_tim's Log

I've also gotten used to training late. I train as late as 10 pm some nights. You get used to it after a while, and it's not so bad.
Thanks Guys - good to know that late training works for two of the best on the forum.

Lol - the FF's are honestly my favorite addition to my fitness gear EVER. They have 100% corrected the issues I incurred when I ran, and have thus far provided a ton more stability in the form of traction for squats (as compared to wearing socks). I can't say enough about 'em, to be honest. Looking forward to feeling the difference with deads, though I'd expect that to be less so as compared to squatting.

Did a fair bit of stretching before bed last night, and though my quads and hams are a bit raw, now major DOMS yet (read: I can still walk without it looking like waddling).

Pause Standing Press: 110, 115, 125 x 5

I was most concerned about degradation on this lift. I got through all the sets with the minimum reps on the last one, but I got through 'em without clustering, and with full pauses on each rep. I'd consider that a success.

Repetition Standing Press: 95, 90, 85 x 10
The last set was clustered 7-3. My tricep/deltoid endurance is going to take some time to get back.

Kroc Rows: 70 x 25
Surprisingly, manageable. 65 a couple days back was tough, and though I wouldn't say that these were easy by any means, they were doable.

Dips: BW + 25 x 10, 3, 3; BW x 2
Every set but the second was done with fairly standard grip width-wise. The second set was done with much wider grip, and the toll was fairly evident through the rest of the sets. Gonna take some time to get back to where I was - I'm guessing at least two cycles. But - worth noting that I actually added weight to my wimpy self this time.

I did a single set of BW Neutral Grip chins - 3 reps worth. I did a static hold after it became apparent that a 4th rep wasn't in the cards. Yuck.

OK - now I have to figure out where to get chalk. Anyone out there get it online?
I ran this morning - 3.2 miles - and my leg DOMS from squatting a couple days back were starting to show its ugly face. I pushed through, and magically, the run went fine; normally leg DOMS force me to stop about a half mile in. Well, apparently I made said DOMS mad, because they are on like it's going out of style. I think this is going to be a rough weekend - thank God for the first time this month, I can rest. Well, sort of anyway.
Pause Deads: 215, 235 x 5; 245 x 10
Though light, these were challenging; my low back took a slight beating as it got back into deadlift form. Shins got pretty scraped up too. Hook grip/VFF/no belt throughout.

Repetition Deads: 195, 185, 175, 165, 155 x 8
There was almost no rest between the first and second sets, and decreased rest between the other sets. Nothing tells you how out of shape you really are like repetition deadlifts!

Hanging Leg Raise (K2C): 2 x 12

Kinda ran out of time, ironically. My schedule is nuts these days. Still - got it in, and that's what's important.
Last week was a complete mess. Hoping to be back on track this week, and this lateish wo showed that I'm pretty much on track still.

Kipping Pullups: 10, 6, 5
Forgot how much these hit grip strength and endurance. That was my achilles heel here - but I'm elated that I can do 'em. After the race (9/10) - I'm gonna take about 2 weeks to get my thruster form down, and then a Fran will be posted. Hoping by then my grip will be able to handle the higher rep sets.

Pause Bench: 185, 195 x 3; 205 x 7 + 1 spot assist
All reps paused, no exception. Kinda happy that bench is starting to come back - the last set was truly ME; I got 7 and then pushed through one more - and even that rep was paused. Not that 207 is a crowning achievement - but it's definitely a step forward, and I'm very relieved that my week off last week didn't affect that too much.

Repetition Bench: 165 x 10; 155 x 5; 145 x 6; 135 x 7
The first two sets were RP clustered 8-1-1 and 4-1 respectively. RP was 3 breaths. Yep - cooked.

Kroc Rows (WITH MY VERY OWN CHALK!) 75 x 27
Oh heck yeah. Incredible to pull out my container, cover my palms with chalk and go. The sets were fun, too.

Dips: BW+25 x 7, 3, 2
All sets done with a narrow grip. Didin't expect much - if anything, just wanted to wake up my tri's a bit.

