A diet please?

Matt Daniels

New Member
I was just wondering if anyone could make a diet or help me make a diet im a studen as you guys know so some things are hard to eat an make so keep that in mind...also I wanna try an stick to 2 scoops of protein per day cause I have to pay for my own protein so its kind of expensive along with other supps and a gym membership.Here are my stats

Bodyfat Percentage:12%(will probably go to a max of 18)
Training type:HST

Goal:Try to be 160-170 for march/april cutting.
Alright well my diet is usually a little something like this

Meal 1:2 hard boiled eggs,1-2 pieces of toast(depending on bread) and 1 1/4 cups of skim milk
Meal 2:! cup 2% milk an fruit
Meal 3:Sandwich of some sort with some type of protein source in it.
Meal 4:protein shake with bread or fruits
Meal 5:High protein/carb meal
Meal 6:protein shake w/milk

I'm quite sure I should be eating more especially because im using X-Factor which means I could eat more.I should probably be shooting for atleast 2700 calories every day.I was using the alri diet as somewhat of a guideline but its hard to follow as it has a lot of protein bars/shakes in it which isnt exactly something I can afford unless someone knows where you can get bulk amounts of protein for cheap.I usually just buy a 5 pound tub of ON Whey protein for 45 plus tax and its has about 77 servings(so having 3-4 servings a day isn't very cost efficent) Also...what should I have for my pre and post workout shakes I'm just gonna try an eat supper earlier then use it as fuel for the gym,but what should I be having post workout...the shake the alri diet had was made up of very little carbs which from what ive acquired thus far in knowledge should not be so.
I'm assuming it is ok to post links to on-line supplement retailers sine Bryan doesn't sell supplements anymore?  If not I apologize in advance.

This is where I buy my ON When from.  It is $27 for a 5lb. tub + shipping (just over $30).  You can get a 10lb. bag for $53 + shipping which should save you a bunch of money.  Especially if you are using a lot of whey powder.



But I would recommend you eat more whole foods rather than the shakes when possible. Tuna is cheap and easy to fix and has lots of protein and omega 3's.
I don't think Mercury is a problem in Tuna. But I would have to do some research to be sure.

Sorry, didn't know you were in Canada.
I've read tuna once or twice a week isn't going to hurt you, regarding mercury content. And the omega fatty acids you get from it are very beneficial.

But I don't think tuna is going to be a cure all thing for you, or any other one type of food.

The only really cheap source of protein I have found that beats out whey protein is powdered milk, which I have yet to use. I was given some a long time ago and pondered over it, since it is so cheap, but I never mixed any up and tried it. I've read it tastes just like really low and nonfat milk and you can mix it with whole or whatever milk or cream if need be, even a little sugar or honey if that suits you. If you can stomach a lot of milk its a very cheap protein source.

I myself am gonna locate someone who sells powdered milk and try it.

Hope that maybe helped.
lol alrighty well other than just talking about tuna does anyone know how I may modify my diet,its just hard to think of good options with school.
Just eat what you can when you can. If school prevents you from eating while you are there don't worry about it to much. Just get your calories in when you aren't in school and you will be fine.
I think at your age, height and body weight you would probably want to shoot for about 2800 cal. per day and then adjust either up or down from there as needed.  I would recommend you make breakfast your largest meal and your last meal your smallest.  That should help keep body fat down.


Also, since we got on the topic of mercury levels in fish I decided to do some more research.  I found these pretty interesting.  They all suggest that the known benefits of consuming fish as part of your diet out weighs the possible problems of the mercury.  Basically they say that (at least as far Americans are concerned) we should be eating a lot more fish than we are.





ill chip in here with just a few thoughts.

imo, your worrying about/working on too many little things at your age. this is not a slight at you being young.  at 16 there is a very good chance that all the info/stats you provided could change at any moment..... 5'5", 140lbs, endomorph,BF etc. etc.
i dont know any of your family history but there is a good chance that in as little as 6months to a yr some or all of those numbers could be drastically different whether you lift or not.

the point is at almost no other point in your life are you going to have as much testosterone flowing and potential for growth working for you. why not max out on your potential. this isnt to say throw all caution to the wind and start lifting and eating like crazy and just blow up like a ballon.

take your current diet and add up the cals. you said you wanted to hit 2700 and that seems like a reasonable place to start (at your wgt)  but id be surprised if your current plan hit that amount. as mentioned before add cals using whole food not just shakes or milk. it doesnt have to be a specific diet plan, just shoot for at least 1 gram of protien per lb of bw and enough cals so that your gaining about 1 lb a week. just start folding in stuff like an extra sandwich at lunch and/or a bowl or 2 of cereal after your w/o etc.etc. the more you eat (not drink) the more your body will adapt and over time youll be able to keep adding a little bit as you need to keep growing.

i know you mentioned you wanted to cut come spring but really think about that one. definitly do what you want to do but give the serious lifting and eating a chance to work over time, 1-2-3yrs. your young and off to a good start, enjoy school, girls, friends getting bigger and all that goes with being a teen. youll have plenty of time diet down etc. later when you get old and tired like the rest of us.

btw. that 45 for the protien powder. if thats canadien then it really is only @$27.

good luck
(bluejacket @ Oct. 23 2006,15:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">matt

ill chip in here with just a few thoughts.

imo, your worrying about/working on too many little things at your age. this is not a slight at you being young.  at 16 there is a very good chance that all the info/stats you provided could change at any moment..... 5'5&quot;, 140lbs, endomorph,BF etc. etc.
i dont know any of your family history but there is a good chance that in as little as 6months to a yr some or all of those numbers could be drastically different whether you lift or not.

