comes to the lower back you have to take it slow and with great care....even if you only start with the bar on SLDL to get form, it really helps.</div>
Absolutely! The bar alone is 45lb which would not be insignificant for a lot of folks starting out.