No it's not retarded because by this logic we can all just consume one giant meal with 200g of protein and 400g of carbs in the morning and we're set to go for the rest of the day. But that doesn't work because your body uses what you give it to give you energy. which is why most people eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Yes, that's correct, you could eat 200 grams of protein all in one sitting and be fine. What do you think happens to that extra protein? You said it simply gets wasted, so I'm assuming that means you would get massive diarrhea after a large protein meal? I don't see how else it could be wasted unless it was excreted.
Also, you seem to think that you get energy from protein which is incorrect.
The truth is, if you take in larger amounts of protein, it simply
takes longer to digest.
I'm sorry, but spreading out meals helps you consume more food throughout the day. It also helps give you more energy throughout the day when consuming proteins and carbs multiple times a day. If that wasn't the case, people wouldn't have "pre-workout" shakes to increase their energy levels and would only eat twice rather than 3, 4 up to 5 times a day.
People have preworkout shakes because studies done on fasted people showed a benefit so obviously the supplement industry seized on that to make money. You are not fasted going into a workout so technically that preworkout shake isn't doing anything except adding to what is already in your gut.
Also, apparently you've never heard of intermittent fasting where people only eat within an eight hour block and yet somehow manage to still gain muscle. gbglifter in this thread did it while cutting with success. Going by the logic you are using in this thread, he should have lost most of his lean mass and ended up in the hospital on life support since he wasn't getting protein in consistently.
Luckily, in the real world, even after a 16 hour fast such as people use in intermittent fasting, you still have something in your system so you don't die.
Again this is not correct, this is why you always hear it's important to have protein in the morning because your body has been fasting during sleep. If what you're saying is true, we wouldn't need protein first thing in the morning or even have breakfast for that matter because we could just use up the energy from the food we are the night before.
Protein is broken down into amino acids when digested and the body uses those amino acids to build it's own proteins, since every biological process in the entire body is driven by proteins. If it's not correct then please tell me what happens to protein when it is digested, with sources, since if you have something saying otherwise, we will need to change a lot of college and high school text books.
Also, please provide sources proving how food is instantly digested rather than taking hours to digest. Again, the educational system will want to know about this because right now they are stupidly teaching students that food takes quite a long time to digest.