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so, what about the differenz in frequenzy while on phs

-would you always use the same frequenzy?
-or would you (as I think I prefere) use a 3xper week frequenzy while off and a 5-6x per week frequenzy while on...that would mean on a cycel 2on/4off, 2weeks would be 5-6sessions per week and 4 weeks would be 3 sessions per week, even if this would split one rep-cycel (f.e. 1week of 5's 6sessions, 2.week just 3 sessions) - what do you think about that, whats your solution?
-or do you think while using a anti-estrogen, higher frequenzy will also be acceptable?
-what about the 15's...would you use in generell a higher frequenzy as 4-5sessions per week, even while off? ( I know most wouldnt use 15's in a ph cycle...)

I really need a reply...

thanks a lot guys
I would suggest that you read this post at Avant:

Prohormones FAQ

While it doesn't address HST specifics, it may give you some helpful info to answer your other questions.

Increase the overall volume while "on", either by increasing frequency or more volume per workout. Probably best to add another workout (or 2).
I have allready seen the post but it doesnt really give an answer...probably I ll have to trie it...

so you would recommend to increase volume just while on, even if this would mean 6 workouts the 1week of 5's and 3 workouts the 2week of 5's?

(like blades recommendation (15off 15off) 10off 10on 5on 5off neg's off neg's off

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wolge @ Oct. 13 2003,1:01)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so, what about the differenz in frequenzy while on phs
-would you always use the same frequenzy?

Focusing on volume would be better than on frequency. Androgens don't accelerate the rate at which a cell repairs itself or builds proteins. Androgens enhance the magnitude of the response....make sense?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-or would you (as I think I prefere) use a 3xper week frequenzy while off and a 5-6x per week frequenzy while on...that would mean on a cycel 2on/4off, 2weeks would be 5-6sessions per week and 4 weeks would be 3 sessions per week, even if this would split one rep-cycel (i.e. 1week of 5's 6sessions, 2.week just 3 sessions) - what do you think about that, whats your solution?

I think you will experience better results doing more sets per workout, rather than doing more workouts, as long as you are using a ~48 hour frequency. Take your days off to focus on getting an appropriate amount of protein and good carbs.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-or do you think while using a anti-estrogen, higher frequenzy will also be acceptable?

Using an antiestrogen can increase testosterone levels, but they will need to increase considerably before you begint o see a significant anabolic effect. For example, if you are taking straight testosterone, you probably won't see a whole lot of extra growth until you reach 400-600mgs per week. below that you do get some effects but it is mostly mood, and perhaps exercise tolerance.

So in short, taking an antiestrogen probably won't be terribly "anabolic" at the tissue level. It may however help you retain some mass you gained while using androgens.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]-what about the 15's...would you use in generel a higher frequenzy as 4-5sessions per week, even while off? ( I know most wouldnt use 15's in a ph cycle...)

Now that is a different situation. When the weight loads get light enough (especially 1st week of 15) doing higher frequency is recommended while leaving the volume (~2 sets/exercise) pretty much the same. This is because there is less damage/inflammation caused by the lighter weights. 15s cause more of an "acute" anabolic effect (amino acid uptake, PGs, ribosomes, etc) without activating significant satellite cell activity.