Gamechanger: Gain 30, Pull 500.

Deloaded is better than deconditioned for this style of training, in my experience at least.

That may be true, but for me my job requires lots of heavy lifting, so even my Strategic Deconditioning periods are really just deloading, unless I happen to be on vacation, which is rare. :(
Example: yesterday I jackhammered an asphalt driveway and loaded the chunks on the truck via deadlifts, so I could get access to a main waterline break under the driveway.
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Appetite came back last night. After exploding to 200 pounds overnight, I actually lost a little weight during the last two weeks. CNS drain killed my appetite, but I managed to force enough protein and calories down to maintain lean mass.
It feels good to be able to really eat again. Let the bulking commence. :)
That may be true, but for me my job requires lots of heavy lifting, so even my Strategic Deconditioning periods are really just deloading, unless I happen to be on vacation, which is rare. :(
Example: yesterday I jackhammered an asphalt driveway and loaded the chunks on the truck via deadlifts, so I could get access to a main waterline break under the driveway.

Well deloading of whichever method is still preferable here I would think ;)
Yeah with your daily activities, it isn't really an SD anyway, more of an active recovery/deload. Either way, our goal isn't so much to decondition here persay as it is to increase growth potential. Since we know that the studies show nine days off with a return to training on day ten increases growth potential, that's mostly what we are after. Plus recovery, of course. I'm sure eventually your body will adapt to the daily stresses you put on it in addition to the training and then recovery will improve somewhat.
Yeah with your daily activities, it isn't really an SD anyway, more of an active recovery/deload. Either way, our goal isn't so much to decondition here persay as it is to increase growth potential. Since we know that the studies show nine days off with a return to training on day ten increases growth potential, that's mostly what we are after. Plus recovery, of course. I'm sure eventually your body will adapt to the daily stresses you put on it in addition to the training and then recovery will improve somewhat.

Yeah. Pretty much explains why direct lower back work is better only once/week.
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Cycle 2, week 1, day 1: upper body HST 2x10

Machine Flyes: Warmup to decent load
Reverse Flyes: Warmup to decent load
Bench: 155
Cable Row: 150
Dips: 205
WG Pulldowns: 140
DB Press: 50s

Messed around with bench press after a thorough warmup of the shoulders. Felt ok, but I definitely have to be careful with form and I think I will only keep these very light and focus on form, the dips will be more heavy and the main hypertrophy stimulus of chest and triceps for a long while yet.

Dips went well,
Rows felt great,
I also decided to forego barbell overhead work, it was a great idea in theory, but a barbell overhead is too hard on my shoulders. The dumbells are a better range of motion for my shoulders, and have less pain, so they win. I am not going to risk an injury, especially after reading mikeynovs log.

Pulldowns felt good, keeping the pronated wide grip for now. I'll switch to supinated-grip if my brachioradialis get flared up again later this cycle.

Upper body "pumped" not that it matters for growth, but it still feels good.

Weigh-in: 200 lb.s
Working long hours, not been following the morning ritual. Missed several workouts...I need to get motivated again somehow.
Nothing to do but to just start doing it again. The problem is that it is easy to get out of the habit and this is discouraging, which leads to more missed workouts since you are already discouraged that you've missed so many. So nothing to do but put your big girl panties on and get back in there. Either it is a priority or it is not. There is nobody for you to answer to except yourself and if you aren't getting the results you want, nobody else to blame. Long work hours suck, but really we are only talking about a few hours a week here to invest in improving yourself. I'm sure there is time you could spare somewhere in your schedule. When I was in the same boat, I had to take a step back and look at what I was doing every day. Sure, I was working 10-12 hour days most days, sometimes more, but there was time I was wasting here and there, time that I could have been doing something more productive.

And if that doesn't work, there is always tough love: Stop crying and drooling all over yourself, stop making excuses, it is take to stop embracing mediocrity and get in the gym. We are all expecting you to keep making progress and you are letting us all down.
Alright coach, I will get back to the morning ritual.

I need to make it a priority of my day, or I'll fail. Failure is Not an option.
Don't try to do it. There is no "trying" involved here. You either do something or you don't. It's as simple as that.
I know how hard it can be when working insane hours and having kids in the mix. One thing that can help mitigate the stress of it all is to train. Sci, I cannot tell you in the space of this post how nuts time is on my end. I can tell you, though, that it is insanely easy for me to favor life over time in the gym. Too much of that leads to something completely different - unmitigated stress and poorer self image too. Both disaffect you at work and at home. Furthering on what Tot said - even if you find a total of 90 minutes in the course of a week, take it for you. Make the commitment to how important your health is and pull the trigger. No matter what, you will feel better.
I just need to get up in the morning and get to the gym. It is important to my mental health, thanks for the support.
Sci, my workout today sucked but it got done. My schedule has been all over the place this last couple of months for reasons that I don't need to talk about here. I really couldn't get regular, progressive workouts in so I've done odds and sods and guess what? It doesn't do anything for progress! I haven't gone backwards too far but even if I'm spinning wheels I'm not satisfied and nor should you be!

I love reading yours and other folks' logs when I have my brekky; it gives me a buzz if I know you guys are out there busting your butts and making progress. It's motivating too, especially when I see you young'ns making PR's all over the place. :)

I look forward to finding out how you get on this cycle.
I have written out my morning ritual, as well as my training program, I will resume programming this morning, with renewed zeal and more rigorous ritual. The training ritual is key to consistency for me.
I love reading yours and other folks' logs when I have my brekky; it gives me a buzz if I know you guys are out there busting your butts and making progress. It's motivating too, especially when I see you young'ns making PR's all over the place. :)

I look forward to finding out how you get on this cycle.

Totally agree. I am inspired, motivated, encouraged, and instructed by reading the training logs here!
Hit "reset" and started HST cycle 2 today. Definitely felt deconditioned, but with same muscle mass. HST rocks! Going to hit it every morning now.

1-2 sets of 10 reps

Flyes: 180
Reverse Flyes: 135
Incline Bench: 135
Cable Row: 150
Wtd. Dips: 205
WG Pulldowns: 140
DB Press: 50s

Tomorrow: Deads and legs.
DeadLift: 340 x5, x2... Low back failure. Damn, now I'm playing catchup with nativetroutbum, I'm coming after a new PR this month!

Leg Press: 8 plates x10
Uni-Leg Press: 120x10
Uni-Leg Curl: 65x10
Seated Calves: 120x10
You probably just had a slightly off day, Sci (340x5, x2 is NOT a bad day). Also, since your job taxes your lower back, you'll likely have greater variance from workout to workout due to back fatigue during the day. I have an "office job" so my days at work are essentially "rest" periods. I'm sure you'll pull over 385 at the end of the month.

If I get 350x5 multiple times next week, I'll likely shoot for 385x1 at the end of this cycle... so I'm definitely playing catchup to you!

Also, I'm using a belt and wrist straps for my heavy 5's though for my 1RM I may try no wrist straps... we'll see.
Thanks troutbum. 340 for 3x5 was the goal. I rested 6 minutes after the first set. Just not that much strength-endurance developed yet. I wear a belt, though I am not sure it makes much difference. I use just chalk for grip, and I use a hook-grip for heavy loads. No mixed grip for me. I may get some straps at some point, to help with higher rep pulling.
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