Lol's New HST Log

What does the belt (or any) actually do for you?
Probably adds 5kg to my top lifts due to a more stable midline. It's not much but it's definitely something. I'm not suggesting that it couldn't be dispensed with if I was to work my abs and spinal erectors harder, but, as I am, I'll get about 5kg more in a max squat attempt and about the same in a deadlift.
Mon 29/07/13

Had a very enjoyable weekend of CF Games competition watching (online—better than nada). The "clean & jerk ladder" was my favourite event, with a few competitors getting good lifts at 345lb. Bearing in mind that they weren't exactly coming into this event fresh, their numbers were very impressive. Technique ranged from poor to really good.
(looks like this video can only be viewed outside of the US?)

Over the weekend I did some one-arm chin negatives and some grip work. Lower back was totally fried after the rack pulls on Friday so I gave it a rest. Decided to try a few snatches tonight to see if my left shoulder would cope.

General Warmup
Shoulder dislocates
Nekid bar snatches

5 x 30kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 45kg
5 x 50kg
3 x 55kg

No straps. Power snatched fourth rep with 55kg. Didn't count it and called it quits as technique breaking down and left shoulder starting to complain a bit.

Hang Clean
10 x 60kg

Rack Pulls
5 x 70kg
5 x 120kg
5 x 160kg
2 x 180kg - hook grip
5 x 180kg - straps from this set onwards
5 x 180kg + 10 shrugs

First two reps with 180kg got to my thumbs a bit so I stopped and strapped up for the next set. Thumbs were numb for a while afterwards but are fine again now.

Handstand Push-ups
10 @ RPE 10
Thought these might be uncomfortable but they were ok.

Did a bit of handstand work after the HSPUs and had a first go at a progression that might eventually lead me to a planche.

Left shoulder much improved and I stopped before I did anything to set it back again. I have found out where my left shoulder is much less mobile than my right so I'm going to work on that.
Wed 31/7/13

Palindrome day!

Before training tonight, I sat down on my sofa to watch a short Youtube vid and promptly fell asleep! Not getting enough zeds, me thinks. In view of this, I decided to delay my heavier session until tomorrow.

General Warmup
Shoulder dislocates
Nekid bar muscle snatches

Snatch off High Blocks
5 x 30kg
5 x 40kg
3 x 45kg
3 x 45kg
5 x 3 x 50kg - all reps paused in hole for deep stretch

Straps for most sets. Lots of good practice with the focus on getting my bottom position even deeper. I'm attempting to get my hips to open more so that I can get my butt more forward and get my torso more upright.

Paused Front Squat
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 80kg

3-4 sec pauses between all reps, again with the focus on stretching out my hips. Even 80kg seemed tough by the 5th rep after all the snatch work.

Spent some time working on my tight left shoulder. The Apley scratch test shows up my left shoulder issues to be glenohumeral adduction, internal rotation and scapular retraction with downward rotation (ie. the hand-behind-low-back-and-reaching-upward stuff, not the reaching-behind-neck-to-touch-upper-back stuff). Left arm is shockingly bad compared to the right which isn't great either. I put it down to my bike accident when I broke my left clavicle about 15 months ago. I also had a couple of spills off a quad bike and hammered that same side of my back and left shoulder very hard. I rehabbed it a bit but didn't check this part of the ROM. It's not pleasant to work on but I hope I can make some improvements in both shoulders.
I'm also hoping to feel a bit more rested tomorrow and get some heavier lifts in.
Thu 01/08/13

Rubbish night's sleep again last night and down on calories during the day so I wasn't expecting anything much tonight. Just wanted to do something.

General Warmup
Shoulder dislocates
Nekid bar squats
"Apley" stretches - horrid

High-bar Back Squat
10 x 60kg (132lb), 5 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 110kg (242lb)
5 x 130kg (286lb)
3 x 140kg (308lb)
3 x 140kg (308lb)
4 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 9.5 - went a bit forward coming out of the hole
10 x 100kg (220lb) - last rep 4 sec pause in hole

Belted for work sets; knee sleeves; O-shoes.
Decided to up the ante after the first set with 130kg. First time I've lifted 140kg in a long time. Don't know if I would have made a fifth rep on the last set if I'd tried. I went a bit off balance with the fourth so decided to rack it. I have to say, I really felt these in my quads. :) I'd like to get up to sets of 5 with 140 soon.

