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Haven't really done an SD on purpose for a while. These days I just wait for life to force some time off and choose then to reset.

And yeah.. I mostly just enjoy working the back more than other muscle groups.
Nah not really, and damn calves are like 18 inches or so already. Don't really want them much bigger. Already have enough wardrobe problems as it is.

Here's more or less what I do:

Day 1:
Squat 3 x 6-9
Bench 3 x 6-9
Shoulder Press 2 x 9-12
Cgbp machine 2 x 9-12
Core work

Day 2:
Deadlift 3 x 3
Pulldown 2 x 9-12
Bentover Row 3 x 6-9
Whatever Curls 2 x 9-12

Day 3:
Leg Extensions 20-25 reps + 3-5x (myo reps set)
Leg Curl 20-25 reps + 3-5x (myo)
Lateral Raise 20-25 reps + 3-5x (myo)
Pulldown 20-25 reps + 3-5x (myo)
DB Curl 20-25 reps + 3-5x (myo)

Cardio before every workout for 10 to 20 minutes. Calories up on myo day. I also swap out exercises occasionally. Then there are some weeks where I don't feel up to myo reps on day 3 so I'll work up to 3 heavy sets of 5 on most or all lifts instead.
Hey Totz, how do you find the difference between doing the same exercise for a muscle group 3x week (HST, although ABA variations exist..) versus the Myoreps flexible template of each day a different exercise for the same muscle?

Just wondering if you've found it more effective (I guess as long as there's progression and also the muscle is still being hit 2-3x week...). I like the variation, just wondering how it fares compared to just progressing in the one exercise (whether we can really compare though..)
Honestly, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference for me. Progression of strength for individual lifts is a bit slower but I'm not really focusing on pushing strength gains anyway.
Honestly, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference for me. Progression of strength for individual lifts is a bit slower but I'm not really focusing on pushing strength gains anyway.
Ah yep fair enough. I like the variation of different lifts, and I figure if the frequency is still good enough per muscle group and there's a progression occurring it's still all good.
As long as you're not "switching it up" as the bros say on a regular basis so that your body has to relearn an unfamiliar lift then it shouldn't make a whole lot of difference.
Good to see you are training again. And fat as ever. Lol [emoji6]

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Yeah still making gains. That picture does make me look a bit bigger than I really am though. Here's another. I was going to Photoshop the phone in my hand into a shake weight but didn't get around to it yet.
Thanks but you know how it is. All I see is that 120 lb dude from when I was in my 20s, what I need to improve on still, etc.
But least my upper arms have finally caught up to my calves for size.
Thanks but you know how it is. All I see is that 120 lb dude from when I was in my 20s, what I need to improve on still, etc.
But least my upper arms have finally caught up to my calves for size.

You were in the 120's lbs when in your 20's? Holy crap you gained a lot then, dang dude, awesome.
120 then around 140 when I finally started HST. A little heavier than that currently:

l'm not even counting calories anymore, too lazy for that. I do count protein though but other than that, just eat based on hunger. Seems to be working for me, I'm not really getting fat gains like I used to see when doing official bulking cycles in the past. Strength keeps going up. Things seem a lot easier now that I'm older.

Currently trying to focus on pecs, delts and triceps.

Flat bench - warmups then 305 x 10 x 2
Close grip bench - warmups then 245 x 10 x 2
Overhead press - 245 x 10 x 2
DB lateral raise - 70 x 15 x 2
Pull down - 200 x 15 x 2
DB Pullover - 70 x 15 x 2
Triceps push down - 200 x 20 x 2
Facepull - 200 x 20 x 2

I'll have to figure out something for weighted pull ups since I have no belt and I'm at the full stack for pulldowns. Full stack on push downs and face pulls too but that's metabolic work so not as big a deal.
I suspect my form on bench is putting too much of the load on triceps since I can close grip a relatively heavy load still directly after flat bench. My bench has always been my most garbage lift though. Still not a fan of benching.
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I can't tell if that damn picture worked or not. My internet is down and my cell service is shit out here. Anyway, it was a pic of my scale showing that I'm 253 lbs right now.
No pic I see...

You weigh 253?
Is that right you OHP 245x10? Holy crap
Laterals with 70 lbs???!!!!!

You got all that size from HST? . Egads!!
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