FF's Log .1

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well...it was the day after an 8k....

remember those animal supplement commercials? I was squatting 800lbs and my leg broke, but I didn't care, I finished the set. That's what it takes to be an animal! some of their promotions used to kill me.

thanks Tim! it's going well so far. this week is fall break for my university, so the gym will be closed Thurs & Fri. should be able to get some work done around the house...but my gym will be closed. not exactly sure what my plan is yet.

wkt #4.1
DB Bench 2x15x75
BB Row 2x15x140
Dips 2x15xbw (clustered both sets 10+5)
T Bar (narrow grip) 2x15x140
I have an idea for you, FF. For those days when your gym is closed, do gigantic sets of pushups. Don't count; do 'em 'till you up and need a tissue because you are CRYIN'. The last time our gym closed it was for some stupid plumbing issue or something, and I tried that. I think I did three sets. Man, my chest hurt for a week.

...And yes, I did need a tissue myself.
I don't know if I could handle not counting.  Just my nature.  hmm, I wonder if I could get 50 push ups w/ my legs propped on the couch.

anyways, my gym closed yesterday afternoon!  bummer, so I skipped.

wkt #5
Deads 1x5x225  2x15x245
Standing Military 2x15x100 (2nd set 11+4)
Dips 2x15xbw (2nd set 10+5)
Parallel Pull-Ups 2x6xbw

edit: I went to a local commercial gym (university is on fall break)...there were a group of 3 co-eds training for a fitness show...man oh man...I told them they should log on HST, lol.
FF - Your "parallel pull-ups" are parallel in regard to your grip, correct?

Good work - clustering to finish up a set is such a benefit! ...And when you get to the point where the cluster isn't necessary anymore, the accomplishment is profound. Keep it up!
yeah...parallel grip. Not too proud of my pull-ups at the moment.
Don't worry about it - that's one of the hardest lifts to develop. That's why no one BUT the people on this site do 'em.
wkt #6

Squats 1x15x225  1x15x230
Incline DB Bench 3x15x65
Bent BB Row 2x15x145

worked out at home today, 65's are my heaviest DB's...that's why I set the bench at an incline.
wkt #7
Deads 2x10x280
Standing Military 2x10x120
T Bar Row 3x10x155
Chins 2x5xbw (clustered 2nd set 3+2)
Parallel PullUps 1x5xbw (clustered 3+2)
Nice progress, FF. It's impressive that you've been able to still progress your loads while making the rep switch from 15 to 10. 245 to 280 on you deads is especially nice!
thanks Tim! kind of hoping to get a couple sets of 10 w/ 300 in this mesocycle.

today's sets exhausted me...if I had time, I'd go back and get a 3rd set of deads later this PM. because I sure wasn't getting another set this AM.

I don't mind dropping a bit of volume in a session (as much) this go around, since I'm hitting the gym more often. (3x weekly vs a targeted 5x weekly)

the militaries felt pretty heavy. the progression there may have been a bit steep. I hope they feel lighter after squats on Weds than they did after deads today...
wkt# 7.1
DB Bench 3x10x80
Pendlay Rows 3x10x160
Dips 2x10xbw, 1x5xbw
Chins 1x6xbw 1x5xbw

my neighbor got an unprotected wireless router & has highspeed. so...I got on youtube and watched some videos (notably gator's). anyway, I realized that this whole time I've been doing Pendlay Rows (as opposed to bent bb rows). sweet.
wkt # 8

Squats 3x10x250
Standing Military 3x10x120 (3rd set 6+4)
wkt # 8.1

DB Bench 3x10x85
Pendlay Rows 3x10x165
Dips 3x10xbw
T Bar 3x10x160

very happy w/ today. had been worried that the 85 db's would give me trouble, but no problems. dips also were easier today, Tues I couldn't get the 3rd set.

my gym's db's only go to 95...while that's not going to be a problem during 10's, it may present a limitation during 5's. Might have to switch to an inclined movement. reminiscent of lcar's problem (albeit my weights are MUCH lighter).

as an aside, I actually saw a kid text messaging w/ his cell phone while he was supposed to be spotting his buddy. the were doing BB Bench. lifting kid failed his lift and was struggling, while his "spotting" buddy was standing there texting! funny stuff.
wkt #9 - done w/ the 1st wk of 10's

Deads 2x10x300 (clustered 2nd set 6+4, both sets over/over no straps)
Standing Military 2x10x125, 1x10x95
Chins 3x5xbw

bw 228 ...that was after a huge breakfast, but it's started to creep up. though overall I'm looking leaner.

I was disappointed to have clustered the deads and was hoping to get a 3rd set. But I was sore from Wednesday's squats. Was happy about working thru soreness all week, I think that's a good thing.
Wkt # 10

Squats 2x10x260
Standing Military 1x10x130 (9+1), 1x10x115
T Bar Row 3x10x170

4 hr break (no eating  

Squats 1x10x260
Standing Military 1x10x130 !!

1st edit - added wkt #
2nd edit -bw was 228 @ 8am when I did the 1st part of the wkt. by noon I'd dropped to 223.
wkt # 10.1

DB Bench 1x9x90, 2x10x85
Pendlay 3x10x175
Dips 3x10xbw (last set 7+3)
Pull Ups (parallel) 1x5xbw
Chins 2x5xbw (last set 3+2)
wkt #11

Deads 2x10x320
Standing Military 1x10x130, 2x10x115
Face Pulls 1x25x70

Used a reverse grip for the last five reps on deads...my grip didn't exactly fail, but I was nervous about dropping the weight. Did face pulls w/ a rope & high pulley.
thanks Tim. I'm hoping to set a personal record here in a couple weeks. Might even have to post up a vid!

wkt #11.1

DB Bench 3x10x90
Pendlay Rows 3x10x180
Dips 3x8xbw
Parallel Pull Ups 1x3xbw (fatigue...)

rows & bench were almost the death of me today!