Lol's New HST Log

(Totentanz @ Sep. 12 2008,10:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I hope you enjoy the carb load.  I think I hated it more than depletions, but I probably didn't make the best food choices.  How many grams of carbs do you have to take in?</div>
I'm estimating about 1100 grams (based on 6 grams per pound of lean body mass @ ~180lb) and seeing how that works out. I still haven't got any decent kitchen scales so I'm having to estimate amounts from packet descriptions etc.

I felt sick after my first 150 grams of carbs as I stuffed in four bowls of cereal (pretty high GI carbs) in a row! Then I noticed my heart was speeding up and I felt kind of weird. Talk about an insulin hit.

I definitely prefer low GI carbs now so the carb-load, while initially satisfying a bit of a craving, soon becomes less pleasant. I felt much fuller today muscle-wise but more bloated internally.

Heavy lifting day tomorrow but tonight I'm still really sore from all the lifting I've done this week so far.
firstly i appologise for being lazy, i rarely read through an entire log, especially one thats nearly 40 pages lol.

i am curious as to your body fat estimate, do you have a ball park figure, and when will u be ready to post some update pics, id be interested to see them.

as far as the carbs go, i maybe tempted to gorge myself on carbs while im on holiday. however i will definitley be taking in low gi carbs. have you filled out alot since taking them?
(lcars @ Sep. 13 2008,3:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i am curious as to your body fat estimate, do you have a ball park figure, and when will u be ready to post some update pics, id be interested to see them.

as far as the carbs go, i maybe tempted to gorge myself on carbs while im on holiday. however i will definitley be taking in low gi carbs. have you filled out alot since taking them?</div>
I am curious too! I have a calliper thingy that I haven't bothered to use. I'm gauging things by how I look and how much I can still lift - not very scientific I know.

I've definitely lost some strength so far and I'm assuming that that means I have lost some lean mass along with the fat. Here's a thought though: when we lose fat we tend to lose it from the non-stubborn areas first; for me that seems to mean visceral fat and probably intra-muscular fat. If that's the case then apparent strength will drop even if muscle mass stays the same as there will be a change in mechanical advantage for some fibres (angle of force will change slightly across a joint). I'm not sure how much difference this would actually make but it would be something.

I also found that with a nice thick layer of fat that my core stabilisation was a lot better than it is now - so things like deads and squats just felt more solid than they do now. I guess it was a bit like wearing a lifting suit.

As far as carb loading goes, it's a weird experience: After the initial rush, for much of the carb load day(Thursday eve to Friday eve) I feel sleepy and not like doing much. (Lyle warns of this - it's to do with elevated serotonin levels along with insulin). A bit of cardio helps to wake me up a bit. This lunch time I felt really invigorated and ready to hit the weights even though I had to work right through Friday night and only had a few hours kip this (Saturday) morning. Having just eaten I'm feeling a bit sleepy again but in an hour I'll hit the squat rack and see if my numbers are as good as last week, worse or better.

I'm still not dialled in to getting the right quantities of macros for each day of the week yet but I am getting into the way UD2 is supposed to work.

One of my mates told me today that I looked like I was shrivelling up! Oh the joys of cutting!
(Lol @ Sep. 13 2008,1:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(lcars @ Sep. 13 2008,3:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i am curious as to your body fat estimate, do you have a ball park figure, and when will u be ready to post some update pics, id be interested to see them.

as far as the carbs go, i maybe tempted to gorge myself on carbs while im on holiday. however i will definitley be taking in low gi carbs. have you filled out alot since taking them?</div>
I am curious too! I have a calliper thingy that I haven't bothered to use. I'm gauging things by how I look and how much I can still lift - not very scientific I know.

I've definitely lost some strength so far and I'm assuming that that means I have lost some lean mass along with the fat. Here's a thought though: when we lose fat we tend to lose it from the non-stubborn areas first; for me that seems to mean visceral fat and probably intra-muscular fat. If that's the case then apparent strength will drop even if muscle mass stays the same as there will be a change in mechanical advantage for some fibres (angle of force will change slightly across a joint). I'm not sure how much difference this would actually make but it would be something.

I also found that with a nice thick layer of fat that my core stabilisation was a lot better than it is now - so things like deads and squats just felt more solid than they do now. I guess it was a bit like wearing a lifting suit.