the point is at almost no other point in your life are you going to have as much testosterone flowing and potential for growth working for you. why not max out on your potential. this isnt to say throw all caution to the wind and start lifting and eating like crazy and just blow up like a ballon.

take your current diet and add up the cals. you said you wanted to hit 2700 and that seems like a reasonable place to start (at your wgt)  but id be surprised if your current plan hit that amount. as mentioned before add cals using whole food not just shakes or milk. it doesnt have to be a specific diet plan, just shoot for at least 1 gram of protien per lb of bw and enough cals so that your gaining about 1 lb a week. just start folding in stuff like an extra sandwich at lunch and/or a bowl or 2 of cereal after your w/o etc.etc. the more you eat (not drink) the more your body will adapt and over time youll be able to keep adding a little bit as you need to keep growing.

i know you mentioned you wanted to cut come spring but really think about that one. definitly do what you want to do but give the serious lifting and eating a chance to work over time, 1-2-3yrs. your young and off to a good start, enjoy school, girls, friends getting bigger and all that goes with being a teen. youll have plenty of time diet down etc. later when you get old and tired like the rest of us.

btw. that 45 for the protien powder. if thats canadien then it really is only @$27.

good luck</div>
That's all great advice.
Well thank you all for the help and I will use your words of wisdom to keep a better mindset,I realize this diet does not reach 2700 cals which is what I was hoping someone could help me do,I just don't know what foods to add and where I can add them.

I put some thought into this for a couple of days to make it the simplest, get your macros right, keep it cheap, and hopefully fit it with school.

I hope you like sandwiches.
  The biggest, best natural bodybuilder I've ever met actually eats them every 2 hours and looks great.  He doesn't however, get enough green veggies in my opinion.

Here you go, use it if you wish, toss it out if you don't.

6 meals throughout the day
2 shakes (use cheap protein powder $11.00 a tub at walmart - there are plenty out there in the 11-15.00 range).
4 sandwiches
two servings of &quot;starchy&quot; vegetables.

Calories:  2487 (a bit high for your weight, but you should bulk fairly lean on it)
Protein:  227g (36%)
Carbs:  322g (47%)
Fat:  49g(27%)

Breakfast:  2 whole eggs (cooked however you want), 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread. (sandwich?)

Sandwiches:  Boneless/skinless chicken thigh cutlette (do it yourself from a bulk pack of thighs really cheaply).  On 100% whole wheat bread. (3 of these each day)

With one of these - preferably the first whole food meal after you workout...have 1/2 cup of canned baked beans and 1/2 cup of canned whole kernal corn.

Shakes - these are pretty cheap and easy.  2 scoops whey, 2 cups skim milk, 1 banana.

Preworkout have one shake
Postworkout have one shake
Post/Postworkout (1-1.5 hours later) have a chicken sandwich with beans and corn.

The eggs/bread and other two chicken and bread meals...have when convenient to your schedule.

If I was eating it, it would look like this:
M1.....egg sandwich
M4.....chicken sandwich, beans, corn
M5.....chicken sandwich
M6.....chicken sandwich.

Add whatever cooked green veggies like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower... whenever and wherever you can get them.

This plan will drastically cut your food bill, making the parents of any 16 year old bodybuilder very happy...I know how much you guys can eat...I used to be one about 100 years ago.  Possibly happy enough that they will be willing to spring for the protein powder since it's WAAAAY cheaper than chicken breasts, and it gets you to drink your milk and eat your fruit.

It's all in the presentation. &quot;Hey Mom, I've found a way to eat a better, cleaner diet, get my milk and fruit plus save you a bundle on the food bill&quot; is always a good starting place.
(Matt Daniels @ Oct. 20 2006,15:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was just wondering if anyone could make a diet or help me make a diet im a studen as you guys know so some things are hard to eat an make so keep that in mind...also I wanna try an stick to 2 scoops of protein per day cause I have to pay for my own protein so its kind of expensive along with other supps and a gym membership.Here are my stats

Bodyfat Percentage:12%(will probably go to a max of 18)
Training type:HST

Goal:Try to be 160-170 for march/april cutting.</div>
Well, it's honestly a lot simpler than what is being put forth so far.

Screw all the counting of cals and macros as you don't need too.

Screw the idea that you need to eat 6X day, cause you don't need too.

Simple remedy.

Training Days

Eat as big of a breakfast as you can stuff in your face, don't care if it's oatmeal, eggs, pancakes or whatever.

At lunch do the same thing, again whatever you can shoove in your face.

At dinner, eat a decent meal but not so much your gonna pop.

Bedtime snack-Milk and PB&amp;J sandwich.

Save your protein scoops for pre or post training.

Non training days just eat 3 sensible meals a day and your bedtime snack.

At this point in time there is no reason to overcomplicate this, just do this and Train and you will grow.
agree with dan...for snacks try some type of nuts or seeds noticed you dont have any in your diet.
(Matt Daniels @ Oct. 20 2006,15:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was just wondering if anyone could make a diet or help me make a diet im a studen as you guys know so some things are hard to eat an make so keep that in mind...also I wanna try an stick to 2 scoops of protein per day cause I have to pay for my own protein so its kind of expensive along with other supps and a gym membership.Here are my stats

Bodyfat Percentage:12%(will probably go to a max of 18)
Training type:HST

Goal:Try to be 160-170 for march/april cutting.</div>
I would go here -- http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=811783   and calculate your basal metbolic rate for someone your age and height who weighs 160 (not 140).  Ignore the rest of the article.  

Consume your BMR caloric intake every day, and make sure you get AT LEAST 160 grams of protein per day.  Don't worry about anything else concerning diet, just get your calories and protein, and don't miss any workouts.