J-Reps results?


New Member
I figure about now there should be a bunch of huge people running around after using J-Reps...anyone care to report in?
In the end it doesn't make that big of a difference. Include all the large exercises, perform them with good form. My gains from that equaled the gains i had from tweaking exercises or methods of performing reps.

i made the greatest gains of my life using jreps .my gains skyrockets and am very pleeased considering that i trained for 15 years.i combine jreps using pof exercises
Funny you should ask!

They definitelly helped kick start my gains, even though my body weight has not changed (I am having a problem with finances to get good protein powders as this'll be the only way to increase my intake properly).

Anyway, excuses aside, I definitely think they work, but I have a problem implementing them from the 5's onwards, great ppotential for injury at least in some exercises! So I used for 10's for every exercise.

Needless to say that on some I reaaaaaally struggled, Chins comes to memory!
am using pof with jreps and hst principles.am clustering for high loads.example shrugs i take a 7 rm load and do 5 minireps bottom stretched rest then 5 agaIN rest 5 again.

then do a continuoous set for the top contracted position around 10 then a drop set of 8 .
(Totentanz @ May 23 2006,22:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">They can't tell you, or they will get sued... but, have you ever done 21s?</div>

Thanx Tot

so we have a copyrighted way to lift a barbell now?

No, the inventor (hahaha) of J reps is a giant pathetic idiot who threatens anyone who talks about it with lawsuits.

Mikeynov has written a 'jreps' piece called blowreps, Im not sure if its available on hst, but tis here
Hey...if you really wanna know...just mail me, I'll tell yah!

Shhhht...just between us! Hush...hush...

I'd advise anyone not to take J-reps too seriously, however if you like them include them in your training as a tweaking technique.

I see it as that, but certainly not as the holy grail of hypertrophy.

HST is where's its at at least for me.

Tweaking is great! It gets one thorugh sticking points and adds variety in the fcae of boredom!

Big compounds are stil the best builders of all time, the iso's ahve their place once you have the &quot;basis sorted&quot;, so to say.
(Fausto @ May 25 2006,06:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Guys

I'd advise anyone not to take J-reps too seriously, however if you like them include them in your training as a tweaking technique.

I see it as that, but certainly not as the holy grail of hypertrophy.

HST is where's its at at least for me.</div>
Well said, Fausto. I don't know what J-Reps are (i.e. how to perform them). They might hit the muscles really well and stimulate growth or just be great for a change of pace, but the real catalysts are the principles that engulf HST: Decondition your body, lift progressively increasing loads at frequent enough intervals, take in enough proteins, carbs, and general calories. Do these things, and the rest are just &quot;tweaks.&quot;

Happy HST'ing.
(Fausto @ May 23 2006,06:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">They definitelly helped kick start my gains, even though my body weight has not changed (I am having a problem with finances to get good protein powders as this'll be the only way to increase my intake properly).</div>
I won't use protien powders. Maybe you'll like this. I blend up a banana with serving of natural peanut butter and orange juice.

If not, just increase your daily intake of natural peanut butter, you probably already know it's real calorie dense.
This is also called partials, right? I know of a guy who uses partials in his pull ups. His goal is something like 100 consecutive pull ups. Anyway, breaking the motion into thirds has helped him increase the number of pull ups he can do. I don't think he's anywhere near 100 though!

Doing partials for chins, unless he is using strictly bodyweight, will eventually get him hurt, as for most of us we like to load them so, forget J-reps.


I like the recipe - That simple hey? I have been ignoring the kids peanut butter jar for a while and I really like nuts and peanuts.

You mean just that banana (which I love BTW) + peanut butter + orange juice + start mixer and go? Taste ok?

Just BTW - anyone who has used 21's for standing curls (a pretty common killer arm workout) will know how to do J-reps, and yep it uses three different ranges of motion.
Fausto: yeah, that's the base and it tastes great. I may throw in some blueberries or sliced peaches also.
Just remember to only use natural peanut butter.
Chances are I will be trolled, spammed and dammed but...

I have average if not poor genetics and am naturally slight of build. I use to kickbox at 142 lbs. I was in good shape, but not as lean as now (more like 13-15 % body fat compared with a steady 10% now). I lifted weights regularly but concentrated mostly on the sport.

After backing off the boxing as I went into my thirties I became more health conscious and leaned out some, stopped banging up my body as much and looked to add more muscle. I figured age would eventually try to rob me of lean mass. I saw so many 'golden agers' hobbling around or just not moving for the last couple of decades of life and didn't want to fall into that trap.

I always found building muscle very tough and it took several years to build up another 15 lbs in muscle.

With JReps/Zone Training, I have put on another 12 lbs of muscle and in a short 8 months. In addition, the gains came in two short bursts and not over the entire period. Much of the 8 months was spent learning and fine-tuning the method to my needs.

I ain't much to look at even when keeping in mind that I am totally natural for life. I have a small bone structure but not necessarily short limbs if you catch my drift. I guess you would say I am the classic hardgainer body type. To make maters worse I smooth out easily and only carry my max lean mass at around 15% body fat. This means I can either walk around real smooth in the 180's or lean and hard in the high 160's.

Anyway, have a look if you are interested: http://www.zone-training.net/success/Shortt/shortt.html


I'm not here to spam or damn you, but IMO I don't put much stock in comparison pics when the 'after' pics always have more favorable lighting.
Weight gain during a cycle is dependent on diet, not training methodology. If you have made horrible gains in the past, it's because you don't know how to eat. No training method is going to make you gain weight unless you are eating enough. It just isn't possible. It violates the laws of physics. You can't create matter from nothing.
So... if you never gained any weight with past routines, it was your fault for not eating enough - not the training programs fault.