Getting Massive

cheers mate merry xmas! although it hasn't got off to a great start. flights to egypt were cancelled. bloody poms can't even deal with a little bit of snow!
Well that sucks. Any chance your still going to get there or might you have to reschedule?

Staying away from cold weather is why I’ve always preferred to live in the tropics. People just shouldn’t live where palm trees can‘t survive outdoors.

And Merry xmas!
we rebooked for tomorrow, but they keep cancelling flights. cant get through to the airline either so no idea. just going to turn up to the airport tomorrow and hope for the best.

yeah i know what you mean. i've been in London for 7 years but now i just really want to go home to Australia! over the cold weather !!!
hey guys i'm back! happy new year to everyone, hope you had a better break than i did.

it's been a stressful couple of weeks to say the least. i thought holidays were supposed to be relaxing. i've been pretty stressed the last couple of days (try being stuck in Bulgaria while your missus is getting evicted from your house!) but i wont bore you with my problems. time to get stuck back into training.

i havent really set any goals, just more of the same. i might reduce cals a bit to avoid getting too tubby. i have to do a reduced cycle this time because i'm going to South Africa in 6 weeks. so i'm skipping the 15s and getting stuck into the 10s. as i have had an extended period off, i decided to stick to the same weights as last cycle and see how it goes, hopefully my strength will ramp up to what it was before.
10s DAY 1

IncBenchDB 28*10, 36*10, 36*10 - hard
legCurl 50*10, 50*10 - ok
Chins A33*10, A12*10, A12*10 - hard
CalfRaise 75*12, 100*10, 100*10 - easy
ShldrPrsDB 22*10, 22*10 - easy
Abs - 40*10, 40*10 - good
Squats 65*10, 65*10 - good
DBCurls 14*10, 14*10
Skulls 25*10, 25*10 - easy

looking over my last cycle, it seems to be pretty much the same. but i rekon my strength will come back sooner than last cycle. also struggling to eat due to stress. but i am slowly getting back into my daily routine and feeling better about life in general. so my appetite is coming back. the gym will def help with that as well.

i'll do some measurements as soon as i can, but i have def lost a couple of kegs from not eating over the break (i know - most ppl eat more, i dont!)

anyway its good to be back. do it. do it!
10s DAY 2

LegPress 100*10, 170*10, 170*10 - good
Dips BW*10, BW*10 - good
RowsDB 30*10, 30*10 - good
MilPress 35*10, 35*10 - good
CalfRaise 105*10, 105*10 - good
Abs - 42.5*10, 42.5*10 - good
Deads 80*10, 80*10 - good
Skulls 30*10, 30*10 - good
DBCurls 14*10, 14*10 - good

as you can see all good - great to be back! same weights as last cycle - some felt easier some harder but i think i'll stick to them. still working on the diet but it will all come together soon.
Although I’ve only completed one and half way through a second cycle too me it’s somewhere in the 10s that everything just seems to feel right.
yeah i know what you mean, although i do love the last two weeks of the 5s - throwing all those heavy weights around is pretty satisfying.
10s DAY 3

IncBenchDB 28*10, 38*10, 38*9 - v hard - CNS died!
legCurl 55*10, 55*10 - good
Chins BW*10, BW*10 - v hard - just got last rep
CalfRaise 110*10, 110*10 - good
ShldrPrsDB 24*10, 24*10 - good
Abs - skipped em
Squats 70*10, 70*10 - good - feel so much smoother than last cycle. cool!
DBCurls 16*10, 16*10 - good
Skulls 32.5*10, 32.5*10 - good

hard one today - CNS died big time on 2nd sets. i knew it would happen on bench - always does after an extended layoff. felt like i was going to norris, think its because i just started on creatine again (snickers just before working out didnt help either!)
10s DAY 4