BB Single-arm Rows
(Weight of bar not included)
W-U: 10 x 25kg, 10 x 50kg
5 x 65kg (143lb)
5 x 65kg (143lb)
5 x 65kg (143lb)

Straps for work sets. 5kg increase for work sets tonight. The first rep always feels mentally heavy and then the rest just get banged out. Left arm first tonight for a change.

Parallel-grip Chins
12 x BW @ RPE 10 - slow, steady tempo

W-U: 20 x BW
15 x BW+20kg (44lb)
15 x BW+20kg (44lb)
10 x BW+25kg (55lb)

Final rep for each set lowered and then held for count of 5.
A bit heavier again tonight; left shoulder held up ok.

Finished up with a few gymnasticy movements and some stretches as well as some single-arm hangs from large diameter handles for grip work.

My sleep has been appalling of late. The last few nights I've been getting around 3 or 4 hours of proper sleep at best so I've been feeling pretty wiped out during the days. I think it must be the muggy air. We need a good storm to freshen things up a bit.
Weird that you felt those squats in your quads, since squats are for building your glutes, not your quads.

Impressive though to say the least when on no sleep and low calories. What causes your bad sleep do you think? I've been having the same problem lately, I think it's because it's so damn hot here at night.
Weird that you felt those squats in your quads, since squats are for building your glutes, not your quads.

Impressive though to say the least when on no sleep and low calories. What causes your bad sleep do you think? I've been having the same problem lately, I think it's because it's so damn hot here at night.
Re squats: Yes, very weird indeed! But I will persist in doing them on the off chance that I get some additional quad development.

It's definitely the heat that's been disrupting my sleep. Warmest it's been here for several years. I should be asleep now; instead, I'm stuffing my face with a mix of full-fat yoghurt, nuts, seeds, berries, peanut butter, a drizzle of honey and some cinnamon.

After training and dinner, I dozed off for a bit which was fatal as I was then wide awake. I'm hoping the snack will make me feel sleepy again. It's a fair but cooler tonight so I'm hoping I'll get a chance to catch up a bit.
High-bar Back Squat
10 x 60kg (132lb), 5 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 110kg (242lb)
5 x 130kg (286lb)
3 x 140kg (308lb)
3 x 140kg (308lb)
4 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 9.5 - went a bit forward coming out of the hole
10 x 100kg (220lb) - last rep 4 sec pause in hole

Thanks for the motivation!! I honestly cant even fathom over 300 pounds for a full squat right now. Nice work, LOL!
NTB, you'll get there soon enough! If I can do it, anyone can; particularly as I'm not exactly a spring chicken!

I'm currently away from base on a short break and got chance to rig up some gymnastic rings at last. Managed to get my first rings muscle-up after only a couple of attempts. Got a double too after a few more attempts. Will be trying for a triple before the week is up. That's a long-term goal achieved with very little specific work. Now I have to make it to 10 reps.

I had a go at some archer chins too. These babies are really tough. I can do about four consecutive reps: 2 left, 2 right. Didn't quite get high enough on the fourth rep.

Hope everyone's training is going well. :)

Ended up being away from base for a week.

Have squatted and deadlifted as well as spending time using gymnastic rings.

This evening, I did this:

Shoulder dislocates

Ring Muscle-ups
10 x singles - all reps lowered under control as far as possible.
5 x failed attempts

Darn, these were hard. Not helped by the fact that plastic rings are slippery compared to wooden ones. Chalk helped but not enough. Took enough skin off my left wrist to feed Mr. Lector. Left shoulder feeling pretty beaten up already.

Ring Dips
10 x bw

Started these at the top of last muscle-up.

Archer Chins
2 x bw

Yeah, these were v hard too.

Negative Archer Chins
3 x 3 x bw

Raised up to top position then one arm pushed out sideways, away from body, into archer position; top position held and then lowered under control, as far as possible, with chinning arm.

Ring Chins
3 x 5 x bw

Hands started in pronated position and finished in fully supinated position. Very natural feel.

Back and bis were already tired so thought I'd finish up with a high-rep set of chins. Ha! So easy, I managed 5! Decided to do three sets instead.

Great upper-body pump afterwards. Tennis ball shoulder massage session required, as well as more shoulder dislocates. Left shoulder feeling pretty hammered.
Had lunch with my brother. He said I wasn't looking very lean. I must be bulking then. :)

Travelled home today so I should be able to get back to some regular training now.
Decided to do some more ring work before I left even though left shoulder was feeling rather beaten up.

