Getting Massive

5s DAY 12

LegPress 100*5, 200*5, 300*5, 300*5, 300*5 - v.hard
Dips BW*5, BW15*5 BW30*5, BW30*5, BW30*5 - hard, could have got 35 i rekon
RowsDB 32*5, 42*5, 42*5, 42*5 - v.hard
MilPress skipped
Deads skipped

ok yeah i know i kind of piked it on my last day, but seriously after the 300KG leg press my lower back was killing and cramping up... i didn't want to risk it. i trained with a mate from work so i just showed him deads and my back was aching just doing 40KGs so i didn't do any more. the good news is he's keen on HST! so i might write up a routine for him, only thing is he's just starting out so have to work on strength as well. anyway.... SD MoFos !! i'll post my results after i get weighted and measured tomorrow. fingers crossed!
I measured myself yesterday. here was my original post -

The goals:
1. add 4Kgs
2. stronger deads and squats
3. add half an inch to Biceps flexed

Here are my results:

Weight - 71.2KGs -> 76.5KGs = + 5.3KGs
BF% - 15 -> 17.75 = + 2.75
Bicep (r) - 13.5 inches -> 14 = + 0.5
Bicep flexed (r) - 14.5 -> 15 = + 0.5
Chest - 39.5 -> 41 = + 1.5
Waist - 32.5 -> 35 = +2.5
Hips - 34.5 didnt measure
Thigh (r) - 21.5 -> 22 = 0.5

so awesome results! the main one was a wopping 5.3 KGs or 11lbs! awesome. i also got that 1/2 inch on my biceps and my squats and deads are stronger, so i think i reached all my goals. absolutely stoked! the best thing was today i bought a large t-shirt because it was for chest 41-44. only problem is i think i need new work pants and jeans because my waist grew a bit too. but who cares!

big thanks to all you guys who have given me advice along the way. i think i'll take it easy for the next few weeks and SD over chrissy. i might do a week of light weights or something to maintain. anyway i'm on my way to getting massive! HST works guys. do it. do it.
When do you recommend taking measurement? Is there a best time to get a good starting point like at the end of each SD or the end of the HST cycle before SD. Before a workout or after a workout. Or does it not really matter as long as you always measure at the same time?
thats a good point. this is only my first cycle so not too sure. i just finished on friday so was keen to get my measurements which i did the next morning. i didnt think i'd grow any more during SD but who knows. i think i'll measure every couple of weeks from now on just to see the progress and adjust my diet if necessary. but the guys who have been doing this longer may have a different view.
so awesome results! the main one was a wopping 5.3 KGs or 11lbs! awesome. i also got that 1/2 inch on my biceps and my squats and deads are stronger, so i think i reached all my goals. absolutely stoked! the best thing was today i bought a large t-shirt because it was for chest 41-44. only problem is i think i need new work pants and jeans because my waist grew a bit too. but who cares!

big thanks to all you guys who have given me advice along the way. i think i'll take it easy for the next few weeks and SD over chrissy. i might do a week of light weights or something to maintain. anyway i'm on my way to getting massive! HST works guys. do it. do it.

Dude, that's awesome!

You're right, it seriously works! I have gained 16 lbs (goal: 20), and added over an inch to every measurement (and I've still got 3 more weeks). I never thought I'd see the gains I'm seeing in just 1 cycle.
Those are pretty awesome results. Since you have to SD over christmas anyway, what I would suggest is doing a minicycle between now and then, if you feel up to it. I've done 2-4 week cycles before with really good results. Basically what I did when I last did this was three weeks of 5s. The first two weeks laid out like standard, building up to my old 5 RM, then one week of working with my RMs or trying to push beyond them if I felt I could. It was great when I did it and allowed me to really focus on perfect nutrition and everything during that period since it was only a few weeks. Anyway, it's worth a shot if you are interested. I think you'd do well with it if you still feel like lifting heavy. Otherwise maybe some time with lighter weights would be better. You could do the same thing just with 10s if you wanted, or any kind of variation.
thanks guys.

yeah Tot, i want to do a mini cycle maybe next week for 2 weeks before i go to egypt. only thing is i have a slight obliques strain from bench press which i dont want to get worse. i might just do a cycle of 10s or something and see how it goes.
Awesome! I'm almost half way through my 5s and will finish just before Christmas as well.. I hope my results will be as good as yours :) Enjoy the SD :)
15s DAY 2

going to do a mini 2 week cycle of 15s to fill in the time before chrissy and new year. missed day one so starting on day 2

LegPress 110*20
CalfRaise 95*20
Dips BW*18
RowsDB 28*18
MilPress 35*18
bis 12*16
tris 20*20
Deads 65*16
Abs 30*20

all pretty easy stuff, good to be back!
15s DAY 3

IncBenchDB 24*10, 34*17
LegCurl 47.5*20
CalfRaise 100*20
Chins A19*17
ShldrPrsDB 20*17
Abs 32.5*18
Squats 70*17
BisDB 14*17
Skulls 22.5*20

easy! just reading over the corresponding post from my first cycle, things seems so much easier. can't believe i doubted the system. it works!
15s DAY 4

LegPress 120*20
CalfRaise 105*20
Dips BW5*18
RowsDB 32*18
MilPress 40*17
bis 14*16
tris 25*18
Deads 80*15
Abs 35*20

relatively easy again.
15s DAY 5

IncBenchDB 24*10, 36*15 - hard
LegCurl 50*18
CalfRaise 110*17
Chins A33*10, A12*15
ShldrPrsDB 22*17
Abs 37.5*18
Squats 80*15 - out of breath
BisDB 16*16
Skulls 30*17

good final lifts for Part A, definitely gotten stronger anyway.
15s DAY 6

last workout of the year!

LegPress 130*17
CalfRaise 115*17
Dips BW*10, BW10*15
RowsDB 34*15
MilPress 45*14 - hard! but better than last time
bis 18*15
tris 32.5*15
Deads 85*15
Abs 40*15

thats it for this mini cycle. didnt weigh myself this time (still scared of those scales). see you all in about 3 weeks. merry christmas and happy new year!