As far as carb loading goes, it's a weird experience: After the initial rush, for much of the carb load day(Thursday eve to Friday eve) I feel sleepy and not like doing much. (Lyle warns of this - it's to do with elevated serotonin levels along with insulin). A bit of cardio helps to wake me up a bit. This lunch time I felt really invigorated and ready to hit the weights even though I had to work right through Friday night and only had a few hours kip this (Saturday) morning. Having just eaten I'm feeling a bit sleepy again but in an hour I'll hit the squat rack and see if my numbers are as good as last week, worse or better.

I'm still not dialled in to getting the right quantities of macros for each day of the week yet but I am getting into the way UD2 is supposed to work.

One of my mates told me today that I looked like I was shrivelling up! Oh the joys of cutting!  
well ive never thought of that way before, it would certainly account for the strength losses we have both incurred.

dont know about you ,but this cut i just said what the hell, lets just go for it, no matter how much weight i lose, i wanna see some abs. however im starting to feel the squeeze, i dont like the fact im dropping below 16st. some of my clothes are fitting more loosly now
. its proberbly nothing to be concerned about but it does play with the mind a little.

i must admit, never really bothered measuring my body fat, i just use the mirror and scales.
Sat 13/09/08

2nd week UD2, Heavy training day:

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 110kg, 3 x 130kg, 4 x 5 x 140kg (308lb) - same as last week so no strength lost here.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 5 x 100kg (220lb), 2 x 110kg (242lb)

Rows: 5 x 81kg, 5 x 91kg, 5 x 5 x 101kg (222lb) - used the EZ-curl bar

SLDLs: 10,15 x 101kg (222lb) - fancied doing a few of these using the same bar and load I used for rows.

Shoulders still pretty beaten up so no direct shoulder work. Only about four hours sleep in the last 36 hours so not too bad considering. Didn't feel any stronger than last week but then I am not expecting to.

Just discovered that the three chicken breasts that I was looking forward to cooking have gone off!  
 So, it's back to the good old standby - a tin of tuna.

@ lcars - Dropping below 16 stone?! Ha! I'm about to reach 14 stone! Just imagine that. I just hope that I get an ab or two to show for all this pain and suffering. I can at least now get into jeans I haven't been able to wear for well over a year (last time I did a cut).
Mon 15/09/08

UD2 Experiment, Week 3

BW: 200lb

Back up to 200lb - after almost a week of near starvation! Oh, and the carb load! On the plus side I do seem to be a bit leaner than I was last week, so I'm not going to fret about the odd pound - I took more creatine over the last three days so it could be just fluid retention. I'll just have to see how things turn out this week.

Because I was feeling so beaten up after last Monday and Tuesday's depletion workouts, I have decided to do things a little differently this week. For today's workout I used lighter loads and did a lot of reps; then on Tuesday I'll up the loads a bit more. For both days I'm going to reduce the number of sets a bit until I feel my joints are coping - by last Saturday's workout I felt like an old man.

Squats: 25 x 135lb, 20 x 80kg, 15 x 90kg (198lb)

Dips: 40, 25, 25 x bw

Kipping Pull-ups: 20, 25, 30 x bw - last set was totally awesome for lat burn.

Ran out of time so left direct shoulder work out again. Never mind; it should help them recover a bit more for tomorrow's workout.

Not a whole lot of work for a depletion workout but I was tired and hadn't had many calories all day due to work, so this still felt pretty depleting.
Thurs 18/09/08

Last day of depletions for this week. Body weight had dropped to 198lb at the start of my workout.

Generally feeling pretty worn out. I am finding that the Monday and Tuesday depletion workouts are just too hard on my joints because of the volume. My hips are sore and my shoulders are so uncomfortable that I am not sleeping well. So, my plan for next week is to reduce volume on the Monday and Tuesday workouts. I'm going to do 3 sets per exercise: a set of 25, a set of 20 and a set of 15, rather than 5 sets of 15.

Hopefully, dropping the load for the first two sets and really focussing on getting a burn in the working muscles will still work for glycogen depletion but also be kinder on my joints. If my joints recover and I can build up a bit more of a tolerance to the amount of work and reps, I may increase the number of sets of 15 in a few weeks time.

Thursday's workout went pretty well although I had to force myself to start. I don't mind muscle stiffness but joint stiffness sucks.

I attempted a supinated grip chin after doing several sets of parallel grip chins; my right arm really complained so no chance that I can add these back in again yet. Oh well.

Anyway, I have a 5s workout to look forward to on Saturday where I'l get to see if my strength is down any further.  
(Lol @ Sep. 19 2008,2:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Body weight had dropped to 198lb at the start of my workout.</div>
Most excellent, Lol!. You're wasting away to nothing.
Sat 20/09/08

3rd week UD2, Heavy training day:

BW: back up to 200lb today after yesterday's hulking load of food. It's still in transit!

