Lol's New HST Log

I think you got a good plan there. During hypertrophy phases I would still perform singles or doubles to maintain the neurological strength. There is a great deal of technique involved in lifting maximum weights which does get lost when you are away from lifting in those ranges for a while. You should be able to maintain by taking this approach. Hopefully you dont diet away too much of your core strength. It is a tough balance I am sure. One I will be faced with this spring when I try to cut. Oh boy.
Mon 13/10/08

7th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 1 with a twist!

So today I decided to do some heavy bench singles to accompany the high rep stuff.


5 x 60kg, 2 x 70kg, 1 x 80kg, 1 x 90kg, 1 x 100kg, 1 x 110kg, 1 x 115kg, 1 x 117.5kg, 1 x 120kg (264lb)

then 15, 15, 12 x 80kg (176lb)

264lb was pretty close to my max today. It went up without any stalling but it wasn't fast. That would mean I'm at worst 22lb down (<8%) on the PR I got back in March; I guess that's not so bad.

Front Squats: 3 x 15 x 60kg (132lb) -  amazing pump after these

SLDLs: 15 x 106kg (233lb)

SA DB Rows: 3 x 15 x 46kg (101lb)

Lots of light shoulder work with burns.

Should have done some heavy singles for squats but had to help my lad out out with his maths homework so I'll do them tomorrow - got to get my priorities right!  
Tue 14/10/08

7th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 2 (with some heavy singles)

Late start tonight so I'l have to do some stuff tomorrow.

Parallel-grip Chins:

5 x bw, 1 x bw+33, 1 x bw+44, 1 x bw+55, 1 x bw+66, 1 x bw+77, 1 x bw+90.75lb

10, 15, 15 x bw - second and third sets performed more quickly but still with full ROM.

Right arm held out for the singles but I decided not to go for a max. Upper abs still a bit delicate too so called it quits at 90lb. I hope to get at least 100lb again when I'm healed a bit more and can return to regular chins.

Dips: 40, 36, 30 (+10 pulses) x bw - no weight added as chest noticeably sore from yesterday's session.

I was going to start with 15 bw dips before adding weight but then I still felt fresh so I thought I'd do 25; at 25 I felt fresh enough that I thought I might be able to beat my record; then at 35 I had a sudden build up of fatigue and I only just got the 40th rep. Rats! Maybe after this UD2 malarky is over and after a few days of carbing-up I'll go for 50+.

Shrugs: 2 x 20 x 106kg (233lb)

That's all for tonight.
Thurs 16/10/08

BW: 194lb - still dropping!

7th Week UD2: Tension workout (with some heavy singles)

As per usual, 30g of carbs from fresh orange juice and 35g whey protein plus creatine as my pre-workout protein drink.

Squats: Singles working up to 160kg (352lb) which was hard and still 20kg off my PB.

10 x 60kg, 1 90kg, 1 x 110kg, 1x 120kg, 1x 130kg, 1 x 140kg, 1 x 150kg, 1 x 155kg, 1 x 160kg (352lb)

2 x 10 x 120kg (264lb) - pretty hard after the singles even though it didn't feel that heavy after 160kg.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 2 x 10 x 90kg (198lb) - I had to really fight for the tenth rep with 90kg.

Bent-over EZ-bar Rows 10 x 61kg (134lb), 2 x 10 x 91kg (200lb) - surprisingly, a bit better than last week.

Dips: 10 x bw; 10,15 x bw+30kg (66lb); 15 x bw+35kg (77lb)

Parallel-grip Chins: 2 x 10 x bw - very strict, sternum to bar level for all but the last few reps.

Tried a few regular chins but still a no-go.

EZ-bar Upright Rows: 10 x 61kg (134lb) - shoulders already hammered so just a single heavyish set. Form was a bit sloppy at the end.

DB Curls: 15 x 21kg (46lb) - light enough not to bother my right arm much. Tried a few EZ-bar curls with 134lb which hurt so switched to the dbs.

I suppose I'm quite pleased with the 352 squat as it means my 1RM strength has only dropped off by about 11%. My weight is down around 13%. Hips felt a bit sore before I started squats but they are ok now.

I am royally hungry so a bucket of carbs will do just fine.
Sun 19/10/08

Diet went to pieces for the last few days. I think I gained four pounds since Thursday! I was back up to 198lb today. It was just a blip though. I'll have to get my act together again this week.

