Thanks guys - I'm very happy thus far with both the strength and size aspects of the experiment. I keep meaning to take a couple pics, but it keeps slipping my mind.
Pause Squats: 210, 225, 240 x 5
All reps in socks, ATG. I've found that without shoes I more naturally can get deeper into and ATG position - full hamstring/calf contact. Makes coming out of the hole something that takes a ridiculous amount of energy when keeping good form.
Repetition Squats: 195, 185, 175, 165, 155 x 10
Also in socks, and ATG. Showed my level of conditioning, which is pathetic. Doesn't help that I'm fighting a cold, but still.
Bench Abs: 2 x 10(3) @ 175
NG Chins: 9, 4
I was completely and totally spent after the supers. My back and biceps had almost no fatigue - but my energy was completely gone during and after these sets.
This brings me to an admission. My diet has been HORRIBLE - I've been working with a major caloric deficit all the time (starting around the beginning of MC2). As such, I'm taking the fun step of introducing some supplementation into the mix again (been supp free for about 8 months) with the hope that doing that will force me to get back into some better eating habits. I'm going to be adding creatine pre-workout and a stack of amino acid tabs and liver tabs through the day (at meals) and pre/post workout. I used to do the stack religiously - most notably when I started doing all of my triples cycles. The creatine seems like a good idea at this point in my life for a bit of an added kick in the gym. The stack keeps my fibers good n' fed through the day.
So - we'll see what happens.