Eating during 5's


New Member

I'm a bit confused on how to eat during the 5's. If carbs are optimal at 30% do I need to drop calories too, or do calories stay the same while protein goes up to compensate for the reduced carbs???

Technically you would need less carbs during the 5's, and less calories for that matter (goal dependent). Glycogen depletion will be much less. I found that including drop sets allowed me to keep the same amount of carbs from the 10's on. Typically the more carbs you drop the more protein you will need. How is that to confuse you? :)
Yeah, you totally confused me...

I do drop sets also, and I will be adding in some interval training on "off" days- But lowering the carbs was recommended becuase increased microtrauma decreases insulin sensitivitiy, NOT just because your activity level is going down.

So I'm gonna up the protein as I lower the carbs until someone gives me a good reason not to (gotta keep the calories up)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I do drop sets also, and I will be adding in some interval training on "off" days- But lowering the carbs was recommended becuase increased microtrauma decreases insulin sensitivitiy, NOT just because your activity level is going down.
your overthinking it a bit

THe studies that show that microtrauma decreases glucose uptake (not exactly decreased insulin sensitivity, becuase it also decreases exercise mediated uptake as well, due to cellular damage) generally happens with more extreme eccentrics. But, anyhow, if you decrease the carb intake, you will deplete carbs with the training and end up not replacing them. As if there is adequate microtrauma, you are decreasing carb intake from where it was, and also getting less carb into the muscle. Most training papers recommend a higher initial carb intake due to decreased muscular uptake (one recommends an additional 2g/kg)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So I'm gonna up the protein as I lower the carbs until someone gives me a good reason not to (gotta keep the calories up)
If your doing drop sets, your performance will probably start to suffer :)