Thanks mate.
I followed the BIG routine to the letter for the first 6 weeks, but, as I said, it was really the first two weeks that made the routine what it was. Even Darden suggested using a variant of the first two weeks - ie sticking to the basic compound supersets of squats and pullovers and chins and dips, and specialising in weaker exercises/muscles on the accessory work.
This included supersetting a crazy slow chin up - as in a single 30-60 seconds positive and 30-60 sec negative - with AMRAP barbell curls, and the same with a 30-60sec positive and 30-60sec neg dip, supersetted with AMRAP skullcrushers or pressdowns.
I don't know how the science behind the slower movement compares with the explosive positives or 2up 2 down cadences, but I do know that you can really feel the superslow movement the whole way, and yes, I vomited more than once....

from superslow chin ups, and got a few headaches (probably from incorrect breathing) from superslow squats.
I probably used that for nearly a decade as my basic go-to. I mean, squats and pullovers, chins and dips - that's the whole body covered pretty well anyway.
I did follow his next routine too - which was another 6 week program split into two week cycles - and several other high intensity routines, but it still didn't compare with the BIG routine, as far as I was concerned.
It was always around 3 full body workouts per week.
When I first read about HST, and the initial submax work, I was very skeptical. I chatted with Bryan and Bob Evans, Fausto, Vicious, Aaron, O&G and a few others early on here. Back then Bryan always said to me that as I got older, to maybe cut down to each body part twice a week, but to be honest, and being natty, I always found that frequency was more effective for me.
I started with the basic full body vanilla routine, though keeping it to basic compounds. But, again after pm chatting with Bryan and a couple of other guys - and Kate

- particularly what Vicious (Jules) was talking about - I started on the am/pm split, 3 times a week.
So Monday Wednesday Friday I trained at 6am for about half hour, and then again at about 4pm for the same. Short and sweet workuts.
I would do squats in the am, and leg press or leg extension in the pm. Bench in the am, flyes or dips n the pm. T-bar rows in the am and pull-ups/chin ups in the pm.
Shoulder press in the am, side raises and rear raises in the pm.
Something along those lines.
Still linear progression as in the basic template.
Everything else as in the basic layout. 2 weeks of 15s, then 10s, then 5s and then negatives (I always did the two weeks of negs - still do) Volume would have been the 1X15, 2X10, 3X5 - because I was training twice a day, and only about 5 or 6 exercises.
Nowadays I do more volume, 2X15 3X10 etc... because I only train once a day.
I dont know whether it was maturity factor - I was in my mid 30s, so hormonally at my peak - or my diet, because I was pretty hot on it then thanks to fitday - or whether it was the split and the frequency, but that is when I really made the fastest and biggest gains. That is when I hit 290lb.
I was working as a street cop at this time, so I was physically very active all day - and night - and working shifts. Eating on the hop. Running after a lot of people. Rolling around on the floor with these same people too...

and still hitting the iron hard.
My protein was high. At least 1g per lb bwt - usually more. The only supps I took were the ECA stack f0r pre workout and glucosomine and fish oil for my squeaky aching knees.
But yes that split was by far the biggest advance for me, and even now, I would recommend that split 100% - if someone could do it. Its not easy to schedule, and I know I was very lucky to be able to.
I think I ran with this for about 6-8 months.
I probably did get a bit burned out from the frequency, but I cant remember as it was over 10 years ago now. But I do know that it worked and that built size and muscle more than any other routine I have done in over 30+ years of lifting.
Ok, sorry for going on a bit. Memories!