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 5 x 100kg (220lb), 3 x 110kg (242lb)

One more rep with 242 than last week plus I think the 5s with 220 were a bit less bother.

Rows: 10 x 71kg, 5 x 91kg, 5 x 5 x 101kg (222lb), 4 x 111kg (244lb) - used the EZ-curl bar

SLDLs: 2 x 10 x 121kg (266lb) - pretty easy to finish up.

Going to have to do squats tomorrow. Hips need another night's rest before heavy work.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One of my mates told me today that I looked like I was shrivelling up! Oh the joys of cutting!

Don't get discouraged and keep your focus on your end goal. Personally, whenever I'm halfway between &quot;bulky, strong&quot; and &quot;lean, defined&quot;, I always think that I look like crap (which is the case for me right now, by the way!).

Cutting only pays off towards its end, when you can look in the mirror and say &quot;Ok, I may have lost a bit of muscle but at least I've achieved something&quot;. So hang in there a little more...
Thanks Dimitris. I am trying to stay the course. It's not that hard to half-starve myself; what is hard is dealing with strength loss. I hate that.

UD2 Experiment, Week 4

Wed 24/09/08

Feeling generally weak and tired after an almost no carb day. Shoulders still uncomfortable; AC joints both sore. Hips feeling a little better now. Been remembering to take flax and cod liver oil most days which may have helped.

BW: 197.25lb - lowest yet.

Decided I needed to do some deads today - but not as depletions!

Deads: warmups then 2 x 5 x 160kg (352lb), 3 x 1 x 180kg (396lb), 1 x 5 x 160kg (352lb) - those three reps with 180kg were really hard going. All reps barring one of the heavier reps were using hook grip. At this moment in time I reckon my 1RM deadlift is probably no more than 200kg, if that, which is a real bummer.

Dips: 25 x bw, 20 x bw+20kg, 20, 17 x bw+25kg (55lb)

Oly Ring Pull-ups: 10, 12, 10 x bw - right arm was really playing up again after I tried one clean with 135lb on Monday so these were not pleasant. More bearable using the rings than a fixed bar though.

In other news: my 14 year old has started to get into a bit of training on a more regular basis. Today he managed 12 dead-hang chins for the first time which I thought was great progress. He has just started benching and dipping and has a long way to go to be strong in those lifts; he might manage 40kg (88lb) for bench this week as he got 37.5kg last week. Right now he weighs about 98lb. Now I just have to get him into squats and deads which is proving a little harder. I'd love to get him into clean and jerks too but I'll probably need to get a lighter bar to start him off; I guess I could support my 20kg bar at the correct height and not put any weights on the bar but it's still probably a bit too heavy to begin with.
Thurs 25/09/08

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 15, 10 x 110kg (242lb), 10 x 120kg (264lb)

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 2 x 10 x 80kg (176lb), 9 x 90kg (198lb) - just ran out of steam on that last set at about rep 8. Pecs and delts sore from yesterday's dipping.

SA DB Rows: 10 x 36kg, 4 x 10 x 46kg (101lb)

Handstand Press: 7, 8 - Blimey! These were really hard tonight.

EZ-bar curls: 15 x 41kg (90lb), 15 x 46kg (101lb) - these were easier than expected so did more reps.

Lateral Raises: 15, 10 x 20lb each arm - one arm at a time, no rest between arms. Light but strict.

Overhead tri extensions: 12 x 41kg (90lb) - right arm didn't like this much so only one set.

It's that carb up time again...
(Lol @ Sep. 24 2008,10:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In other news: my 14 year old has started to get into a bit of training on a more regular basis. Today he managed 12 dead-hang chins for the first time which I thought was great progress. He has just started benching and dipping and has a long way to go to be strong in those lifts; he might manage 40kg (88lb) for bench this week as he got 37.5kg last week. Right now he weighs about 98lb. Now I just have to get him into squats and deads which is proving a little harder. I'd love to get him into clean and jerks too but I'll probably need to get a lighter bar to start him off; I guess I could support my 20kg bar at the correct height and not put any weights on the bar but it's still probably a bit too heavy to begin with.</div>
It's always a bonus when your kids take interest in what your doing. I've been using one of those old cheap bars that came with the plastic coated concrete plates. It only weighs 12 pounds and it's perfect for my 11 and 8 year old. They only use it for OHP, front squats and OHS. The rest is just BW chins, pushups.
I too would love to teach them the oly moves. How great would that be to learn that at such a young age? Good luck to you and your 14 year old!!
Sat 27/09/08

4th week UD2, Heavy training day:

Front Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 3 x 5 x 100kg (220lb) - haven't done these for a while and they felt pretty hard.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 5 x 100kg (220lb) - actually did 6 reps on the third work set

Chins using rings: 10 x bw, 5,7,5,5,5 x bw+10kg

Shrugs: 15 x 140kg, 12 x 160kg (352lb), 2 x 10 x 180kg (396lb) - haven't shrugged in ages. Felt good.