I had wanted to start a chinning experiment tonight, but I literally got one rep in and knew that I was sacked. BUT - I got a wo in, and it was more than just Boring But Big. For that - I am grateful.
Glad to see you’re getting back in the groove Tim. I’m glad I can workout in the morning as I would just hate to have to drag may butt in to do it after work.

The one thing I really liked about having a workout partner in the past was motivating (read guilting) each other into working out even if neither of us wanted to.
Thanks G11 - much appreciated. Yeah - sometimes it's tough to do an after work or late night workout, but I've come to find that in order to keep my training going, I have to adapt a very strange (for me) schedule. I was an early morning disciple for years - including the first couple that I was on this site, in fact. Then I moved to midday as my work was very close to a gym, and though the workouts were a tad rushed, my productivity was much better than morning. What I find with evening/night workouts is that my drive once I get in the gym is insanely high - much higher than mornings or midday. It's GETTING there that is the challenge; I don't have a regular schedule, so I fit 'em in wherever they will go. That is what I'm still trying to master, and I figure that it's going to take some time yet.
Pause Squats: 215, 235 x 3; 245 x 5
All reps paused at least 1 second, all reps ATG. During warmup sets, I supersetted each with a 5-rep Kipping set (3 total).

Repetition Squats: 195, 185, 175, 165 x 10; 155 x 1
These tuckered me but good.

Bench Abs: 2 x 10(3) @ 135
Tubby me kinda struggled with form on these sets during the last half of the second set. Hence, no 3rd set.

Vertical Pulling Experiment: 2 x CG Chins: 2; NG Chins: 2; PU: 2
No rest between sets; about a minute between cycles. All reps BW, paused, pulled to collarbone (except pullups, that were to my chin).

Trying to get back, lads.
Hate to say it

Hey All - Insanity has become the norm again unfortunately, and gym time has been impossible to find - even at night. So - I've been running a bit more in preparation for the 9/10 race, and have been doing both ab wheel work and a 100-pushup program to try and stay a tad bit fit. As such, I've made a couple decisions about training both in the near and mid-term. Until the race, I'm going to focus on endurance exclusively. I'm hoping to get a workout in tonight, but who knows.

After the race, I'm going to return (hopefully) to the land of triples. The schedule will be interesting, but I'm going to give it a go. I'm also hoping to get a bit more home-based equipment so that I can do some crossfit work when I have a spare 15 minutes to try and force myself to puke.

So - that's the plan. We'll see how it goes, as the realistic view of my schedule is anything but predictable these days. I'm thinking that when my daughters return to school next week, things may become a tad bit easier on the training schedule - but we'll see.

Hope all you iron-hungry freaks are doing well. I try to keep up with the logs as much as I can, and love what I'm seeing out there.
Good luck on your upcoming race Tim, and glad to hear from you.

If funds and space permit I highly recommend setting up equipment at home. Even though I have a fairly un-hectic life I still would lift as regularly as I do if I had to motivate myself to go to the gym.

Thanks G11.

The race is Saturday; I've been running a bit, and doing home-based endurance stuff lately. Mostly pushup/ab wheel variants, with some other stuff from the body weight work I have done in the past. Schedule has been a mess, but just changed - so strength training frequency will definitely increase after Saturday.

Anyway - this evening I decided to do a little...

Bench (not paused): 205 x 5, 5; 215 x 3, 3; 225 x 2, 2; 235 x 3
No spotter until the last set, which I wanted to be ME. Had the spot but didn't use it except for motivation. All I have to say is that there is work to be done.

Kroc Rows: 55 x 25; 65 x 25
No rest between sets; maybe 2 minutes between loads.

Dips BW: 10, 10, 4
Chins BW: 1, 1, 1

Literally no rest from start to finish; constant movement. I'd put BW at approximately 210 at the moment.

The theme here was adaptive - I wanted to induce as much upper body stress as I could in 60 minutes, doing whatever set/rep combos I felt like. The superset at the end was just a whatever thing. Hadn't done a multi-set, constant movement SS in a LONG time. Forgot how much fun it can be to push through constant stress.

