_tim's Log

Hello all. My absence here this time has been because of being extremely sick - worse than I think I've ever been in my almost 35 years. As such, I'm considering a slight deviation from the current plan, and I'd love some feedback if anyone out there would like to offer some.

I have a combination run/obstacle race coming up in early June. As such, I'm thinking about abandoning the current cycle and switching to a CrossFit Endurance month, where I take my workouts from the CFE website. In the grand scheme, I think this would probably be a good change given the race, and the fact that I haven't run but about a mile in the past year. So - what do you think? Sound plan?
After reviewing the Crossfit Endurance WOD's over the past week or so, I've come to the realization that much of what I would need to get through each workout is not in the gym I currently go to. As such, with my background in endurance-based work, I'm putting together a 3-4 week mini cycle to get ready for the race in June. I'm hopefully going to start today; I haven't felt well enough to lift until now, and even now I'm still not 100%. Regardless - I'm going to do a couple different types of endurance work, and will log everything I do. The fundamental here is quite simple - go metabolic over the whole session or don't go at all. Should be a party.
WO 1.

Bench: 7 x 3 @ 225

The first two sets were paused. Rule was that I'd go to form breakdown, and that was after set 7. Had a spotter for the last set, but received no assistance.

Track-Based Run: 1:00 mile
This was not a jog - it was a run. My cough decided to come back at the 3/4 mark, but I pushed through.

Kroc Rows: 75 x 25
A smidge of metabolic... No clustering.

That was all I had in the tank - not good enough. I was coughing pretty good by the end of the Kroc sets, so I called it. I programmed two more runs and a superset in there too, but my lungs would never had made it through.

OK - so though this will bear some similarities to what I have done with Wendler, it borrows from a hallmark that I learned from Russ - volume-based triples. I cannot go backwards in my core lifts. So though I will be running a bunch more to try and shore up that aspect, bench, squats, standing presses and deads will still very much be a part of this little cycle of mine. The key difference will be alternating strength/metabolic/repetition work with cardio. The goal will be to run 3-5 miles per workout, hit one major for heavy triples up to form breakdown, and then a smattering of opposition-based repetition/metabolic work. The goal simply is to get used to an alternating run/anaerobic mix.
WO 2.

Track-Based Run: 1 mile

Went fine - but my shoes are awful; I feel a slight strain in my right ham, and it's almost assuredly because of the shoes. I had the same thing happen every time I ran in the past. As such, I placed an order for Vibram Five Fingers last week; I can't wait for them to arrive.

Squats: 5 x 3 @ 255
Socks, no belt, ATG, reps not paused. Goal was to put enough stress on my legs to be able to call it strength work, but not go anywhere near failure.

Track-Based Run: 1/4 mile
Running after squats - not fun, but good for endurance.

Leg Raise (Knees to Chest): 3 x 12
Focus was on exploding the concentric movement, very calm, deliberate eccentric. Abs = dead.

Track-Based Walk: 1/4 mile
Mindful of my sore ham - just wanted to get some bloodflow going.

CG Pulldowns: 130? x 10; 140? x 5; 150? x 3
Loads are nowhere near correct. Regardless, simulated hang start on every rep, bar to collarbone.

Feel good - and as soon as the Five Fingers arrive, running will be ramped up significantly on off-days. 3 weeks until the race.
Feel good - and as soon as the Five Fingers arrive, running will be ramped up significantly on off-days. 3 weeks until the race.
I've been out for a bit, same as you (though probably with different bugs). Be wise as you get back into training; it takes a while to recover.

I've been using my Vibrams for deadlifting. They're even better than socks!

However, I notice that when I run, I develop a bit of an ache in my Achilles Tendon. Apparently barefoot running puts more of a stretch there when you're used to wearing puffy tennis shoes. You might want to go slow for a bit when you first get your new toe socks.
Thanks for the advice, TR - much appreciated!

WO 3.

Track-Based Run: 1 mile

Time was right around 7:30 or so; I know it was sub-8:00 for sure.

Standing Press: 10 x 3 @ 125
Only set that was clustered was 10 - 2-1. Fairly happy with the effort regardless.

Track-Based Run: 1/4 mi.
This time, it wasn't stopped short because of fatigue - the track was insanely crowded. I couldn't get a rhythm at all.

Kroc Rows: 80 x 26
Some guy had chalk! Man, what a difference! Grip was a complete non-issue, even with me sweating like it was going out of style.

Dips: BW x 15 (regular); 6 (paused); 3 (plange)
Taught a couple guys who allowed me to work in about the plange style. They handily called me crazy.

I cooled down with a single walk around the track. Fairly happy with the workout as a whole.
Run WO:

2.3 miles outside, hills, in Vibram Five Fingers

On the Five Fingers - amazing. Previously, I'd have knee, hip and low back pain while running. Not anymore - to TR's point though, there is more stress on the calves (not the achilles for me). I'll take the trade off in a second. Not sure on time - had to stop twice to stop dogs from following me. Three sets of 'em. Good times!

