FF's Log .1

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no sorries brother.

I noticed in your log you'd mentioned not having made it past week 8 on a 5x5....that makes me curious. Right now, I'm feeling a bit beaten up. Not bad though.

All I've done for about a year is HST (before that I wasn't lifting "seriously". Anyway, on an HST cycle, I always felt beaten up as I approached rep maxes, but then fell into a bit of a "deload" as I began ramping toward the next "microcycle's" rep max (ie, hit 10 rm and then move into 5's).

5x5 has a bit of that involved as a person can back up a few weeks and deload. even within a given movement, whilst the other exercises progress unchecked.

did that have any lucidity? I'm hoping to make at LEAST 12 weeks on the 5x5 before I step back and evaluate it...



3x8x92 preacher curl
3x8x86 skull crushers

Knees coming forward at the bottom. No hip drive. A little slow overall. Biggest problem is the knees coming forward at the bottom.


Where is the bar touching? Kinda looked like your diaphram. I could not tell exactly but your elbow angle might just a little too acute.


Cannot comment, don't do them myself yet. Looked cool anyway!
For me,
in Sq & Bench you lock out at the top of the movement. Don't lock out, the muscles must be in contracted, not relaxed
thanks much for the feedback nipponbiki,

squats - The bar clanked hard on the pins, especially on the 2nd rep. That seemed to throw me off... Usually, I manage to get lower and think maybe that awkwardness caused some of the trouble w/ the knees. Overall disappointed w/ the effort.

Thank you for pointing that out about hip drive too, will look into this.

Benc - lower it to the chest/sternum/upper abs area. I like to pause, generally. I was nervous about failing the triple and was trying to go for more stretch reflex (in the video).

Tuck the elbows in at the sides, trying to snap them together on ascent, drive hips up with legs but don't let ass come off the bench.

by acute, are you suggesting to flare the elbows more? I've been trying to bring the bar low and then push it towards my feet (finding that the J-curve method increases travel).

Cleans - destined to be the subject of an idiot at the gym thread somewhere...
Good job FF.

Well, I'm not in agreement with NB about the squats. What is the load you are using for squats in terms of RM? Around your 6RM? To me your speed seemed fine - loads around your 5RM are not going to move quickly no matter how fast you try to move them. Squat depth looks fine to me. Notice that your lower back is just starting to come out of contraction as you drop to the deepest point. Any lower and it would round more which would not be good. As far as knees are concerned, it's a job to say. Vids can be deceiving. As long as the load is over your mid-foot (or back a bit if that helps keep it off your toes) and your knees aren't way out past your toes you should be fine. Check out this vid for some useful tips if you haven't already done so:

Squat Rx #1

As far as the cleans go: much better than last time although now you are breaking the movement down into two obvious phases and losing momentum from the initial pull. You are dropping the bar back down into a hang clean position before the second pull. It should be one smooth movement with the bar continuing it's vertical movement until it drops back down a bit as you rack the weight. Your arms still look a little bent as you are about to start the initial pull too.

As usual, you make all your lifts look pretty easy.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, I don't agree with il_dottore either.  

I could probably get 290 6x. It would be be a struggle if I did, but I get your point on speed. another thanks for pointing out the lower back contracting, I had not noticed this...

Hip drive (think I just figured out what hip drive means) and sitting back further on the descent are some things I need to work on.

thank you for the resource, appreciated.

for the cleans, I think I need to drill some high pulls. I don't know, the movements are difficult for me to consolidate.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 09 2008,23:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I noticed in your log you'd mentioned not having made it past week 8 on a 5x5....that makes me curious.  Right now, I'm feeling a bit beaten up.  Not bad though.

All I've done for about a year is HST (before that I wasn't lifting &quot;seriously&quot;.  Anyway, on an HST cycle, I always felt beaten up as I approached rep maxes, but then fell into a bit of a &quot;deload&quot; as I began ramping toward the next &quot;microcycle's&quot; rep max (ie, hit 10 rm and then move into 5's).

5x5 has a bit of that involved as a person can back up a few weeks and deload.  even within a given movement, whilst the other exercises progress unchecked.

did that have any lucidity?  I'm hoping to make at LEAST 12 weeks on the 5x5 before I step back and evaluate it...</div>
FF, CNS fatigue has always been my problem with going any further in the 5x5. Physically I have always felt fine. I'm not sure if dropping back a few weeks would help the CNS recovery, but probally would help if you hit a plateau. Maybe my age has something to do with it.