Anyway - as I said after the bench sets - lots to do. Tomorrow will be a run day, Friday will be a big stretch day, Saturday is race day. We'll see how the schedule shakes out from there. Hope like hell all you lads are doing well.
Cool stuff, Tim. :) Considering you are not focussing on heavy loads right now and your training is 'adaptive' :) , a triple on bench with 235 is mighty fine.

All the very best for your Saturday run. How far? 5k? 10k? Half-marathon? Marathon?!!!!

I ran a mile (yeah, just the one!) a few weeks ago and found it really hard on my calves. (Trying to do POSE style running apparently gets you like that to begin with until things toughen up down there.) I should force myself to do more.

I'd like to see a resumé of your training for this run if you get a chance. I'd like to do a cross-country 10k at my old school in the spring but I'm lacking motivation to train for it; I so much prefer my weights and rowing.

Let us know how you get on.
Thanks, Lol!

The race on Saturday is another version of the obstacle race I ran back in June - it's called the Warrior Dash, and it's a 3.1 mile race with 6 or so obstacles. For training, on the run side I usually try to be in the 3.5-6 mile range and run over varying terrain (in my Virbram Five Fingers). After running, I always do some sort of BW metabolic work focusing heavily on improved core strength. The race itself is as much about pushing yourself as it is race management, so I practice a fair amount of pace increasing at the latter stages of a run. It helps to vastly improve endurance, as well as find comfortable accelerating paces.

Training for a 10K is a bit different. Did that last year; to ramp up the miles, follow a ladder approach. Start with a mile, bump to 1.5 miles run 2; 1 mile run 3; 2 miles run 4... up to 8 miles. That'll make the 10K very comfortable, and your pace will be able to vary based on where you feel comfortable during training. The one thing you can't simulate when training is other people - there's lots of adjusting that happens during a race when there's a decent size field of people. So - having good race management (managing pace/energy so as not to burn out too quickly) is vitally important as the race is never in a straight line.

Hope that helps. I'll definitely post results once I get them - I'm really hoping that the lessons learned from the first one are fully realized this time.
No Race Tomorrow - Injury

All - I sprained my foot yesterday during a very easy jog. So - I'm taking myself out of the race, and refocusing my attention on strength, endurance and some CrossFit stuff. I'm going to gauge my cycle start on my foot healing progress - hopefully I'll be able to start soon.

So - though I'm not thrilled about this, I'm moving forward.
Sorry to hear about this Tim, especially on an easy run. I’ve almost always avoided speed work because it’s so easy to get injured but when taking it easy it doubly sucks.
Aw, was looking forward to hearing how you got on. That's such a shame, Tim. Hope your foot recovers quickly. Was your sprain in any way due to running in the Vibram FFs?

Thanks for the run training info. With the ladder approach, how long do you allow yourself to rest between intervals? Or, do you continue to run but at a lower intensity (ie. jog) between race-pace sessions?

I did a 5k row yesterday at a low stroke rate. I noticed that the rowing crews do this for endurance training and to help perfect their stroke. So I was working at ~ 20-25 spm for the duration of the row; fairly powerful stroke and long recovery. That's a much lower stroke rate than when racing so it seems odd to begin with, but it does enable you to keep going without lactate building up. Think I could manage a 10k like that, keeping to around a 2:00/500m split time. I had the Damper set on 3 (ie. Drag factor ~ 125 on my rower) which means the drive has to be quite fast to get enough power to the machine.

Running seems to push me to my O2 threshold rather quickly, as I naturally want to run at a brisk pace, so I'm hoping that some longer SS rowing might help a bit with that.

All the best with your new training plans.
Thanks, Lol. I really was not happy about dropping out of the race, but I could hardly walk on Saturday. My foot really got swollen, so I wrapped it and elevated it as much as I could. The swelling is down, but the pain isn't quite gone yet. As such, I'm going to hold off on anything lower body for at least a week, maybe more if I find out that the sprain is really a break.