I'm subbing runs on deadlift and squat days for the next two weeks (in addition to available off days); the race is now 2 weeks away.

The race is this coming Saturday - and I've been too sick/busy to really do anything physical. At minimum, should be an interesting 2.93 mile mix of running and obstacles. I'm up in the air as to what I'm going to do training-wise post-race. There's a big part of me that's thinking of continuing the endurance-type approach (although I'd formalize it a bit more) through the summer and then up my calories and go primarily back to a strength focus in the fall. No idea. I just know what lies ahead in 3 more days that I'm preparing for - mentally.
How expensive were those vibrams? Worth the cost? I see a girl at the gym wearing them all the time, they look like they'd be hard to get into and out of. But she runs like an hour on those things every time she comes in, so they must be comfortable.

Good luck with the race, let us know how it goes.
How sturdy are those Vibram’s soles? I usually prefer to run cross country, lots of rocky trails and cactus so I’ve always wondered how much protection they offer.
Hey Tim, I've been out of the loop for a while. Crazy busy here too. Glad you have your Vibrams. All the very best with your race this weekend. Stay well. :)
Tot - The Vibrams were $99 with free shipping from City Sports. I think they're well worth the cost - the more natural running stance is worth every penny. Initially, they're tough to get into, but once you figure out how to align your toes, it's not too bad.

G11 - The soles are very sturdy, but I'm not sure how they'd stand up to a cactus needle. I've run over rocks, gravel, mud, grass, sticks, asphalt, and concrete thus far without any issue.

Lol - Thanks! Looking forward to being less busy and certainly to get into the race. Been looking forward to this for a long time now.

Take care everyone! I'll report back on the race once it's in the books.

First, the race:
I found out two days before the race that I had yet another sinus infection. I ran the thing anyway, and posted a time of 40:37, with an average of over 11:00/mile. Guys - this embarrasses me like crazy; so much so that despite the fact that I said I wouldn't run the second race coming up in September, I am. Not only that, it's going to shape how I train for the next couple months. I usually have a sub-8:00 mile average; for a 5K - up that to closer to a 6:00 mile. So - I have a vendetta against not only my time - but the way I ran the race. Yes, I was on antibiotics, and unlike Lance Armstrong, my meds did nothing for my endurance. Instead, I coughed pretty much the whole way through. NOT AN EXCUSE. The fact that my training stopped for a few weeks leading up to it was key - and my workout today proved just how much of a lump I am right now. That in a minute.

Next, life... I haven't been shy about talking about my divorce here - and I hope that for any of you lads that may be going through it, or will someday - know that you can always message me if you need advice or just a different perspective. The next wrinkle in this fun life of mine is that of removing my "vagabond" status; I'm moving back into my old house as my ex is moving to a new lease situation (that I negotiated for her). This does two things - puts me closer to my kids, which is most important to me in the whole mess, and also changes my training schedule ten-fold. My custody schedule is also changing - and how I'm going to arrange training because of it, I have no idea. I'm going to likely change gyms - to one that allows chalk and actually has someplace to do chins and Kipping pullups. Still - I'm going to have a strange training schedule and have no idea how I'm going to set up my next cycle accordingly. Stay tuned.

Lastly - a look at how weak I am...

(Warmup - 1 mile track-based run)

Bench Press: 175 x 5; 195 x 3; 205 x 3; 215 x 2; 225 x 2; 235 x 2; 245 x 1 (+1 spotter assist)

The goal here was to take stock of where I am on bench. Ugh.

Pulldown: 140 x 10; 160 x 5; 180 x 2
Cable Row: 140 x 10; 160 x 2 + SH; 180 x SH

Another test - I wanted to see where my back/biceps were. Ugh again.

Dips: BW x 12 Paused; 3 slow paused + 1 negative; 1 x "down-up" into megative
The down-up was a thing where I went down a quarter of the way and then back up, then half way down and back up, then all the way down slowly. My triceps have a tinge of life, but not much.

OK - so I'll most likely do workouts like this for Standing Press, Squats and Deadlifts - just to take stock of where I am. Where I go from there is up in the air, but I'll figure it out. No matter what - this will be a strength/endurance/run summer - with the run part happening with an equal frequency to the other two. How it ends up looking may take a month to determine, but I'll get there. This isn't going to be Wendler exclusively, but it may be a Boring But Big *Plus* kind of thing. No idea.
Getting Closer

Hello All -

Been a crazy couple weeks, and I think I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. My schedule seems to be normalizing now, and I can actually get something on paper in terms of a new cycle. My custody schedule is going to play a huge part in how I structure this, so at times I'm relatively sure this is going to look like a bunch of unrelated workouts, or perhaps partial workouts thrown in amid rather long ones. I don't have this 100% down yet, but it's close.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the basis is going to be Boring But Big 5/3/1, with some additions here and there. Those workouts will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday most of the time. Because of the way this is structured, I'm going to have to limit some workouts to only 30 minutes (hence the Boring But Big aspect). Tuesday-Thursday will be run/conditioning days which I'm going to manage in a sort of adaptive/reactive training methodology. Some of these workouts will also be limited time-wise, so Tabata work seems likely. Others will be extended mixes of running, Olympic lifting, and Crossfit - all bent on having an endurance focus. Weekends will play a part in this - how, I'm not sure. When I am able, I'm planning on finding some decent hills to run. Other times, weekends may serve as overflow. Time will tell.

