Browners Log

The FPDL single @8 looked like @7 at the most.

How do you find SS's 5-pt deadlift setup (assumption based on your vids). I always find shins to bar is the hardest to maintain (vs dropping hips).
The FPDL single @8 looked like @7 at the most.

How do you find SS's 5-pt deadlift setup (assumption based on your vids). I always find shins to bar is the hardest to maintain (vs dropping hips).

I'm always a bit more conservative on RPEs with assistance stuff to make sure there is no form break down. Plus it looked easier than it felt.

I find the SS 5 pt setup pretty good, gets me in pretty much the right pulling position. I find the benefit is more psychological though, as it means I have a consistent repeatable process from a consistent repeatable position. Almost like a pre shot routine in golf.
Very interesting protocol this cycle.
basically protocol is;

Day 1
Comp Squat
Comp Bench
Bench Acc

Day 2
Comp Deadlift
Secondary Bench
Squat Acc

Day 3
Secondary Squat
Secondary Bench
Bench Acc

Day 4
Secondary Deadlift
Bench Acc
Deadlift Acc

Intensity and volume varies from week to week, with a general trend of decreasing volume and increasing intensity and first set is usually always x1@8rpe. Feeling pretty beat up to be honest, and not sure I fully agree with all the bench volume and lack of back/pulling movements although my e1rm are all trending up, especially my bench so sticking with it to the end of the project pretty much as perscribed. Plus Mike Tuscherer seems like he knows what he's talking about coaches a lot of high level lifters.

What program if any are you following at the moment?
My own.

Last year I added 20kg to my deadlift and 30kg to squat in about 2 months. Squat was far behind due to neglect and left knee surgery, deadlift went from 280kg to 300kg.

I'm tinkering this year, trying to find what I can handle with the 60-80min training time I have before work during the week.

It's likely 4x deads, 2x squats, OHP work and back work.

Throwing everything in; paused work, bands, different grips, stances, LBBS, HBBS, front squats ... the lot.

Should have something to write down soon.
This morning's session;

Squat (w/belt)

120kg x 10 @6
125kg x 10 @7
130kg x10 @8
130kg x10 @8
130kg x10 @8
130kg x10 @8

Comp Bench
92.5kg x10 @6
97.5kg x10 @7
100kg x10 @8
100kg x10 @9
95kg x10 @8
95kg x10 @8

Military Press
50kg x11 @6
55kg x11 @7
60kg x11 @8
60kg x11 @8
60kg x11 @9
55kg x11 @8
This morning:

Front Squat:
70kg x 11 @6RPE
75kg x 11 @7RPE
80kg x 11 @8RPE
80kg x 11 @8RPE
80kg x 11 @8.5RPE

(My front squats suck! Definately need to incorporate them more next cycle)

TnG Bench Press

145kg x 1 @8RPE
135kg x 2 @8RPE
135kg x 2 @9RPE
130kg x 2 @8RPE
130kg x 2 @9RPE
127.5kg x 2 @8RPE
127.5kg x 2 @8RPE
127.5kg x 2 @8RPE
127.5kg x 2 @8RPE

Hack Squats (Machine)
115kg x 10@7RPE
122kg x 10@8RPE
129kg x 10@9RPE
122kg x 10@8RPE
This Morning;

Squat (W/belt) - Depth was questionable on some reps, probably would get white lights but only just
182.5kg x 1 @8
177.5kg x 3 @9
165kg x 3 @7
165kg x 3 @7
165kg x 3 @7

Comp Bench
140kg x 1 @8
135kg x 3 @9
130kg x 3 @8
130kg x 3 @8
130kg x 3 @9.5

MIlitary Press

52.5kg x 8 @6
55kg x 8 @7
60kg x 8 @8
60kg x 8 @9
55kg x 8 @8
55kg x 8 @8
55kg x 8 @9