(Fausto @ May 25 2006,06:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Guys
I'd advise anyone not to take J-reps too seriously, however if you like them include them in your training as a tweaking technique.
I see it as that, but certainly not as the holy grail of hypertrophy.
HST is where's its at at least for me.</div>
Well said, Fausto. I don't know what J-Reps are (i.e. how to perform them). They might hit the muscles really well and stimulate growth or just be great for a change of pace, but the real catalysts are the principles that engulf HST: Decondition your body, lift progressively increasing loads at frequent enough intervals, take in enough proteins, carbs, and general calories. Do these things, and the rest are just "tweaks."
Happy HST'ing.