Shoulder dislocates
Ring pull-ups

Archer Chins
2,1,1,1,1 x bw - left then right
Better form. Left shoulder feeling pretty funky afterwards.

Pelican - Stage 0.5!
3 x 4 x bw
1 x 5 x bw

Supported bw at knees to reduce total strain, hence Stage 0.5. Even so, delts, pecs and bis all felt a ton of strain. Took a video of final set and will try to get around to uploading it to YouTube.

35 - to failure


On arriving home there was a bar set up with 200lb so I did 20 very strict reps for fun.

Pelicans are pretty crazy when performed in the full version. Stage 0.5 was a taster of what's to come if I continue to progress these. Massive strain on upper-body, particularly across anterior delts and upper-pecs.

I've enjoyed having a go at some ring exercises this week. It's given me an even greater respect for Olympic gymnasts. What those guys can do is truly amazing.
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Here's the vid of the last set of Pelicans (stage 0.5) I did yesterday:

Stage 1 is where you put your feet on the support block/chair/thing rather than knees. That's my next challenge for these.
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Having brought my rings back home, I rigged them up in my hallway today. It's not ideal as 1) they're in my hallway! and 2) whilst the ceiling is high it's still not quite high enough. It'll have to do, though, until I rig up a taller frame outside. That might not be for a long while. I can do muscle-ups but I'll have to be careful not to smack my head on the supporting beam.

Whole of my upper-body sore from previous day's ring work.

General Warmup
Shoulder dislocates
Air squats
Deep squat stretches

High-bar Back Squat
W-U: 10 x 60kg, 10 x 70kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg
5 x 130kg (286lb)
5 x 130kg @ RPE 9
Knee sleeves; O-shoes; belted for work sets. All reps with 130kg felt heavy but were solid. Left shoulder tight and sore getting into position. Stopped after 2 work sets to lessen potential DOMS.

Ring Pull-ups
12+3 x bw
Pronated hands at bottom to supinated hands at top position. Focussing on scap' retraction at the start of each rep. Pause at top of each rep. Had to shake arms out briefly after 12th rep and then completed three more reps.

Did some other exercises on rings. "Skinning the cat" felt much better than it did a couple of days ago as did some front-lever practice.

Appley Stretch test performed on left shoulder shows no improvement there yet. Very uncomfortable still. Will have to do a better job of resting it.
Anyone who thinks skull crushers are scary should view your video. One slip and your face first on the ground. Thanks for sharing with us!

My left shoulder pretty funky still so I've been performing various stretches to help ease the discomfort. Tennis ball rolling works wonders.

As far as training goes, it was a sort-of active rest day...

General Warmup
Shoulder dislocates
Nekid bar muscle snatches
Air squats

Snatch - practicing pulling under bar during turnover
5 x 30, 5 x 40
4 x 5 x 45kg

Pulling myself under bar during the turnover is something I haven't been doing properly. It's making a bit more sense now but I need to keep the load light until I get it sorted.

Ring Flyes
3 x 5 x bw

Performed with feet raised on box; elbows locked. Aim was to get as close to horizontal (180º) as possible. Probably made it to 150º. I decided to try these instead of Pelicans as there is less strain on shoulders over a reduced ROM.

General Warmup
Air Squats
Shoulder dislocates
Nekid bar C&Js

C&J Complex
1 x 40kg - C + 3FS + 3J
1 x 50kg - C + 3FS + 3J
1 x 60kg - C + 3FS + 3J
1 x 70kg - C + 3FS + 3J
1 x 80kg - C + 3FS + 2J
1 x 85kg - C + 3FS + 2J
1 x 90kg - C + 3FS + 2J
1 x 95kg - C + 3FS + J

No belt; no knee sleeves. Shoulder was okay for most of the jerks but decided to stop at 95kg to be on the safe side.

3 x 95kg (209lb) - PR

Pleased I got this triple. I think I had enough in the tank for at least one more rep too.

Ring Pull-ups
15 x BW @ RPE 10

25 x BW
15 x BW+20kg (44lb) @ RPE 10

Again, decided against going any heavier until shoulder is a bit happier.

Good to get a PR in my cleans. Next stop 3 x 100kg.
Heck! Traps are fried from the cleans; tris fried from the weighted-dips; lats and rear-delts fried from the ring pull-ups. Interestingly, pecs not noticeably sore at all, even though they were pumped like crazy following the dips. Evidently, the strain on pecs from pelicans and ring flyes was over and above what they experienced from the weighted-dips; but, of course, the dips were not in 5RM territory.