Gamechanger: Gain 30, Pull 500.

Heavy Day

SemiSumo DeadLift: 345x6
Definitely stronger with semi-sumo, no more conventional for me.

Decline Bench: 250x5 PR yea!

BB Press: 165x5 PR, but cheaty, not quite full range on last 2 reps, still awesome

1-arm Cable Row: 125x6 hard... PR

DB Laterals: 25s x8

UH Pulldown: 225x5 close to PR
Started logging at Lyle's forum, since this one seems to have crapped the bed...

Today's log:

Good day. Made the logbook my slave....

DeadLift: 355x5 PR
Decline Bench: 260x4 PR
Press: 165x4 (previous PR)
1-arm Cable Row: 135x5 PR

Bodyweight around 201.
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Nice Christmas present to yourself there. Conventional or sumo deads?

sort if in-between. Technically, a very narrow-stance sumo. My stance is just a bit wider than conventional, and I grip the bar, just between my legs. For whatever reason, I am stronger using this stance than either conventional or a regular wide-stance sumo.
Still cutting, very slowly at this point, while trying to retain as much lean mass as I go.

My schedule got all messed up lately, and I have started exercising at night after dinner. Doing an upper/lower 2x/week body split, similar to Lyle's intermediate bodybuilding program, but less volume. Strength has plateaued, and even dropped a little bit by now. I am hoping to get sub-190 pounds of bodyweight sometime soon, then I will resume maintenance eating and stabilize before increasing volume and calories sparingly.


Upper Day (Monday/Friday)
UH Pulldown: 185
Prone DB Trap Raise: 20s
Reverse Fly Machine: 120
Decline Bench: 215

Lower Day (Sunday/Thursday)
High bar Squat: 205
Rack Pull, above knee: 315
Standing Calf Raise: 240

Bodyweight 198 lb.s
Lower Body
Rack Pull, above knee: 435 3x8
Uni-Leg Press: 90 3x8
Standing Calf raise: 240 3x8

big traps starting to stick out from under the bodyfat. A decent diamond-shaped trapezius taking definition. Abs and hips are the last place I lose muslce on a cut, and they are usually next after the back fat comes off.
Rack Pull as lower body is an interesting call ;)

Yeah, my routine is upper body dominant. I put Rack Pulls in lower body, as it hits hamstrings pretty good, but you are right, mostly its a back exercise: great for adding meat to the erectors and trapezius, probably more effective for that area of the back than most other back thickness exercises. Forearms help too of course to hold onto the load for an extended set. I forgot my versa-grips and just barehand hook=gripped the bar and still managed 8 straight reps.
I can probably start pulling 500 with straps.
Great sex with the wife tonight, skipped gym, took her to dinner and a movie instead. :)
Rack Pull: 455x8, 505x8,3
The 505 for 8 had a number of spectators... Which helped my motivation.
Uni-Leg Press: 135 3x8
Uni-Calf Raise: 60 3x8
Roman Chair: 15,10
Hamstring Stretch
Some awesome pulling there for sure. Getting an audience while you lift is a clear sign that you are a strong mofo.
Upper Day
3 sets of 6-8

UH Pulldown: 195
Decline Bench: 215
Seated DB Press: 55s
Reverse Fly Machine: 150
Fullbody 3 sets of 6-8

Rack Pull: 455
UH Pulldown: 200
Decline Bench: 215
Seated DB Press: 55s
Reverse Fly Machine: 155
Uni-Leg Press: 140
Uni-Calf Raise: 60
Around 197 pounds, aiming for 190 as the target. Will post pics and complete this last uber-long bulk-cut gamechanger cycle... Eventually.
Rack Pull: 455x8, 505x8,3
The 505 for 8 had a number of spectators... Which helped my motivation.

Outstanding pulling! Spectators can definitely give one an "edge" during heavy lifts. Not that I've ever really had "spectators" but whenever some of my gym "bros" stand around and cheer me on during a new PR attempt, I definitely get a good boost!
4x8 warmup pyramid to one top set

DeadLift: 315
Decline Bench: 235
UH Pulldown: 200
Military Press: 95
Reverse Fly Machine: 160
Uni-Calf Raise: 80

doing very strict, full ROM military press to the chest... for some reason I am very weak in the bottom ROM, so I will keep doing them to bring up this weak area, and balance out the shoulders.
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Im at 200 and shooting for ca190 too. We should get some pics up when we reach that.

Yeah. I won't be "ripped" or anything, but I will be more lean and muscular than ever in my life at that weight. I already am showing some definition on the obliques. No six-pack yet though. I will definitely post pics at 190 pounds / 86 Kilos.