Browners Log

This morning session

Squat (beltless)
160kg x 1 @8RPE
150kg x 6 @9RPE
140kg x 6 @8RPE
140kg x 6 @8RPE

Comp Bench

130kg x 1 @8RPE
120kg x 5 @7RPE
120kg x 5 @7RPE
120kg x 5 @7RPE

Push Press
65kg x 9 @6RPE
67.5kg x 9 @7RPE
70kg x 9 @8RPE
70kg x 9 @8RPE
70kg x 9 @8RPE
70kg x 9 @9RPE
Still feeling pretty beat up from Sunday, back is a bit tight and sore, but I guess that's to be expected. Anyway today's session

220kg x 1 @8RPE
195kg x 6 @9RPE
182.5kg x 6@8RPE
182.5kg x 6 @9RPE

2ct Pause Bench
117kg x 1 @ 7.5RPE
110kg x 4 @8.5RPE
102.5kg x 4 @7RPE
102.5kg x 4 @8RPE

DB Lunges

15kg DBs x 9
17.5kg DBs x 9
20kg DBs x 9
20kg DBs x9
20kg DBs x9
20kg DBs x9
If you cranked out 11 reps at 200kg, I think your true 1RM is ballpark 270-280.

I had to go to a very dark place to get those 11 reps, and was caffeined to the eyeballs, loads of adrenaline, and a fair few people screaming at me. My aim is to get 260 by the end of this of this current 12 week cycle.
Havent logged the last few session as had problems getting on the site.

This mornings session;

Squat W/belt
182.5kg x 1 @8RPE
160kg x 6 @9RPE
150kg x 6 @9RPE
145kg x 6 @8.5RPE

Comp Bench
140kg x 1 @8RPE
127.5kg x 5 @8RPE
120kg x 5 @8RPE
120kg x 5 @9RPE

Push Press
60kg x 9
62.5kg x 9
65kg x 9
65kg x 9
65kg x 9
65kg x 9

Some squats from today
Todays Session;

220kg x 1 @8
200kg x 6 @9
187.5kg x 6 @8
187.5kg x 6 @8

2ct Pause Bench
125kg x 1 @8
115kg x 4 @9
110kg x 4 @7
110kg x 4 @7

Hack Squats (Machine)
108kg x 9
115kg x 9
122kg x 9
122kg x 9
122kg x 9
122kg x 9
This mornings session

2ct Pause Beltless Squat
155kg x 1 @8rpe
145kg x 4 @9rpe
130kg x 4 @7rpe
130kg x 4 @8rpe

Bench (TnG)
142.5kg x 1 @8rpe
125kg (8 sets of 3) @7-8.5rpe
Friday 10th March

2ct Pause Deadlift
Weight:185 kgs x 1 RPE:8
Weight:175 kgs x 4 RPE:9
Weight:165 kgs x 4 RPE:7
Weight:165 kgs x 4 RPE:7

Pin Press (Chest Level)
Weight:140 kgs x 1 RPE:9
Weight:130 kgs x 4 RPE:10
Weight:120 kgs x 4 RPE:9.5
Weight:115 kgs x 4 RPE:8.5

Seated Row
Weight: 78 kgs x 9 RPE: 6
Weight: 83 kgs x 9 RPE: 8
Weight: 83 kgs x 9 RPE: 9
Weight: 73 kgs x 9 RPE: 8
Weight: 68 kgs x 9 RPE: 8
Weight: 68 kgs x 9 RPE: 8


This morning
Squat w/belt
Weight: 182.5 kgs x 1 RPE: 9
Weight: 152.5 kgs x 6 RPE: 9
Weight: 142.5 kgs x 6 RPE: 7
Weight: 142.5 kgs x 6 RPE: 7

Comp Bench
Weight: 135 kgs x 1 RPE: 7.5
Weight: 122.5 kgs x 5 RPE: 8.5
Weight: 115 kgs x 5 RPE: 7
Weight: 115 kgs x 5 RPE: 8

Weight: 60 kgs x 8 RPE: 6
Weight: 62.5 kgs x 8 RPE: 7
Weight: 65 kgs x 8 RPE: 8
Weight: 65 kgs x 8 RPE: 8
Weight: 65 kgs x 8 RPE: 8
Weight: 65 kgs x 8 RPE: 8.5