_tim's Log

Youre in 32 pants thats pretty awesome. At 200 # you must look pretty lean and mean. Way to go, very impressive indeed.
Thanks Bax - I'm definitely getting there. I'm going to start upping the calories a bit for a slow bulk as soon as I'm a tad bit closer to the body composition that I want.

Last day of microcycle 1 5/3/1.....

Deads!: 250 x 5; 285 x 3; 320 x 4 (PR), 5

Explanation: all the talk about grips and hook grip got me thinking that maybe I should try a heavy set with a hook grip. So - that's what I did for the first 3 work sets. 320 x 4 with a hook grip destroys my previous PR with a natural grip. I would have kept going, but my thumb squirted out again, despite being taped. Oh well - still a nice bit of progress on the grip side. The 5 set that followed was Versa Grip assisted. I'll reiterate - next cycle, grip strength and back development are a big focus. I'm hoping to use a hook grip exclusively for deadlifts as time goes on, but we'll see.

Repetition Deads: 5 x 10 @ 175
Touch and go, all reps. All the deadlift reps today were in socks, as per my norm. Still get strange looks from folks after all this time. Silly.

Had to cut it off there due to time constraints. I got a nice ab burn in yesterday with the compound, so I'm ok with missing the hanging leg work.

Deloads next week. I'll lay out the assistance changes prior to the start of microcycle 2.
Quick Saturday...

Treadmill - 7.0 MPH, 12:00

I did some incline work - the target was to burn whatever I could in 12:00.

Machine Curls: 70 x 10; 80 x 6; 90 x 4

Rope Tri Extention: 100 x 12; 120 x 8

Dunno - haven't done arm isos in a LONG time.
Arm isos? What the heck are they?! :D

Nice deads again Tim. Hook grip too! Excellent. Love to know how you'd get on with cleans. Something like a CF Grace w/o where you do floor-to-overhead with 135 for 30 reps in as short a time as poss. is a fun way to finish up a strength session.
Arm isos? What the heck are they?! :D.

I know, Lol! I was kinda ashamed to even log such a thing...

I haven't done cleans in a while - or any Oly lifting for that matter, unless you count the single that happens before every standing press set. I'll have to incorporate them in the experiment - adding a power element to the strength routine has some very good potential.
Light Conditioning...

Read: No Tabata

Treadmill: 6.5 MPH, 30:00, Total Distance (with WU + CD) 3.33 miles
This was just a very nice, easy pace. Kinda nice to run while not being dead from Tabata work.
I’m terribly afraid of treadmills. All it takes is one sprint and one power outage to make some surgeons happy. Happened to someone I know. He’s been in recovery for two years now, and nobody but him is paying for those damn bills.
The deload continues.......
Pause Squats: 160, 170, 185 x 5

Called it a day after that, prompting a few buddies to ask me if I was OK. Feelin' the love.
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Possibly the most ironic workout EVER....

Treadmill: Intervals: First 15:00, intervals were incline only at 6.7 MPH; second 15:00, intervals at no incline were at 3.7 MPH and intervals with an incline were at 6.7 MPH

The irony here is this: today (technically) is my 10th wedding anniversary. The intervals sort of tied into the way in which the marriage flowed... In the beginning, there were highs and lows but we still moved forward at a good speed. The second half of the marriage was marred with all kinds of hard times - so the good times were at full speed and the bad times were slow. At the end, it stopped.

Hard to believe that the stinkin' treadmill offered a metaphor on my marriage, 10 years to the day since it began, as it's ending. Unreal.
The really great thing is that you still got yourself to the gym!

All I can say is, Tim, new beginnings can be wonderful! ;) That first 10 years of experience will make the next 10 sweeter. Hope you can enjoy a pint (or three) of your best tonight, look back on the good times and then look forward to the better times to come.
Thanks Lol - I'm very optimistic about the future in so many ways. It just was so strange that the treadmill did what it did without me doing anything. VERY strange, but hilarious at the same time.

Tonight will include liquor, yes - probably some Bourbon. I could use something smooth.

I really appreciate the kind words. :)
I understand where you are coming from Tim. I just got out of a 10 year relationship, most of which was spent married. That was a couple years ago. It's awesome to see that you are still getting to the gym. I was sort of a mess and ended up losing like 30 lbs over the course of the next several months. So it's inspiring to see you dealing well with it. I know that sometimes it seems like you wasted 10 years of your life but really I look at my time as a learning experience. Now I know that I will never settle for less than what I deserve - to be treated right, to be loved, etc. Not sure the details of your relationship, but I'm sure you know what I mean. Stay strong and live for yourself again.