I'm truly not sure what caused the injury - could have been most anything, really. I'm not blaming the Vibrams; I've run too much in them without incident to suspect them as the cause. I wish I knew what caused it though!

In terms of the run intervals - do them without a break. Using my previous example....

For run 1 (1 mile), warm up with a slower pace for a quarter mile, speed to a comfortable pace for about a half mile, and then up the pace steadily through the last quarter mile. Walk for as long as you need afterward to bring your heart rate down slowly.

For run 2 (1.5 miles) do the same quarter mile slower pace warmup, speed to your quicker jog for a mile, then up the pace through the last quarter mile.

What you want to be able to do is recognize the changes in your heart rate and breath through the run, so you'll know how much you can push (when necessary) while avoiding walking later in the run as a result. As you increase the distance, try to do mini pace increases once you are warmed up and comfortably into the run. As an example, on a 5 mile run, warm up the first quarter mile, adjust to your jog pace, and then anytime after the first mile, do little bursts of speed and then return to your comfortable jog. Really push the tempo at the end of the run for a quarter mile to empty the tank, and your overall run endurance will skyrocket. As an added bonus, you'll know how much you can push intra-race without completely burning out halfway through.

Training for me now returns to the land of triples, with a few add ons here or there. The schedule is going to be a bit nutty, but my intention is to do triples work through the end of the year and then re-evaluate. Bench and standing press sets should happen tonight, with some core work in the middle to start to prepare for lower body strength work again.
Triples Season Begins!

Bench: 10 x 3 @ 195

The first 5 sets were not paused, but the second 5 were. I likely will switch between the two styles as I am able; today the first sets were part of my warmups, so they were at tempo and not paused.

Chins: 10 x 3 @ BW (~215)
Yes, a push and a pull session all in one. More on that at the end... All reps started from a hang, and resolved at the clavicle. I'm ecstatic that I got all sets without clustering, with good form. I haven't done that much chinning in a very long time.

Standing Press: 2 x 12 @ 95
Tough - but not clustered. These sets will never be paused - they are intended to be semi-metabolic following the other rep range work sets.

BB Row: 2 x 12 @ 115
Again - tough, but not clustered. Felt a bit awkward, honestly - haven't settled into the stance in a while.

The reason for the push/pull all in one is that my schedule only really allows for two intra-week workouts this week. My foot was killing me Monday, so I rested. My next workout opportunity comes on Sunday evening, so we'll see how things shape up.

More on the foot - I'm going to the doc Friday. I truly have no idea what's going on - lots of varying feeling is occurring. Hence the doc visit in a couple days. I have a hunch that lower body work may be out for a bit yet, but we'll see.

OK - now then, about my thinking for the cycle(s). I plan on doing triples cycles from now until Spring. Each cycle will be about 6 weeks in length, with a rest/deload week between each cycle. Core lifts every cycle will be: bench, squats, standing press, chins, deadlifts. The last pull lift may change. Not sure. Now then - there will be some accessory work as well. Kroc sets will be done at least once a week, after a push workout. Core work will happen both on off days and post-workout after heavy lower body work. Other accessory work may be injected as well both for endurance and added strength work. Lastly - unlike previous triples cycles, the only thing I'm going to program is the starting loads. Everything else will be adaptive in nature, both from a load and schedule perspective. Loads will progress following the same conventions used previously (if at least 75% of reps/sets are complete without clustering, with good form - progress) - with adaptive intervals, not programmatic or calculated. May sound a tad confusing, but it will become clearer as time goes on.

OK - so there we go. I'll post an update after my foot is diagnosed, and hopefully another workout will happen either Sunday or Monday.
Tim, thanks for the further running training info. I will give your tips a shot when I finally put feet to pavement.

Any news on your foot situation? Hope there are no broken bones.

I'm pretty much on triples too for my big compounds until the end of this cycle. I have about a week and a half to go. I'm still going to add a higher met-set at the end though. That's always a good idea after the heavy stuff is in the bank. I look forward to seeing your numbers climb back up again.