Couldn't do it Monday due to work, went today and did lower body.
Squats 225x12,8,6,4
Leg Curl 180x15,14
Leg Ext 120x15,15
Seated Calf 135x15,15
Curl 105x18,15
I can't walk right anymore. I'm still irritated with my lack of conditioning. It better come back fast.
Baby came early. Due date was tomorrow, but she came on the 14th at 2:16 am so just a bit ahead of schedule. She was very small compared to my last son, only 18.5 inches long and 7 lbs 11 ounces.
I'm not enjoying the high volume routine. It just isn't satisfying. Today, I did upper body still, same lifts, but went heavier and clustered to 20 reps for each lift instead. Felt a lot better.
Baby came early. Due date was tomorrow, but she came on the 14th at 2:16 am so just a bit ahead of schedule. She was very small compared to my last son, only 18.5 inches long and 7 lbs 11 ounces.
I'm not enjoying the high volume routine. It just isn't satisfying. Today, I did upper body still, same lifts, but went heavier and clustered to 20 reps for each lift instead. Felt a lot better.
Hey, Totz, many congratulations on your new arrival! All the very best to you and your family at this happy (and tiring!) time.
It will be completely understandable if you have to attend to things other than the gym for a couple of weeks; but, saying that, you're a bit of an old hand at this baby lark now, so you'll probably take it all in your stride and be back under the bar in a day or two.![]()
I got genetic testing done. Yielded some interesting results. I have a single nucleotide polymorphism that has been linked to higher muscle performance, which I suppose would explain why I've always been stronger than my size suggests. I'm also 12% neanderthal, while the common amount for anyone with european ancestry is supposed to be a mere 2-4%. I guess that could explain why I have dense bones and crap like that. I'm also genetically bad at endurance stuff, which explains why I hate cardio and high rep work. I also have a lot of alleles that are supposed to reduce my odds of becoming obese, which makes sense I guess. I have several different genes associated with longevity, I even found this tool online that reads your raw dna data and projects your probability of living to 100 years or greater. It seems like it takes some of the studies it references and stretches the logic a little bit... still, pretty interesting. I also learned a lot about my ancestry and it is somewhat different than what my family genealogy would suggest.
Anyway, all this in mind, I've decided I don't really feel like focusing so much on typical bodybuilding stuff. It seems there is a reason why I've been drawn more toward strength oriented training and I believe I will stick with that from here on out. I don't really care a whole lot about becoming significantly larger but I do want to become significantly stronger. If I get bigger in the process, then awesome.
I went through but they don't offer health assessments or anything, just ancestry and it's not that thorough.