Wed 20/02/08
Overhead squats with empty bar to warmup. Also tried a few behind the neck presses once in the hole; I can't believe how hard they feel in this position with just an empty bar!
Clean & Jerk: 10 x 60kg, 10(MS) x 80kg, 5(MS) x 90kg (198lb)
Pretty tiring session but what a cool exercise it is. I love these babies. Max Stim style reps are perfect for these. By the fifth rep with 90kg I was pouring with sweat and I'm training in what is a pretty cold room (cold enough to see my breath). Most jerks were lowered down to chest level under control for some extra shoulder work but a few I just let crash to the floor which was very satisfying!
I tried a couple of attempts with 100kg and failed; I'm psyching myself out and not really giving it everything I've got for the second pull. It would help if I learnt how to receive the bar lower down. Right now I'm practically standing upright when the bar racks. 90kg seems to fly up when I get it right so 100kg must surely be in the bag soon.
Had to curtail my workout after C & Js as I had a prior arrangement to keep; will have to finish up tomorrow.
Looking for a bit of inspiration, I came across this interesting interview with Leonid Taranenko today. In it he discusses his training. Wow!
Leonid Taranenko Interview
And a vid of his amazing 265.5kg Clean & Jerk:
Leonid Taranenko 265.5 WR Clean & Jerk
He also lifted 266kg (586lb) in the C & J in Nov '88.
From WikiP: Due to the restructuring of the competitive weight classes that took place in 1993 and 1998, these lifts are no longer recognized as the official world records. However, these remain the highest figures ever posted in competition.
In my book he's still got it. I wonder if this years Olympic games will see his record finally broken. Maybe we will see a 600lb C & J for the first time in history?