LegPress 100*10, 180*10, 180*10 - good
Dips BW5*10, BW5*10 - good
RowsDB 32*10, 32*10 - good
MilPress 40*10, 40*10 - good
CalfRaise 115*10, 115*10 - easy
Abs - 47.5*10, 47.5*10 - easy
Deads 85*10, 85*10 - good
Skulls 35*10, 35*10 - good
DBCurls 16*10, 16*10 - good

another good workout. although still feeling a bit crook. might be stress i dunno.
10s DAY 5

IncBenchDB 28*10, 40*10, 40*8 - v hard
legCurl 60*10, 60*10 - good
Chins BW5*10, BW5*7.5 - v hard
CalfRaise 120*10, 120*10 - easy
ShldrPrsDB 26*10, 26*10 - good
Abs - 50*10, 50*10 - good
Squats 75*10, 75*10 - good
DBCurls 18*10, 18*10 - good
Skulls 37.5*10, 37.5*10 - good

the only two i struggled on were bench and chins. i always found that these two were the most difficult to get strength back after a long break.
10s DAY 6

LegPress 100*10, 190*10, 190*10 - good
Dips BW10*10, BW10*10 - good
RowsDB 34*10, 34*10 - good
MilPress 45*10, 45*9 - hard - lower back stopped me from last rep
CalfRaise 125*10, 125*10 - good
Abs - 52.5*10, 52.5*10 - good
Deads 90*10, 90*10 - good
Skulls 40*10, 40*10 - good
DBCurls 18*10, 18*10 - good

figured out why deads and squats felt so good - i'm doing 10KGs less than last cycle - oh well. i'll try and increase it for the 5s.

5s DAY 1
love the 5s

IncBenchDB 34*8, 42*5, 42*5, 42*5 - good
legCurl 65*5, 65*5, 65*5 - easy
Chins BW*5, BW*5, BW*5 -easy
CalfRaise 90*10, 135*5, 135*5, 135*5- good
ShldrPrsDB 28*5, 28*5, 28*5 - easy
Squats 60*5, 90*5, 90*5, 90*5 - good. was supposed to do 80, cant count. oh well, felt pretty good anyway!
DBCurls 20*5, 20*5, 120*5 - good
Skulls 45*5, 45*5, 45*5 - good

strength coming back after the long SD. feeling good!
5s DAY 2

LegPress 150*8, 220*5, 220*5, 220*5 - easy
Dips BW*8, BW10*5, BW10*5, BW10*5 - easy
RowsDB 36*5, 36*5, 36*5 - easy
MilPress 50*5, 50*5, 50*5 - good
CalfRaise 80*10, 140*5, 140*5, 140*5 - good
Deads 60*5, 105*5, 105*5, 105*5 - good
Skulls 45*5, 45*5, 45*5 - good, but sore from DOMS
DBCurls 20*5, 20*5, 20*5 - good

can feel my strength returning, so i have adjusted some of the weights from last cycle, lets see how it goes. interesting to read the corresponding entry from my last cycle!
5s DAY 3

IncBenchDB 38*8, 44*5, 44*5, 44*5 - good
legCurl 70*5, 70*5, 70*5 - good
Chins BW5*5, BW5*5, BW5*5 - good
CalfRaise 145*5, 145*5, 145*5- good
ShldrPrsDB 30*5, 30*5, 30*5 - good
Squats 60*8, 100*5, 100*5, 100*5 - good
DBCurls 22*5, 22*5, 22*5 - good
Skulls 50*5, 50*5, 50*5 - hard
Hey Oz, I’m looking into some isolation exercises for my next cycle and wondered what sort of DBCurls you are doing. Like are they incline, just standing, hammer etc. . . and how you feel they are working for you.
Hey Oz, I’m looking into some isolation exercises for my next cycle and wondered what sort of DBCurls you are doing. Like are they incline, just standing, hammer etc. . . and how you feel they are working for you.

I always found that the best bicep excercises for mass are the Barbell Curl, and the seated dumbell decline curl. However good isoloation excercise that I have found has worked for me is the single arm dumbel preacher curl. Another tip that has worked very well for me on dumbel curls is to rotate your forearm/wrist slightly at the top of the curl, so the pinky of your hand is higher than your thumb.