[b said:Quote[/b] ]
who doesnt..
yeah i am not expecting any gains since im cutting, actually i just want to maintain muscle and lose fat as my goal.[b said:Quote[/b] (baby a @ Aug. 02 2005,7:29)]What your main focus should be on is going as heavy as possible on your other compound movements. You will get plenty of arm work if you are using the correct exercises for larger muscle groups. On top of that, you really shouldn't be looking for any growth at all if you are cutting right now anyways...
[b said:Quote[/b] (jwbond @ Aug. 03 2005,94)]ill cut down my arms to 2-3 days a week while im cutting and go heavy on the compounds.![]()
should i do the same when bulking or can i increase arms to 6 times a week?
jwbond, i dont want to come off as mean, but you're not listening. granted you asked for advice and not to be put in slavery, but you are repeating yourself, just with different wording. (even though you've already been answered)[b said:Quote[/b] (jwbond @ Aug. 03 2005,9:04)]ill cut down my arms to 2-3 days a week while im cutting and go heavy on the compounds.
should i do the same when bulking or can i increase arms to 6 times a week?
That being said, does that mean I can do (for Upper Body):[b said:Quote[/b] (jvroig @ Aug. 02 2005,11:26)]Echo what everybody else has been saying. It's the compounds that will really make your arm swell.
I may give it a shot for my next cycle, I don't tink I got anything to lose[b said:Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Aug. 03 2005,75)]But anyway, try out those exercises some time, without doing any direct arm work beforehand, and see how much it works your arms. I think you may be surprised.![]()