Like the videos. Your squat looks pretty good to me. Nice depth, hard to tell where the knees are and your speed looks fine. Darn it would be nice to explode out of the hole and push it up like it was nothing, but that shits heavy. Hitting the pins is a bummer. I use the J curve for benching too, so I like your form. And for the record, you don't look like the gym idiot on your cleans.
Lol and FF,

I looked at the video again. Yeah the speed is fine, I guess what I should have said is don't pause at the bottom. But Lol, please take another look. His knees are definitely coming just a bit too far forward at the bottom. The bar being over the middle of the foot is not the only criteria that needs to be met.

Anyway, FF, if you concentrate on hip drive and not pausing at the bottom, that will help with the knees indirectly. That is why forward knees are bad, because you can't get good hip drive that way.

On the bench, I don't know you are trying to do. If it is working for you that way, then cool. But you might just want to experiment a little with different grip widths and elbow flare to see which one works for you the best. But why would you want to increase travel and push it towards your feet? The whole point of arching the back and tucking in the shoulder blades is to decrease the range of motion. And the bar should only be going up.
I don't know, I've been finding success with a less than straight bar path. I got the idea from a post by Aaron on Lyle's site:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3. Bar path – While I understand the idea behind pushing the bar in a straight line, for unequipped lifters I think the Metal Militia technique or ‘catch and throw’ is better. Catch the bar low on your chest/upper abs and throw it back over the shoulder area.</div>
(BAX67 @ Apr. 12 2008,19:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">CNS fatigue has always been my problem with going any further in the 5x5.  Physically I have always felt fine.  I'm not sure if dropping back a few weeks would help the CNS recovery, but probally would help if you hit a plateau.  Maybe my age has something to do with it.  </div>
I could see that... how old are you? I turned 32 in March.
(nipponbiki @ Apr. 13 2008,02:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">concentrate on hip drive and not pausing at the bottom, that will help with the knees indirectly. That is why forward knees are bad, because you can't get good hip drive that way.

On the bench, I don't know you are trying to do. why would you want to increase travel and push it towards your feet?</div>
this is good advice on the squats.

I don't necessarily think that pushing towards the feet increases travel, the bar actually moves in a straight line (up).  In fact, I feel this &quot;method&quot; reduces travel and is safer for the shoulders (doesn't require the extra rotation).

Tot's right though, I read the Wendler method at elitefts (and from Louie Simmons on deepsquatter). elitefts I'm pretty sure is a metal militia hangout...could be wrong.



2x8x55 hypers
4x10x55 incline weighted situps

felt good today, no problems at all.
(fearfactory @ Apr. 14 2008,12:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(BAX67 @ Apr. 12 2008,19:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">CNS fatigue has always been my problem with going any further in the 5x5.  Physically I have always felt fine.  I'm not sure if dropping back a few weeks would help the CNS recovery, but probally would help if you hit a plateau.  Maybe my age has something to do with it.  </div>
I could see that...  how old are you?  I turned 32 in March.</div>
Happy Belated Birthday! I'll be 41 in July. Have you ever read any of Wade Hanna's articles on deepsquatter?
(BAX67 @ Apr. 14 2008,8:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have you ever read any of Wade Hanna's articles on deepsquatter?</div>
no, I hadn't. after you posted that, I went and read Louie Simmons: A Second Opinion which I thought was a great article that I could actually follow. He's about the same height as I am and loves the deadlift.

at this point in time, I think that after I finish w/ my current 5x5. I will going to do a few cycles of HST - after the first two weeks of 5's, I'm going to deload a bit by going right into a 5x5 and pyramid up to as heavy as I can get. -that's my summer plan

By the time fall rolls around, I think I'm going to do another strictly strength program. Like Sheiko or something off of deepsquatter.

thanks for referring me, much appreciated.
I liked his article SQUATAMANIA.  He offers a different view on squatting technique.  He seems to believe there are two different types of squatters, hip/glute and quad.  Just thought it was interesting because what was brought up in your log about needing more hip thrust and sitting back more/knees coming forward.  I'm not saying anybody is right or wrong either, but just a different viewpoint.
*trots off to read squatamania*

edit - good stuff. I think I'll try to incorporate the elbow trick, varying stance, and knees tracking in the same direction as toes tricks during tomorrow's session. it's a light day for squatting, so good timing.

thanks bax!