Last Wednesday along with some cardio I did some calf work for the first time in ages. I used my weight belt and did some single-leg calf raises with around 20kg and then some donkeys with 50kg in my belt. The next day my calves were a little sore as they were on Friday too; I went for a short run which seemed to ease the soreness. Then on Saturday major DOMS from hell! Wow! It seemed to build all day and by the evening I could barely walk esp. if I'd been sitting for a while. Today there was an improvement but they are still very sore to the touch and really stiff and it's still quite painful to walk.

I have never had a delayed DOMS effect like that before. It actually took 72 hours to get bad. I usually get my worst DOMS after about 24-48 hours if I'm going to get anything at all.

So, anyway, I decided to skip squats today and will hope to be back at them tomorrow.

7th Week UD2: Heavy Day

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 10 x 90kg (198lb), 2 x 5 x 100kg (220lb), 5,4,3 x 102.5kg (225lb)

Parallel-grip Chins: warm-ups then 5 x bw+10kg (22lb), 5 x bw+15kg (33lb), 2 x 5 x bw+20kg (44lb) - Right arm held out much better than last week.

Shoulder Press: warmups then 5 x 50kg (110lb), 3 x 5 x 60kg (132lb)

Push Press: 9 x 5 x 60kg (132lb) - not much of a push but enough to keep the momentum going. Didn't bother trying for the tenth rep as the ninth was hard.

SA DB Press: 2 x 10 x 21kg (46lb)

I am finding that I need to do lots of warm up sets to get to the point where my shoulder joints don't hurt when doing presses. Bench is definitely bothering my AC joints again so I'll have to watch out this week. I may have to take a week off soon to give them a break. I think I said that before. Hmm. Why is it so hard to take a week off? I think it's because I just want this cut out of the way so I can start focussing on building my strength up again over a regular HST cycle.
Wow, congrats on the fat loss so far, sir. Any new pictures?

I am going the opposite route, losing my precious abs day by day.
Mon 20/10/08

8th Week UD2: Light depletion day 1

Having done a heavy workout yesterday, I really didn't feel like doing much today. Calves still pretty sore as are my shoulders. I also feel like I'm coming down with a bug; everyone around me has been suffering with one thing or another and so far I've just had DOMS! Well, it would seem that I'm not immune after all. Decided to do some squats and see how I got on.

Squats: 20 x 60kg, 3 x 15 x 90kg (198lb) - massive pump after that.

Yup, that just about finished me off. I now have a sore throat coming on. Hopefully, I'll feel better after a good night's sleep.

@Mikey: Thanks. No pictures yet but I will do some soon - I promised TR too. My achievement so far is pretty mediocre but getting below 10% bf will make me feel (and hopefully look) a whole lot better. I reckon I'm still a few months away from looking OK in a pic. I feel for you losing your abs; it's such a lot of bother getting to where they are nicely visible.

I do worry that I might be getting close to the point where I throw in the towel and eat everything that's in the fridge. It's definitely a good test of will power.
Tue 21/10/08

8th Week UD2: Light depletion day 2

Definitely fighting a bug today. Nice sore throat on waking this morning. Decided to be a bit careful on my old CNS but rather than do nothing I thought I'd try doing one exercise at a time, take a break and see how I felt and then move on to the next.

Push-ups: 20,20,20,20,10,10,10,30,20 x bw - tabata style for the first seven sets then a few minutes pause followed by the last two sets for a total of 160 reps

EZ-bar Rows: 5 x 15 x 61kg (134lb)

Upright Rows: 30 x 31kg, 20 x 36kg, 3 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

Ring work: brief but intense - skinning the cat, more work at front and back levers. Abs feeling a lot better but I need to be careful not to re-injure them.

I feel much more drained than I normally would after just that but hopefully I haven't overdone it. My sore throat has improved throughout the day and I've stuffed in plenty of vit C just in case that helps a bit.
Thurs 23/10/08

BW: 195.5lb - What a chump! I forgot to take my bw reading before I started filling my face with protein drinks, a bucket of carbs and a pile of chicken!

Still have a bug but it is improving. Just not 100% yet so I'm not going to push too hard or do too much.

Bit of cardio today but not much.

8th Week UD2: Tension workout

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 3 x 80kg, 2 x 10 x 110kg (242lb), 1x 120kg, 1x 130kg, 4 x 140kg (308lb) - the two sets of 10 with 242 were just right. Didn't have to try too hard.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 9, 9, 7 x 90kg (198lb) - Felt completely washed out by the 9th rep on the first set. I'll put it down to the bug.