This all may get going this week - I have to get my loads calculated still. Regardless, my ongoing silence on the forum is nearly over.
I knew when I laid out my schedule for July and August that time was going to be at an absolute premium. That said, I have but one workout under my belt in the past 3 weeks, and it wasn't pretty. I started doing complexes in the morning just to do a mini fat burning/endurance set as the day begins. I think this is going to become a 7-day staple, and will change as time goes on. I'm currently doing the 3-set, 12-rep standard of air squats, spiderman pushups, jump lunges, pushup to plank, and mountain climbers. I'm going to play with the rep ranges and set count, as well as the rest between sets and exercises in each complex. If nothing else, this gets me moving and at minimum burns a bit of fat. I'm hoping to get back into a formal workout cycle soon - I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, even though it's faint as anything.
New Start, Again.

Pause Bench: 175, 185 x 5; 195 x 8

All reps paused at least 1 second, including the 195 set.

Repetition Bench: 165, 155, 145 x 10
Unreal how hard these sets were - it's like I haven't trained in a while or something...

Chins: BW x 5 + and array of static holds and bounces, into a negative, 1 + a bounce into a negative
Well - the work begins again.

Dips: BW x 12, 4, 2
No pausing - just straight reps.

Kroc Rows: 65 x 25
-30 pounds is a tad sobering.

OK! So the first one is in the bag. Couple good things worth mentioning. 1) I worked out! Unreal, right? 2) I joined a gym that allows chalk use. It's a roid palace, but the equipment is great, the people seem nice for the most part, and chalk is everywhere. Plus, it's open 24 hours, which will accommodate my schedule nicely. How this is going to work may change - but this is what I'm thinking anyway...

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and some Fridays will likely be Wendler-esque BBB or variants of when I am able to get my butt to the gym. Tuesdays are going to be morning run days, with some light conditioning. I have another Warrior Dash in September, and this time I will be prepared for the cardio aspect of it. So - though this seems promising, it may or may not work. Truth be told, I'm settling one area of my life at a time, and I may - emphasizing may - have figured out the workout thing. Only time will tell though, and my current status as a weakling will not change unless the thought comes to fruition. So - here goes.
Thanks, G11. It's been a very tricky couple months to say the least.

I got my run in this morning, 2.6 miles per mapmyrun.com. That's where I log all my runs. I'm likely going to increase the number of times I run each week, but that too is going to heavily depend on scheduling. I have to get myself back into a groove of both actively managing my heart rate and increasing the distance noticeably. The only way to do that proficiently is through repetition. We'll see how it goes.
Late One...

Pause Squats: 205, 215 x 5; 230 x 7

All reps ATG, paused about 1 second. No belt, Vibrams. Been a heck of a long time since I last squatted - sorta felt like I was re-learning form as I went.

Repetition Squats: 185, 175, 165, 155, 145 x 10
VERY HARD. Man, am I outta shape! Thinking that a fresh round of nasty DOMS are in my future.

Bench Abs: 3 x 10(3) @ 135
First set was very easy. Second set was a tad bit more challenging. Third set killed me.

That was it - I'd thought about doing some chins, but both my energy level and the fact that I'm gonna do Krocs again tomorrow had me stretch and go home. I wrapped the workout at about 9:40 PM. I think that's the latest I've ever worked out as an adult. With my crazy schedule, this is in the mix now. Well, two in the bag, Guys, with a run in between. I think I feel a trend coming on.
Late One...

Pause Squats: 205, 215 x 5; 230 x 7

Repetition Squats: 185, 175, 165, 155, 145 x 10

Thinking that a fresh round of nasty DOMS are in my future.

You betcha! Haha!

I wrapped the workout at about 9:40 PM. I think that's the latest I've ever worked out as an adult. With my crazy schedule, this is in the mix now. Well, two in the bag, Guys, with a run in between. I think I feel a trend coming on.

Training late is something I've had to do a lot of over the past few years, Tim. I've become quite accustomed to it now. I hope it works out for you too. Certainly, miles better than missing workouts.

It's great that you are running still. I have yet to heave my lazy @$$ out of my comfort zone and get running.

How are you getting on with the FF Vibrams? I still haven't bought a pair. I really must though. It might give me the kick out of the door that I need. I was planning on using them for running rather than training but I wouldn't mind trying deads and squats in them for a change although I love the stability of my Oly-shoes for most lifts.