_tim's Log

Back from sick - again

Pause Bench: 210, 220 x 3; 235 x 5
Felt pretty good, considering I haven't lifted in over a week.

Repetition Bench: 195, 185 x 10; 175 x 7
Clusters! 10-1, 7-3, 5-2 respectively. My time away showed here - like crazy. No endurance for rep bench work...

Kroc Rows: 80 x 25
...but I had enough endurance for Krocs.

Good to be back.

Glad to see ya back!
Thanks Guys. Crazy week work-wise last week.

Pause Squats: 225 x 3; 240 x 3; 250 x 5
Socks, ATG, no belt all reps.

Repetition Squats: 205, 195, 185, 175, 165 x 10
Second verse, same as the first: socks, ATG, no belt all reps.

I ran out of time after that, so I stretched and bolted. My low back is very, very fatigued. This inconsistency is not doing my core any favors.
Pause Standing Press: 120, 130 x 3; 135 x 5
Almost had the 6th rep, but got some gnarly cramping in my quads and had to put the bar down.

Repetition Standing Press: 95, 90, 85 x 10
Did these sets with very little rest. As such, the last set was clustered 8-2.

Kroc Rows: 80 x 25
Looks like I'm not going to break 100 this cycle, but I'll nudge it before I'm done.

Dips: BW x 15, 11, 4
Didn't have my dip belt with me, but the sets did the job regardless.
Pause Deads: 270, 290 x 3; 305 x 4
Grip was a major problem today - not sure why.

Repetition Deads: 255, 245 x 8; 235 x 3
My grip failed on the last set, and my low back was fairly cooked so I called it after 3. I've been letting my back heal up - I got some fairly major DOMS after last week's squat session and no amount of stretching fixed it. I finally felt well enough today to try the deadlift sets, and am hoping that there are no more pauses as this cycle begins to wrap up.

Hanging Leg Raise (Knees to chest): 3 x 10
NG Chins: BW x 10, 3

Grip died in a big way on my second chin set. Not sure how I held on for the last set of leg raises, but I figured some core work was definitely in order.
Been an insane couple weeks.

Pause Bench: 195 x 5, 220 x 3, 245 x 3
My last set was spotter assisted - and the guy pulled the bar way off center even when I didn't need help, starting on the 3rd rep. I actually did 4 reps, but he interfered with the 4th rep so much that I'm not counting it.

Repetition Bench: 175, 165, 155 x 10
Last set was clustered 8-2; very short rest periods between sets.

Kroc Rows: 85 x 25
Killed me - no more energy at all after these sets.

Dips: BW x 10, 7
Literally had nothing left in the tank - so I stopped after 2 sets.

Hoping this week is a bunch more consistent that the past few have been.
I take it the guy spotting isn’t someone you usually train with? I hate using spotters who don’t know what they are doing and step in to early. I know they’re not perfect but power racks never screw me up.

Despite any inconsistencey it looks like you’re move some good weight. Now you just need to focus on the stamina to get it all done.
My last set was spotter assisted - and the guy pulled the bar way off center even when I didn't need help, starting on the 3rd rep. I actually did 4 reps, but he interfered with the 4th rep so much that I'm not counting it.
Rippetoe woulda smacked him...
g11/TR - No - it wasn't a guy that's ever spotted me before, but it is a guy that I work with. Regardless, I do think that Ripp would have had laid a torrent of cursing on the guy before kicking him square in the hind end and out of the gym.

Pause Squats: 220 x 5; 240 x 3; 265 x 3
Socks/ATG/beltless all reps.

Repetition Squats: 185, 175, 165, 155, 145 x 10
Same as before - socks/ATG/beltless, reduced rest.

Bench Abs: 2 x 10(3) @ 155
WG Pullups: BW x 9

Considering I've never gotten anywhere close to 10 WGPU's, I'm fairly happy that I got 9. I was cooked after the second set of bench abs and called it a day. I'm going to hit my abs again tomorrow, so the reduced work was semi-intentional.
Pause Standing Press: 115 x 5; 130 x 3; 145 x 5
Could have been a PR - not sure. Just know I'm happy with how this experiment is going, and can't wait to see where I end up after 12 microcycles.

Repetition Standing Press: 95, 90, 85 x 10
Short rest periods, no clustering.

