Lol's New HST Log

Week 2

Wed 16/01/08

Not much time tonight. Parents evening at school to attend so only a brief workout. Good though!

Front Squat: warm ups then 15 x 85kg (187lb) New 15RM, 10 x 85kg (187lb) - that was a tough 15 reps.

Dips: warm ups then 15, 10, 5 x bw+35kg (77lb)
Nice, a new 15 RM on front squats. 77 lbs for 15 on dips is pretty serious too.

Well, enjoy your week off.
Thurs 17/01/08

Pull-ups: 20 x bw (MS) - haven't done these in a long while due to my previous left forearm injury. No sharp pains this time.

Chins: 10 x bw - these feel much easier than pull-ups to me but I have to be careful not to hurt my left forearm at the bottom so I don't go to full extension. That's partly why then!

Upright Rows: 18, 12 x 53.5kg (118lb)

One-arm db Row: 15 x 51kg (112lb) - for some reason, this was harder with my right hand than my left hand tonight.

I'm still around until the weekend so I hope to get a few more sessions in before I head off even if they are short.

Thanks for the squat vote Colby.  
 I'm just happy that my numbers are still on the up even though my calorie intake has been pretty lousy of recent. I know there are lots of folks here who have squat numbers much better than mine but they just don't keep a log or post very often.  Aaron, Mikey?

I'm pretty sure Liege is focussing on football right now but I'm sure he'll be back again with some huge numbers at a later date.
Fri 18/01/08

Power Cleans: warmups starting with 40kg, 5 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 20 (MS) x 80kg (176lb) plus some extra clean pulls with 80kg.

Haven't done these for ages. After that lot I also did 5 continuous reps with straps to see how that felt. Much easier to do consecutive reps that way. Thankfully, although my forearms took a beating nothing hurt.

That's all I had time for.
Sat 19/01/08

Abbreviated workout again. Pretty sore from yesterday's cleans.

Squats: warm ups then 15, 10, 5 x 120kg (264lb) - New 15RM

Bench: warm ups then 15, 10, 5 x 85kg (187lb)

Pleased with the squats. I have 275lb for 15 reps firmly in my sights now.

Should have tried 90kg for bench.

Well, I have a week away now so the best I can expect is a bit of maintenance eating and body weight lifting while I am away and then I'll jump back into the 10s when I'm back.

Have a good week folks.  
Wed 23/01/08

Thanks BAX. While I was away, I managed to get a full-body workout at the 'Fitness Studio' where I was staying. It was all machines (very slick and expensive looking and feeling) so a very different workout to my training over the last year or so.

I warmed up and then worked up through the weight stacks on the following machines:

Upright Bench Press
Lat Pull-downs
Seated Shoulder Press
Leg Extension
Leg Curl

I worked up to doing the full stacks on all the machines (couldn't resist it) barring the leg extension and leg curl – both those machines felt horrible on my knees. The forces on them felt very unnatural compared to my usual squat variants. This was most apparent with the leg curls and may in part be due to my lack of familiarity with the movement, not having done them in a long while and therefore not having built up any specific joint/ligament toughening.

It was good to use the machines for a change but I wouldn't want to switch from using my free weights any time soon. I dread to think how much just those few machines cost compared to my lowly yet ultra versatile barbell and weights.

Interestingly, the following day, I got some soreness in most of my upper body but next to nothing in my legs even though I worked them pretty hard (just not with the full stack).
Yeah, I wouldn't trade my power rack and free weights for any of those machines. At least you got a workout in though, you gotta make due with what's available.
That's what I've been doing...and using the whole stacks! Ha! I know how ya feel man! Better than nothing. They only have up to 50 lb. DB's too...I found myself doing true straightarm flyes and explosives to make them heavier. That may have been good, being change.
i have yet to find a hotel/motel gym setup that's any good...especially leg x/leg curl machines....they're usually of the cheap variety, and if you're not careful, you'll blow your knees out b/c the motion is so unnatural. but it seems you made the best of a poor situation
I will be down in Orlando for a conference (three nights) in two weeks. I believe I am staying at a Marriott, so I hope their gym is half decent for my cycle. The weights won't be too heavy at that point, but I doubt I will be able to do some deads!
Week 3

Mon 28/01/08

Back at it for my first week of 10s after my time away. Late workout tonight. Finished 2:00am!

Front Squat: warmups then 2 x 10 x 85kg, (187lb)

Bench Press: warmups then 2 x 10 x 85kg, (187lb)

Pendlay Row: warmups then 2 x 10 x 85kg, (187lb) - first set pronated grip, second set supinated grip

Standing Press: warmups then 2 x 10 x 50kg (110lb)

Rows were hardest tonight. Felt fatigued by 8 reps. I'll be back on creatine now so that might help me on Wednesday.
Just an observation, my well-educated friend...but are you not cheating yourself here? Using the same weight for different exersizes seems to me to put yourself at different percentages across the board. I'm sure it's convenient, but is it optimal?
Actually, it's not that convenient as I'm having to unload the bar and move it in and out of the rack. It just worked out that way. I upped the rows to 85kg instead of the intended 80kg which is why I think they were a bit harder than the other exercises. I figure that my bench and rows should be about the same. It is interesting that front squats are right around the same weight too at this point. They didn't feel easy either.
I also try and match up the pendlays w/ my bench. Just wish my front squats were there too!

What's got you doing supinated pendlays? curious. I'm picturing some bicep and forearm emphasis. Does it hit the front of the shoulder more? Any difference in the the feel on your lats and erectae? I'll give this a whirl and find out for myself, but I'm curous what you think...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I figure that my bench and rows should be about the same. </div> I dunno. My bench maxes right now at 345 but rows at 315, but that's just me. I second the question about supination. That sounds uncomfortable to me, but I have some wrist problems and get scared easily.
I first started using a supinated grip for rows when my left forearm was strained, purely because it didn't twinge that way. A neutral grip was kindest of all so I did single arm db rows but I couldn't figure out a simple way to use a neutral grip with a bar unless I made handles etc.

As well as having to use a slightly wider hand spacing when using a supinated grip, it also forces me to keep my upper arms closer to my sides the whole time. Thankfully, I haven't had any wrist pain from them so far.

I do think my pull is slightly stronger with a supinated grip than with a pronated grip which must be down to my arms (bis) being in a mechanically stronger position. This could mean more loading on the lats if it allows me to push my top loads higher. I'll stick with this alternating and see how things work out during 5s and beyond.
Wed 30/01/08

Pushed for time this evening. Might get a chance to do more later.

Deads: warm-ups then 10 x 120kg (264lb) - double overhand grip, 2 x 10 x 160kg (352lb) - reverse grip.
(Lol @ Jan. 30 2008,04:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A neutral grip was kindest of all so I did single arm db rows but I couldn't figure out a simple way to use a neutral grip with a bar unless I made handles etc.</div>
I use dumbbells for my rows in order to get a neutral grip. I do both arms at the same time by doing the rows prone on a bench. It saves my lower back, too, when I'm doing deads, squats, RDL's, and Good Mornings.