First post/HST Cycle - Light bulk from UD2 cut!

Ride went ok spent 9 hrs in the saddle. only thing that hurt was bloody neck

so going to follow a upper/lower split as tottz suggested changed a few exercises but will be pretty similar

diet i will look at this week

edit: so will be 3 week cycles with 80 / 90 / 100 % over the reps. yet to figure out negs will prob only do 2 weeks on that and do the same workout i did before alternating deads and squats for 3 workouts per week.

4 day split

Monday – Upper A
Tuesday – Lower A

Thusday – Upper B
Friday – Lower B

Every workout will attempt to correct my neck and shoulder problems with rehab. Also when I feel the need few rounds on bags to keep loose.

Long term goals - deadlift 230 kgs /200 kg x 5
Squat - 180 kgs below parralel
Bench over 100 kg
military over 90 kg

Top weight at last cycle was 98 kgs. 96 kg going into this cycle. Been eating a lot less sd trying not to get too fat in-between. Would like to get to 99/100kg at end of this cycle.

195 deads x 5 and squats 155x 5 I would be more than happy. All other stuff just want to make any progress.

Ill do my best to hit these by march next year before I start a cut again. I expect ill be a big but fat motherfuka by then. Ill still cycle 50-100 miles per week through winter, just cos Im a tight ****er and cant be arsed fixing car.

Will follow 15s,10s,5s and negs. Negs will be deads alt squat trying to eek out extra strength and same routine I did before which is a lot of 2 up one down as I train on my own.

Workout A upper(15's) 80 90 100 %

Flat Bench 60 70 75
Militar 50. 55. 60
Bent bb row 75 85 95
CGB 40 50 60
Pull downs 135

Flat Bench 75 80 85
Military 65 70 75
Bent bb row 95 105 110
CGB 55 65 70
Pull downs ?

Flat Bench 75 85 90
Military 65 75 80
Bent bb row 105 115 120
CGB 65 70 75
Pull downs ?

Workout A lower 15's

Squats 95 110 120
Leg ex -5 stack -3 stack
sldl 60 70 80
Calves lp 4 5 6.5
abs any weighted abs


Squats 110 120 130
sldl 70 80 90
Leg ex -2 stack stack
Calves leg pr 6 7 7.5
abs any weighted abs


Squats 120 135 145
sldl 80 90 100
Leg ex stack stack stack stack stack stack
Calves leg pr 7 8 9
abs any weighted abs

Workout B upp (15's)

Incline DB Press 20 25 30
Hammmer sh 15 25 30
chins bw 5 7
Hammer rows 40 50 60
DB curls 15 20 22


Incline DB Press 27 32 35
Hammmer sh 30 32 35
chins 7 15 20
Hammer rows 50 60 70
DB curls 20 25 27


Incline DB Press 30 35 37.5
Hammmer sh 32 37 40
chins 20 27 32.5
Hammer rows 60 70 80
DB curls 22 27 30

Lower B(15s)

Deadlifts 120 135 150
bb lunges 20 30 40
GHR bw 5 10 20
Leg curl 40 50 60 (sitting)
Calves sit 35 45 60
abs any


Deadlifts 135 155 170
GHR 15 20 25
Lunges 50 60 70
Leg curl 60 70 80
Calves sit 50 60 75
abs any


Deadlifts 150 170 190
GHR 20 25 32
lunges 70 75 80
Leg curl 70 80 90
Calves sit 65 75 90
abs any
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Carrying close to 100kg around in the saddle for 9 hours is no mean feat. Last year, I went on an off-road training ride with a bunch of lads who are into that sort of thing. I got absolutely hammered. After two hours I hit a wall and my legs turned into lead. Thankfully, that was all I had to do. How you survived 9 hours, I have no idea!

All the best with your goals for your next trainig cycle. A 230kg dead would be a great achievement. Hope you get it.
I try to be an all rounder maybe at the expense of size but enjoy endurance stuff too. Next year I'd like to do a double century but that defo won't be off-road.

my ass was pretty numb in fact my whole body was by the end . Guys I went with are all club riders so was happy to keep up with them tbh seen a there about 70kg. Hit a major wall at 70 miles after smashing miles of silly accents. After that was ok just looooong
So first session after SD did workout B upper. Went ok . Didn't take hardly any time and felt like I didn't do anything really .

Did 40 kg x 15 on hammer row rest as previously recorded.

feel like I've shrunk loads after sd
Just realised something I won't be doing 6 increments as I'm not doing full body repeating workouts . Ill only be doing 2. Ill look at it later
6rd on bag not flat out just more technique than cv

added lunges to lower b now and sldl to lower a. otherwise im done in about 20 minutes and that's taking my time.
sounds good to me how are u going to tackle negs (if at all)

Not sure yet. Probably as yourself: 2 weeks of 4´s then where I can do negs Ill do them along side the 4´s on the 3rd week.. Shoulder press in smiths are good. Squat it back up. Negs for chins are quite easy too. Should be adequately sore and busted up by then ;)
So my sd must have works pretty good. My legs are crippled 2 days in after squats. Can Hardly move.

wacked my elbow when hitting the bags it black and swollen. So see tonight if it effects my training hopefully not

diet has been rubbish dropped down to 95 kg so made a bit effort this week to eat more. I'm in a challenging living arangement ATM so struggling to tie down a decent eating plan. So just stuffing face when I can. Not perfect but is what it is
So all went good elbow still sore but didn't effect training at all . Seem to be getting leaner so definitely not eating enough. Think all this extra cycling has boasted my metabolism along with extra cals burnt. Been trying to cycle less which is a welcome break as legs are still killing
Couldnt do leg curl or lunges as glutes an groin was too tender. Think I'm gonna drop sldl can never seem to recover with these. Also upped my calfs to 3 sets as they are pretty resilient
Had a shocker on monday. Couldn't do fuk all. So left halfway through.

Workout was better today high rep squats kill me though. I Ve done a few 20 rep breathing squat cycles in the past. Stil savage.

weigh is back up to 98.5 kg.
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Workout B upper last 15s

db incline 30 kg
1 set 14 reps
2nd 10 reps

pull ups
7kg x 15
chins 7kg x10

hammer shoulder press
30 kg x 15 x2 sets

hammer row.
60kg x 15
60 kg x10

db curl
22.5 x 15
22.5 x 7

seem to blow out on 2nd set might get some creatine
Workout B lower final 15s

deadlift 150 x 15 reps x 2 sets (was fairly straight forward).

bb lunges 40 kg x 15 reps x 2 sets

sittin leg curl 54 kgs x 15
61 kg x. 10
not impressed with machine pad was killing quads

ghr 20 kg x 15 x 2 sets

sitting calves 60kg x15 x 2 reps
Workout A final 15s

bench 75 x 9
75 x 6. Chest is really struggling . Not sure I'll ever get my chest back after should've injury. Considering surgery. Arm is always numb and my collar bone sticking out looks ugly.

bb bent rows
95 kg x 15 x 2 sets

60x 14

60 x 8
55 x 14

lqt pull

165lb x 15 x 2 sets
Better see a doctor. That sounds bad. My right shoulder is constantly a little wonky, and I am trying to rehab it with exercise, but if it gets worse, like you describe, I will have to go with medical intervention also.
I had a grade iii ac tear over a year ago now from a motorbike crash. Was hoping it would improve, might have to bite the bullet. Dot fancy 8 weeks in sling tho and another 3 months rehab
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Lower B last 15s

120 x 15 pr ( previous high rep pb was 115 x 15)

Leg ext
stack x 15
stack x 10

leg press calves
13 plates x 15 x 3 sets

various abs and neck work