Dangers of Protein shakes

First off - they're lying. They didnt talk to a doctor and probably have no mothers.
Second - they're ignorant and are either enjoying seeing you get frustrated or are in denial because some one they trust told them something which is infact a load of rubbish.

Bottom line? Forget it. Just take your shakes, get big and then say "see, it aint bad - now I'm gonna kick your a $ $ to prove it"
Then if they are that paranoid about it have them start reading the lables of many many food products, as whey is an added ingredient in thousands of "whole" foods.

Safety is also a matter of perspective, what is safe for a healthy human to ingest (talking about items or amounts) may not be for others.

Whey BTW is a food, remember Lil Miss Muffit sitting on her tuffet eating her curds and whey, when along came a spider who sat down beside her and said hey babe let's get jiggy wit it.