gbglifters bulk-log

Try BTN instead if military. No lower back issues. My neck and shoulders have never felt better, frankly.
Upper A

BP: 60x10. 105kgx5. 80kgx12. 60kgx20.
CGBP: 80kgx7. 60kgx13.
BTN: 50kgx8+7.
Pendlay: 80kgx11+6
Pullups: bwx11+7
Upper B

Chins: +35kgx5. +15kgx8. Bwx10
BP: 110kgx3+2 80kgx14 60kgx18
BTN: 55kgx9+8
Dips: +40kgx7+4
Pendlay: 60kgx15

Pullups: bwx10+10+8
BTN: 60kgx8+8+8
Pendlay: 80kgx8+7
Dips: bw+45kgx9. +25kgx14
Then some flyes and abs.

Had major issued with pollen this week. Better today but decided to do as I please, just for fun.
Quick workout as I was more focused on sorting out brake cooling to my track toy today :)

BTN: 80kgx3+3+2 PR
BP: 105kgx3+3+2
Chins: bw+45kgx4+1 PR bw+25kgx5
Dips: bwx25+17
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Decided to go and do some squats. Ended up doing upper body metabolic work too.


Squats: 40kgx8. 60kgx6. 100kgx4. 80kgx7.

One armed pulldowns: x36reps
Cable flies: x41reps
Machine deltraise: x42reps
1arm cable pushdown: x30reps
Reardelt cable: x20reps

Hack: 80kgx8+8+8
Legpress: BUSY
Curl: 40kgx26+16+14
Stand calf: 105kgx7. 60kgx14

BTN: 50kgx8 70kgx8 85kg(bw)x3 PR! 50kgx16

Squats: 80kgx8+7+5
RDL: 70kgx8+7
Legext x 35reps
Calf: 60kgx15+12

BTN: 70kgx5. 90kg FAIL 70kgx8

Im pretty sure I can lift 90kg just not after Ive trained legs!
Push. Less to do with leg activation during the lift and more to do with me being generally knackered after training legs.
Ill try btn again today. First exercise.
I decided to do a quick at-home work out today due to missing my upper workout on friday.
I did one minute on, one minute off.

Wide push ups
One hand row with bands right
One hand row with bands left
Narrow pushups

I did this cycle twice for a total of 20 minutes. Really tough doing narrow pushups for a full minute. At least I managed something.

Ivr had problems motivating myself lately. My minds been on trackdays the last month or so. It will probably continue for the rest of summer.
Really pleased with my cutting though. Im sitting at 84kg now. Just waiting for the last bit of fat to be removed. Last year I was down to 78kg fully cut but I lost so much volume. Im feeling much fuller this time round due to me allowing a smaller deficit. Ive been in no rush to cut, which I feel allows one to lose weight slowly and steadily. I reckom another 2-3kg and Ill be properly ripped.