(Matt Daniels @ Oct. 21 2006,01:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Meal 1:2 hard boiled eggs,1-2 pieces of toast(depending on bread) and 1 1/4 cups of skim milk
Meal 2:! cup 2% milk an fruit
Meal 3:Sandwich of some sort with some type of protein source in it.
Meal 4

rotein shake with bread or fruits
Meal 5:High protein/carb meal
Meal 6

rotein shake w/milk
I'm quite sure I should be eating more especially because im using X-Factor which means I could eat more.I should probably be shooting for atleast 2700 calories every day.I was using the alri diet as somewhat of a guideline but its hard to follow as it has a lot of protein bars/shakes in it which isnt exactly something I can afford unless someone knows where you can get bulk amounts of protein for cheap.I usually just buy a 5 pound tub of ON Whey protein for 45 plus tax and its has about 77 servings(so having 3-4 servings a day isn't very cost efficent) Also...what should I have for my pre and post workout shakes I'm just gonna try an eat supper earlier then use it as fuel for the gym,but what should I be having post workout...the shake the alri diet had was made up of very little carbs which from what ive acquired thus far in knowledge should not be so.</div>
meal 1 upon waking: shake with milk
meal 2, 1 hour later: oatmeal and egg whites
meal 3, 3 hours later: brown rice, veggies, and chicken
meal 4, 3 hours later: sandwhich and protein? Tuna? veggies
meal 5-PrWO shake with water
Meal 6-PWO shake with water
Meal 7-Chicken, Brown rice and veggies
meal 8, before bed: cottage cheese.
www.fitday.com to track your calories and aim for 200g of complete protein per day, split over the meals as well as quality carbohydrate. Cut sugar and booze (if you drink) and eat regularly every day. Get your sleep and train hard.