I wish you all the best.
Thanks Tot - much appreciated. This has been far from easy, but life goes on. What choice do I have?

Late posting today - this was from 5:15 this morning...

Pause Standing Press: 85, 95, 100 x 5
So, so easy. I feel at this point that the deload is done - but I still have Monday to go.

Some vertical pulling...
Pullups: 10
Neutral Grip Chins: 7
Chins: 5

Probably going to continue the 6-day training thing and do some light cardio tomorrow, plus some ab work. I was a tad light in that area this week.
As advertised previously....

Elliptical: 30:00, "Cross Training" program

I don't know what it is about that stinkin' machine - but I can work up a sweat like no other with very little joint pain. Kinda cool, actually.

Pushup 2 Plank: ~15, ~10, 10

"Ab Coaster": 20, 15

I have no idea what my problem was in the PU2PL sets - I just kinda stopped counting when my abs started to burn. The last set I very deliberately focused and got the count.

The Ab Coaster is basically a rail-based hanging leg raise, albeit from a kneeling versus hanging position. Dunno - it's become quite the popular item in the gym so I figured I'd give it a shot. Bottom line - I'm a fan. I think I'm in for some ab DOMS tomorrow.

Good start to Saturday. Monday will be the final day of deloads as I finish up with deads. I'll lay out the specs for MC2 on Tuesday.

Deads: 200; 220; 235 x 5

Hook grip throughout, socks, no belt. My thumbs stayed securely under my middle finger - no slippage today.

Hanging Legf Raise (Wendler): 12, 7
These are breath intensive!

Could it be.......
Kipping Pullups: 12, 10
I used the same piece of equipment I used for the leg raises, and it worked out. I got the same glares I usually get when I do 'em, so I figure I'll keep doing 'em! A Fran attempt is now part of the plan - probably during MC2 deloads. The puke is already rising up the back of my throat.

I'm VERY happy with my choice for the yearlong experiment. I need to be better about my caloric intake now, because I'm upping the volume a bit. I'll write out the layout with tomorrow's conditioning summary.
Tabata (Elliptical): 4:00 WU; 4:00 work; 7:00 CD
I really only had time for this today, unfortunately.

OK - as promised...

Microcycle 2 Summary

Keeping within the Wendler convention, the core lifts are progressing a tiny bit - 5 pounds for the upper body, and 10 pounds for the lower body. I'll be looking to seriously go after some rep-based maxes this cycle among other things. The assistance for this cycle deviates tremendously from MC1, which was the "Boring But Big" layout. I'm calling this "Pyramiding With Back Volume", taking some ideas from the 5/3/1 book. Here's the gist for the assistance work...

For Bench:
5 x 10 Repetition Bench pyramiding loads down;
Chins/Pullups between warmup and work sets to a count of 50 total reps;
Kroc Rows (high volume DB rows) - WU + 1 work set per arm

For Squats:
5 x 10 Repetition Squats pyramiding loads down;
5 x 10 Good Mornings;
3 x 10 Bench Abs

For Standing Press:
5 x 10 Standing Press pyramiding loads down;
Chins/Pullups between warmup and work sets to a count of 50 total reps;
Kroc Rows (high volume DB rows) - WU + 1 work set per arm
(look familiar?)

For Deads:
5 x 8 Repetition Deads pyramiding loads down;
5 x 12 Hanging Leg Raise;
5 x 10 Weighted Dips

So there it is. I'm hoping to really hit this cycle hard - the work begins tomorrow.
And so it begins...

Pause Bench: 185, 195 x 5; 210 x 6

I did pullups all during the warmups and first two work sets. I think I'm going to do them only during the repetition work - I felt like it really took away my energy for the RM set.

Repetition Bench: 165, 155, 155, 145, 135 (2 sets) x 10
Sets 1, 2 and 5 were clustered 8-2.

Pullups: BW x 8,8,5,5,5,2,3,4,3,2,1,.5 (47.5)
Volume wise - that's the most pullups I've ever done during a given training session. As I said above, I did these in between many of the bench sets. I called it quits when I couldn't get a full rep; the target was 50 reps.

Kroc Rows: 55 x 25
EVIL. I wrote a couple expletives in my training book, and I feel I was justified in doing so.

OK - back volume... Check. Pyramiding.... Check. CALORIES..... Working on it. It's gonna take some time to nail down how much I'm going to need to eat.

This felt like a good old fashioned endurance WO - and I loved it.

MC2, here we go.
Kroc Rows: 55 x 25
EVIL. I wrote a couple expletives in my training book, and I feel I was justified in doing so.

Great w/o. Krocs are awesome, Tim. Looking forward to those 55s becoming 65s, 75s... on to 100s! Give 'em 'ell!