Shoulders gradually improving but decided to avoid direct shoulder work. Might do a few heavy sets on Monday.

Front squats felt hard considering the load. My PR for 10 reps is 102.5kg but 5 reps with 100kg felt like plenty. I have neglected these for quite a while so I suspect that is at least partly to blame. I'll endeavour to bring them back up again as much as possible while still doing UD2.

Using the rings for chins helped alleviate some of the discomfort in my right arm. For some reason the heavy shrugs seemed to help a bit too - almost as if they were stretching everything out.


Sun 28/09/08

Really sore traps today. Must try to include shrugs in my schedule at least once a week.

Messed around with the rings for some ab work. Now I'm lighter L-sit pull-ups seem much easier.


Hey Bax, I agree about the bar. My cheap bar is currently being used for pull-ups though. I got my lad to use my 11kg EZ-bar for thrusters. He had nicely sore quads today after his 3 sets of 10 on Friday.
Mon 29/09/08

BW: 196.75lb

At my lowest body weight in ages this is what has to say about it:

Your BMI: 28.23 - A BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight.
The healthy weight range for your height is between 128.9 lbs and 174.2 lbs.
Your weight is 22.5 lbs above the healthy range.

Yes, I am still a fat bloater!

I must say that I do feel I still have a long way to go to feel and look lean. I will press on with this cut through October and see how I feel by the end of it. I am finally seeing some veins in my forearms when relaxed but nothing else is popping yet. If I'm honest I probably need to lose another 10lbs and hope that at least half of that is fat.

So far I have done very little cardio so I may start to do a bit on Mondays, Wednesdays and possibly Sundays too. I'll probably start with Wednesdays and then add in more as need be.

My biggest problem so far has been my right arm injury which is precluding me from going all out on my back work. I can't do cleans either or heavy arm work which is a royal pain. I'm just about managing not to make it any worse than it is but it isn't really improving either. Every time I think it's improving I go and do something that sets it right back again. Oh well.

Depletions again tonight. Bah humbug!
(Lol @ Sep. 29 2008,8:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your BMI: 28.23 - A BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight.</div>
Shame on FitDay for emphasizing BMI. It is a lousy indicator if you are a BBer.
Mon 29/09/08

5th week UD2, Depletion day 1:

Apart from all the squats, dips, rows and presses, I also did some pullovers; I haven't performed these since I stopped training at a commercial gym over a year ago now. I used to really enjoy them. Putting large diameter weights on my EZ-curl bar made it possible to grab the bar from the floor while lying across my bench. Great. Now I can work on these and hopefully get my poundages up to where they were when I used to do them. It's refreshing to be able to do something different for these depletion workouts.

Squats: 20 x bw, 15 x 60kg, 3 x 15 x 90kg - did the concentric part of each rep as fast as possible for a really good burn.

Dips: 20 x bw, 20,20,17 x bw+20kg - again, concentrics performed as fast as possible.

Rows: 20 x 41kg, 20 x 51kg (112lb), 20 x 61kg (134lb)

Presses: 2 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

Pull-overs: 3 x 15 x 31kg (68lb) - not heavy but felt good for a starting weight

Skulls: 12 x 31kg (68lb) - immediately following last set of pull-overs

EZ-bar curls: 15 x 41kg (90lb)
I'm sure you read this in the UD2.0 book already, but cardio on Weds and Thursday before the tension workout can work wonders.
Pullovers are so sweet. We used to call them rib expansions for good reason. I remember doing these many years ago at the gym. Some dude walked up and was saying how those looked really easy and was saying that you couldnt get much out of those for chest. He gave em a try with the weight I had on the bar. I heard at least four solid pops come out of his sternum and he stopped on the first pull. Class dismissed.
(Wildman @ Sep. 30 2008,12:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Pullovers are so sweet. We used to call them rib expansions for good reason. I remember doing these many years ago at the gym. Some dude walked up and was saying how those looked really easy and was saying that you couldnt get much out of those for chest. He gave em a try with the weight I had on the bar. I heard at least four solid pops come out of his sternum and he stopped on the first pull. Class dismissed.</div>
Ouch. It hurts just to read it.