Kroc Rows: 90 x 25
Very, very proud of this one. I won't for a second say these were easy, because "metabolic" doesn't even come close to describing the sets. Grip held - did these TR/man style with no hook, no straps and no other hand gear.

Dips: BW x 12, 12, 5
Arms still feel like jelly. These sets were at least partly to blame.

Kipping Pullups: 10
Think I found a place to do 'em! HAPPY!

Outstanding way to start the week.
Kroc Rows: 90 x 25
Very, very proud of this one. I won't for a second say these were easy, because "metabolic" doesn't even come close to describing the sets. Grip held - did these TR/man style with no hook, no straps and no other hand gear.
Good deal! That'll put hair on your chest (and elsewhere...).

I did a set of 25 dumbbell rows today. I started with 35 lbs. It's gonna take me a while to catch up.
Good deal! That'll put hair on your chest (and elsewhere...).

I did a set of 25 dumbbell rows today. I started with 35 lbs. It's gonna take me a while to catch up.

Me thinks you'll catch me fairly quickly, TR. And yes, new hair is seemingly growing all over the place and I can only think it's my inner beast making itself known. I've found this happens when a man becomes single after a decade of being married as part of due course. Just need to pick up a club somewhere and start beating conquests over the head and the process will be complete.
Thanks Bax! This one made me equally proud...

Pause Deads: 255 x 5; 290 x 3; 325 x 5
Socks/hook grip/no belt ALL REPS. Yep - grip strength seems to have been helped by doing Krocs. In general - the 325 set felt very much under control, and I didn't stop until I felt that form coming off the floor might be suspect due to fatigue. I probably had at least one more rep in me. Still happy with 5 - proof positive that the experiment is working. Thank you, Wendler!

Repetition Deads: 235, 225, 215, 205 x 8
Socks/hook/no belt...

Hanging Leg Raise (knees to chest): 3 x 12
Kipping Pullups: 2 x 10, 1 x 5

This one was a breath/grip/ab killer! Fun stuff!

Pulldowns: 187.5 x 3
Just wanted to do a set - didn't have time for it, but did it anyway.

Deloads start with the next wo - no more heavy work for at least 7 days.

Pause Bench: 155, 170, 180 x 5

Pause Squats: 170, 180, 195 x 5

Neither was a challenge - focused on form and explosiveness.

Kroc Rows: 90 x 25
Deloads don't apply here. I will step back a little load-wise at the start of MC6, but not by much.

Very pleased with how things are going with 5 cycles almost in the books.
Last day of deloads & MC5...

Pause Standing Press: 95, 100, 105
Pathetic. These were warm up sets, not work sets.

Pause Deads: 205, 220, 240 x 5
At least we were north of 200...

Kipping Pullups: 10, 5, 8, 8
Did the second set without hand grips and ripped the hell out of my palms. Only held on for 5 and really messed em up in the process.

Crunches: 50/11/11
The 11's were oblique sets. No stopping between sets.

MC6 starts Wednesday.
MC6 Start...

Pause Bench: 205, 215 x 5; 230 x 7 + 1 spot assist (PR)

I was really nervous that I wouldn't be able to get through these sets without clustering. Seems I can add my own testimonial to Wendler's 5/3/1 list - because I never in a million years thought I'd be here at this point during the experiment; I now feel as though a 300-pound single is something I can target during the experiment. Very happy.

Repetition Bench: 185, 175, 165 x 10
Clusters on sets 1 & 3 of 8-1-1 and 6-2-2 respectively. Yep - the 230 set was ME, and these sets showed it.

Kroc Rows: 85 x 25
Stamina was a challenge here. Lots of huffing and puffing.

Dips: BW x 10, 8, 2

I don't think this microcycle could have started off any better. The experiment continues.
Aha! So that's what you've been up to! Your bench has taken off and left me for dust! 7 paused reps @ 230lb is a great result. Well done, that man!

Great Krocs too. 100s for 25 in your sights now. :)

Want to see you get your kipping pull-ups up to around 30 reps. Do you know how to tape your hands?

Great lifting Tim.
Do you know how to tape your hands?

Thank you so much, Lol. To the question above - no, I'm not sure how I should tape my hands for Kipps. I'm very open to hearing though - I usually tape my thumbs when I do deadlifits, so I have plenty of the stuff.

Been sick with a sinus thing again - hence the hiatus from the gym. I should be back and under a squat bar by Friday. Fingers crossed.