5s DAY 12
LegPress 100*5, 200*5, 300*5, 300*5, 300*5 - v.hard
Dips BW*5, BW15*5 BW30*5, BW30*5, BW30*5 - hard, could have got 35 i rekon
RowsDB 32*5, 42*5, 42*5, 42*5 - v.hard
MilPress skipped
Deads skipped
ok yeah i know i kind of piked it on my last day, but seriously after the 300KG leg press my lower back was killing and cramping up... i didn't want to risk it. i trained with a mate from work so i just showed him deads and my back was aching just doing 40KGs so i didn't do any more. the good news is he's keen on HST! so i might write up a routine for him, only thing is he's just starting out so have to work on strength as well. anyway.... SD MoFos !! i'll post my results after i get weighted and measured tomorrow. fingers crossed!