I was working out at my new gym where I sometimes lift with the personal trainers -- on their off time. One guy spotting me pointed out that I was lining up the wrong way -- too high-- the bar was tward my eyes not my chest. So I was over working my shoulders -- I have probably been doing this for 25 years now -- arrrrrr. I have really strong shoulders!!!
I also remember John Parillo in a book saying you should press your shoulders down tward the bench -- to accentuate the pec in the movement. So I am finishing my negs now -- and now and then next cycle I will be able to focus on my bench press form... and work the chest more.
Any comments of bench press form? Sure it is fun to lift alot but I want to "work" and grow the pecs.
I also remember John Parillo in a book saying you should press your shoulders down tward the bench -- to accentuate the pec in the movement. So I am finishing my negs now -- and now and then next cycle I will be able to focus on my bench press form... and work the chest more.
Any comments of bench press form? Sure it is fun to lift alot but I want to "work" and grow the pecs.