First post/HST Cycle - Light bulk from UD2 cut!

First session of 10s went good. Found the two sets a lot harder though.

Starting to feel more pumped up now.

Did lots of sprints yest as well on my bike. My fitness isn't the best any more
Eating more on training days doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, as far as hypertrophy goes. You want your surplus cals post-training, in the 24hr period subsequent to the resistance exercise.

If by 'more on training days' you mean eating a lot after training, that's fine, but eating more before hand is sub-optimal IMO.
Eating more on training days doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, as far as hypertrophy goes. You want your surplus cals post-training, in the 24hr period subsequent to the resistance exercise.

If by 'more on training days' you mean eating a lot after training, that's fine, but eating more before hand is sub-optimal IMO.

I agree. I usually train early evening, then that night and the next day my appetite goes way up as my body goes through a protein synthesis spike. Though I do think it's important to be carbed up prior to a workout, if you are bulking, it's good to get plenty of carbs for the 12 hours or so before a workout, then get plenty of protein and overall calories AFTER the workout, for the next 24 hours. Of course, if you are training three days/week and bulking, then you might as well just eat a bunch every day! :o
funny you guys mention it ive often thought of the best way to do it imo there is a balance between two things

1) Training fasted and depleting glycogen thus improving nutrient partitioning and insulin sensitivity

2) Training fuelled and increasing peformance

Those two opposing factors are what most trainers face.

I think if your diet is good and your post training nutrition is decent you body will be primed to ensure peformance is met fasted or fuelled.

Personally I like to train fasted and get the improved partioning associated. I train in the morning an then eat from 13.00 with high carbs

The next day I lower carbs and up fats. I feel I should be filled up from the day before enough to power my workout the next day.

Just walking about and doing bit and bobs isnt enough to deplete gylcogen to the level of decreased peformance.

Its a balancing act and sometimes i wonder which way is the best. As ive done ud2 and know the effects of hard glycogen depletion and supercompensation can have.
I definitely wouldn't train fasted. Maybe a fast leading up to protein 30-60mins prior. But definitely not fasted.

Still, it works for some if they tailor everything else to suit.
Im so used to training fasted now I think I actually have decreased performance if I fuel my workouts . I feel sick and sluggish. Guess my body is alligned to that pattern . Plenty of people train fasted now with great results across lots of disciplines so it's hardly shooting in the dark anymore.

I have a client a competitive cyclist and he does up to 50 mile races fasted. And has had constant pb's since competing fasted.

Ypur eating pattern as a whole needs to be looked at not just fasted or not. If your fuelled from post wo carbs why the need to load again? Just puts you into a parasympathetic mode.

I've had bcaa and protein Shake before bit it made no difference so I dropped it.
"Training fasted and depleting glycogen thus improving nutrient partitioning and insulin sensitivity."

That's a good way to deplete liver glycogen but muscle glycogen is better depleted via exercise. Most people fast before training for the GH boost though no study that I am aware of has validated its overall benefit. Also, the anabolic window has recently been questioned again in a recent pubmed review. I personally use the meal before and a meal or two after as my personal anabolic window just because "it feels right".
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So to gone a bit OTT on bulk. 96 kg now but put too much lard on.

workout went ok still struggling to lift anything meaningful on bench due to shoulder. Quite depressing.

quads were killing today after first set on leg press. Serve DOMs now
So to gone a bit OTT on bulk. 96 kg now but put too much lard on.

workout went ok still struggling to lift anything meaningful on bench due to shoulder. Quite depressing.

quads were killing today after first set on leg press. Serve DOMs now

A lot of that weight gain is probably water weight, its not the end of the world. You should be gaining a little slower from here on out though. Its normal in my experieince to put on a bunch of weight quickly, in the first two weeks of a bulk. Totally normal.
Fingers crossed couple of clean days drop some of this water. Enjoying filling my t shirts again tho.

Funny to think couple months ago I was 85 kgs.
Bulking and cutting is not about "eating clean" or "eating dirty". It's about calories. You can eat "clean" foods low in fat, no sugar and still eat an enormous amount of calories and bulk up too fast, on the other hand, you can eat a small amount of "junk" and lose weight, but of course that is just crazy and stupidly unhealthy.

Just count calories, weigh in once/week, and adjust calories as needed.

Also, why do you want to drop water? You just barely started bulking.
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Like you said too much too soon. I'm natty no point getting fatty.

slight surplus will do me but I've been eating everything in sight.

I actually think its pointless proper bulking as a natty which is why I called my log ligh bulk. No point getting fat for Ye sake of it.

By clean I mean adjusting t macros its not cals in cals out f your not eating the right stuff
Workout wasn't the best today. Think l I've gone too heavy too soon. Felt bit dehydrated and sluggish today. Need to look at my diet a bit closer I think
Workout was pretty good today. Only did one set on leg press as knees have been aching a lot lately.

havent done db press for ages literally years. Seems to be having good effect feel wider already

Weight has stuck to 96 kg. decided to stop worrying so much about getting fat.

Have still been doing lower carbs higher fats on rest days with a morning fast, otherwise I get too tired. I'm defo a fat burner . My workout days I feel so sluggish on high carbs
Have you ever used knee sleeves for leg press or squats? Once I got significantly over 400 lbs for my working loads on squats, I had to start using knee sleeves a lot. They help, in my experience. I use Tommy Kono knee sleeves but there are pros and cons to that brand.
I've got wraps which I use for heavy squats or deadlifts . May start using them again

knees have been aching for a while now. Just above the knee. I think cycling doesn't help still doing 100 miles a week.

defo determined to put some weight back I like being fit and an all rounder but friend of mine from school saw my little bro he other day and said I was really skinny these days. Feeling good again and more confident with added size already. Even tho I feel bit slow and unfit at this weight . However I think I look better bigger my face looks gaunt when I'm lean
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I don't necessarily agree w/Sci on that point. There's a lot of variables, and too many of them going the 'wrong' way will influence how it impacts your knee. Even experimenting with the seat-height can make a massive difference.