Dangers of Protein shakes


New Member

Ok, once in a while i get comments from " people who know people" that told them that protein shakes are bad, that their doctor told them so and thats it, i cant say anything about it basicaly because, WHAT DO I KNOW im not a freaking doctor...

One old guy i know works at the hospital, he isnt a doctor, just a computer technician, but he says he see alot of ppl having problems because of protein shakes... creatine , etc...
Now in my head i think, ok, maybe they OVER did it, like replace all their meal by protein shakes... i dont know how to explain this, but i always though that protein shakes were safe...
He says that he thinks it comes from all the amino acid maybe ? or that because the shakes arent natural , etc...

Im just tired to defend myself all the time, i already have to do it for hst ( again so many people who know people that are pro and that are gym teachers and that are doctor that know better than me, that doing THIS or THAT is better than what im doing / hst )

so what about the dangers of protein shakes ? you guys heard anything about it ? is there such thing as too much amino acids ? etc...
I hear that food is pretty dangerous stuff if you eat too much of it.

What kind of problems is the guy talking about? Not being able to fit in their clothes anymore maybe?
Too many people like to repeat stuff they have heard and yet have nothing to back it up with. Do some reading around the subject if you are worried. Protein drinks are meal supplements not replacements so if you treat them like that you should be fine. Just don't try to live off them. My 2¢.
Unfortunately, most docs do not know their way around supplements, weight training, or good nutrition. Note that I said most...there are exceptions. Sounds like this computer tech needs to stick to harddrives. Protein shakes should probably not become the staple of your diet of course, but they can be used as a supplement to your diet with no worries. The ingredients aren't synthetic anyways... The same guy who says don't drink shakes is being a hypocrite as soon as he eats yogurt, drinks milk, eats cheese, eggs, meat, etc...
I've always hated protein shakes. I don't really know why, but I think it all started back when I was 5 and I went to a circus and a protein shake shot my dad.
(Totentanz @ May 16 2006,20:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've always hated protein shakes.  I don't really know why, but I think it all started back when I was 5 and I went to a circus and a protein shake shot my dad.</div>
LOL!!!! I'm going to remember that one!!

Ok another guy i know told me that shakes are simply BAD for your health.
Its in the way the protein are digested, that it wasnt ment for us to have food like that , and that what is particulary bad is if you take it over a long term, it leads to many potential problems, ( headaches, stomac aches, more pimples , and can lead to more serious stuff )
He says that he will stop taking shakes because, since he started ( 1 year ago ) he fells he is less healthy and he often have pain around waist/stomach etc...

He says that it was prooven by some german scientist, he read a paper about it.
Basicaly he says that if you take shakes everyday, its not good for your health.
Im not talking about someone that is REPLACING his meals with shakes, if someone who has his normal meals and also adds a shake everyday, its bad for your health.

Its not the end of the world, like if you smoke 1 cigarette, of course its bad, but alot of people smoke more than just 1, they aint dead, but its not good, and the longer you smoke the worst it is...

Anyways, ive decided to try and be the devils advocate, try to proove that shakes are unhealthy, because i do belive that some supplement company will try to convince people that whatever they are selling is good, even if it means making biased researches.

anyways this is a link i found on google, : http://www.enerex.ca/articles/whey_protein_and_fructose.htm
(Louno @ May 18 2006,07:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">thx,

Ok another guy i know told me that shakes are simply BAD for your health.</div>
doesnt make it true...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Its in the way the protein are digested, that it wasnt ment for us to have food like that , and that what is particulary bad is if you take it over a long term, it leads to many potential problems, ( headaches, stomac aches, more pimples , and can lead to more serious stuff )</div>evidence?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He says that he will stop taking shakes because, since he started ( 1 year ago ) he fells he is less healthy and he often have pain around waist/stomach etc...</div> nice n=1

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He says that it was prooven by some german scientist, he read a paper about it.</div>I read a paper once, but without providing it you may as well claim that aliens are in fact invading your body via shakes, and when inside they jump on your sleen and cause pain.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Basicaly he says that if you take shakes everyday, its not good for your health.
Im not talking about someone that is REPLACING his meals with shakes, if someone who has his normal meals and also adds a shake everyday, its bad for your health.</div>

proof, please, otherwise its pointless conjecture

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Anyways, ive decided to try and be the devils advocate, try to proove that shakes are unhealthy, because i do belive that some supplement company will try to convince people that whatever they are selling is good, even if it means making biased researches.

anyways this is a link i found on google, : http://www.enerex.ca/articles/whey_protein_and_fructose.htm</div>

So to be the devils advocate on shakes being evil, you post a (poor and biased) article from a site that sells soy protein to be made into shakes?

Traditional dissecting technique!

I am sure you did frogs in science in high school, right?


No, serious, Louno. No evidence means poor discussion and it is no good to anyone.

We need to show you how incorrect that information is, but based on evidence you or he'll provide!
How are shakes going to be bad for you? I just don't understand this. Maybe your friend is lactose intolerant.
I thought that was bunk too until I had a close look at the disclaimer written in very small print on the side of my 5lb tub of ON chocolate:

&quot;Taking this product in large quantities may cause Chuck Norris to suddenly appearing and deliver a roundhouse kick to the side of your head&quot;

Who would have thought!
As you can see, if there is a study that comes out (and cited by a soy manufacturer in a very biased article) showing the superiority of soy over whey, you are almost obligated as a consumer to find unbiased information that supports (or in this case refutes) the claims made by the manaufacturer.
Soy versus Whey: redox study
The point is, there is far more evidence to support the use of whey protein as an adjunct to your diet than there is to exclude it. As Aaron stated earlier, anecdotal claims of whey protein being bad for one guy does not warrant a blamket statement as to it's evil for the rest of us. If he is getting bloated, cramps, gassy, etc... have him look into hydrolyzed whey or the possibility that he is lactose intolerant. There are many reasons why the protein he bought may have made him feel like crap and it may have nothing to do with whey specifically.
Too many people take information on face value without investigating the issue thoroughly and coming to their own conclusions. This can be a very dangerous practice.

Again, if the guy is taking the protein with large quanities of milk he could easily be lactose intolerant. And what is the source of the protein? Is it mixed with some other additives? Its possible it could be a whole raft of other things causing the side-effects.

Research means going to various different sources to find out the information you need. Just taking the word of a guy who heard this thing from some guy who read this thing in some paper which was written by some guy who ate an off peice of chicken isnt science.

And Chuck Norris isn't lactose intolerant. He's just sick of lactose's ****.
Look guys, i think yall misunderstood me, my goal is to go see my friends and shut them up about protein being bad...

Where can i find somekind of irrefutable proof that protein shakes are NOT bad, are safe, and even GOOD for you, that they do not cause any kind of illness/problem in the long run.

Ive been going on and on with this argument and they always come up with the clicher &quot; its not natural, we werent meant to drink shakes of protein/eat large quantity of protein like that, we were ment to eat real food &quot; , to which i reply, it his real food, but to them its not, i can see why they would think its not ( its a frigin powder, even tho it comes from something real it has been processed and whatnot )

What annoys me the most is when they tell me, &quot; well my mother's doctor, or my friend's father who works in a hospital with doctors, said/told em it was bad&quot; I want to shut these ignorant doctor who give stupid advices, i wish there was like an official study or something that these idiot could look at and have nothing to say against it...