FF's Log .1

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It's amazing how so many of us have trimmed the amount of exercises in our workouts, yet they have become much more effective!
that's true Colby!

wkt # 12

Squats 2x10x270
Military Press 1x9x135 9,8,7,5x120
T Bar Row 2x10x185

1st set of squats was pretty good, it was absolutely a PB. last 2 reps I was leaning forward a bit too far in order to really get ATG, but still easily broke parallel on all reps. 2nd set I clustered 5+5 in order to maintain form.

was disappointed w/ not getting 135 up for 10 reps on militaries, but such is life.
wkt #13

Squats 3x5x290
Seated Military Press 4x5x150
Dips 4x10xbw
Preacher Curls (EZ Bar) 3x10x82.5

Had to work out at home today as the gym was closed. Respect to veterans.

Squats were difficult. I don't know if it was my mentality today (great seats & great tailgating only to watch the Chiefs lose to the....Broncos), or if I was nervous about squatting outside a power rack (just have an open rack at home). If today was a good measuring stick, 290 is very close to my 5 rep max.

form on military was suspect. My bench will not lock in place all the way upright. It goes to ~ 80 degrees or so (maybe a little more) . My basement ceiling is too low for standing presses.

Curls felt good! I've been flexing ever since
wkt #13.1

DB Bench 3x5x95
Pendlay 3x5x195
T Bar 3x5x200
Chins 3x5xbw
Dips 3x8xbw+25 (last set 6+2)
Face Pulls 1x20x80 (high pulley & rope)

edit for comparison sake:

wkt# 13 from 9-17-07
Squats 3x5x265
Bench 3x5x215
Standing Military 3x5x125
BB Bent row 3x5x175
wkt #14

Deads 2x5x365  1x1x385   0x2x415  

Standing Military 3,2,1x155

didn't have a lot of time today...

edit - misnumbered wkt
(_tim @ Nov. 13 2007,12:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great, great progress, FF!  The HST thing is really workin' for you!</div>
it has been working for me! will post some pics probably in Jan, before I start a cut.
doing a home improvement project that's gotten more extensive than I'd initially planned.

wkt# 14.1 (done 11-15)
DB Incline Bench 2x10x65
Pendlay Rows 2x5x205

I'll get some squats in at home before bed, but I doubt I get to the gym today.
wkt #15

Squats 2,3,2,2,1,1,1x300

was pretty wiped from construction efforts today.  it's been a while since I've put two days worth of hard labor together.
wkt 16

Squats 1x3x225,1x5x310, 1x5x315 PR, 1x1x320 (supposed to be a double but I failed the 2nd rep), 1x5x295
Standing Military 3x5x150 (last set 3+2)
T Bar Rows 3x6x205, 0x8x215

315 was my previous PR for squats, so being able to hit 5 reps was sweet!

T Bars were aggravating.  They're the standing variety and the platform is slanted.  I use the narrow grips.  215 was just too heavy to get standing up straight with, you just have to lean forward too much...I should've asked for a spot to help me get past the balance point.  Anyway, I tried it so many times that my back feels like I deadlifted!
Thanks for the comments guys!

Colby, I probably should bring back Lee Van Cleef as my avatar... I've been in a western mood since Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men is coming out. Busted out Blood Meridian and am giving that another read. I love westerns!
wkt 16.1

DB Bench 3x6x95
Pendlays 3x5x225 PR
Dips 3x8x bw+35
Chins 3x5xbw
Face Pulls 1x25x70

felt good about today's workout.  I'd been feeling a bit rundown last week, then Thurs &amp; Fri had a bit of a &quot;deload&quot;.  Maybe there is something to taking some time off mid-cycle...

edit: clustered last set of dips 5+3
wkt # 17

1x5x300 Deadlifts

didn't get much accomplished in the gym today. spent most of it drinking home brew w/ my cousins. I'm on holiday!

might as well take an SD...take care and Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm back after an 11 day SD. Plan to do another HST wkt again this time. Working out 5 days a week. Deadlifting twice a week thru 15's and 10's and then once weekly during 5's.

changes from last cycle:
- swapping DB Bench for BB Bench
- Throwing in Front Squats (which means only doing regular back squats once a week)

Squats, Deads, Military Press, Dips, T Bar Rows, Pendlay Rows, Chins/Pullups

...do a few pushups (feet on the couch) in the AM and will throw some facepulls in...for some shoulder work
wkt # 1

Squats 2x15x200
Standing Military 2x15x95 (2nd set 13+2)
T Bar 2x15x150
Dips 1x15xbw

edit - bw was 229.5
Welcome back, FF. I hope this cycle goes well. Looks like you got off to a great start!