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw, 10 x bw+10kg - nice and strict from dead hang.

Dips: 10 x bw; 10,10 x bw+25kg (55lb) - even these felt hard.

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 10 x 31kg, 2 x 10 x 41kg (90lb) - felt good. No ab pain.

DB Curls: 2 x 10 x 21kg (46lb)
(Lol @ Oct. 23 2008,9:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Still have a bug but it is improving. Just not 100% yet so I'm not going to push too hard or do too much.</div>
Take it easy until you feel better.

Get well soon, Lol...!
Mon 27/10/08

After a few days away from the weights to get over the bug I had and several steak dinners later, I definitely started to feel some of my aches and pains ebbing away. A full week off with some decent nutrition would probably work wonders and may be the order of the day if I find I start to seize up again soon.

9th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 1

Squats: 20 x 60kg, 3 x 15 x 90kg

Dips: 15 x bw, 20 x bw+25kg, 16 x bw+35kg

Rows: 10 x  91kg (200lb), 3 x 15 x 61kg (135lb)

Pullovers: 15 x 31kg (68lb)

Upright Rows: 3 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

Ab work on rings plus other stuff - skinning the cat and

Tue 28/10/08

9th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 2

Bench: 15 x 60kg, 3 x 15 x 70kg (154lb)

Parallel-grip Chins: 15 x bw - good strict reps

Kipping Pull-ups: 2 x 25 x bw - used straps. Haven't done these for a while. Lost my rhythm a bit and they were pretty tiring.

Pullovers: 3 x 15 x 31kg (68lb)

Skullz: 15 x 31kg - immediately following pullovers and then immediately 15 close grip bench presses to finish up. More of a giant burn set really.

EZ-bar Press: 20 x 31kg, 3 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

Front Squats: 2 x 15 x 70kg (154lb)

Decided not to do any more sets for squats even though I felt up for it. My hips are feeling improved so I don't want to rush back in and make them sore again. I may do some more tomorrow if they feel good.
Thurs 30/10/08

BW: 191lb -  
 That was a bit of a surprise! I've been pretty careful with cals this week but still haven't done much cardio so I still have that to help me get down to 186.

Had to start training late tonight and could have done with an early night really.

9th Week UD2: Tension workout

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 3 x 10 x 110kg (242lb)

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 10, 8, 8 x 90kg (198lb) - Only just managed the first set of 10 reps with 90kg. Not a chance I could repeat it again.

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw, 9.5, 8 x bw+15kg (33lb) - right forearm is definitely better than it was last week.

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 10 x 31kg, 10, 12 x 41kg (90lb) - felt good. No ab pain.

EZ-bar Presses: 10 x 41kg, 10 x 51kg (112lb) immediately followed by...

EZ-bar Upright Rows: 10 x 51kg (112lb)

EZ-bar Curls: 10 x 51kg (112lb)

I had planned on doing some heavy singles tonight but I wimped out.

3-site skinfold measurement using Accumeasure 3000 Calliper:
For age 43, bw 191lb, chest 7mm, abdominal 9mm, thigh 14mm, I get around 10.5% with a lean body mass of ~171lb.

Visually, there's still a lot still to come off my thighs. My abs are all visible but not clearly defined. I'm on track to get to 186 before the end of the year if I can keep losing a pound a week.
Awesome progress. Are you still planning to bulk up after this or has seeing your abs gotten you addicted to having them be visible?
Thanks Totz. After the cut I would still like to get my overall strength back up to where it was and then try to attain my 200, 300, 400, 500 goal for the four big lifts (I think the shoulder press will be the toughest to get).

One of the upsides of the cut, aside from anything visual, is that it has enabled me to practice some strength moves on the rings that I never thought I'd be able to do, especially at my age. Yesterday I managed to get into the position where I could have pressed up into a handstand if I had had the ceiling height. Haven't been able to do that before. My core strength has improved which, along with some further fat loss, should enable me to get a front and back lever too. I'll be sorrier to lose these skills than to lose my visible abs.

What will be interesting will be seeing if I have to get back up to 220lb before I can match my previous PRs. I'm hoping that, if I manage my macros a bit better the next time around (not difficult), I might be able to keep some of the fat off and skew my ol' p-ratio a bit. I'll have to wait and see.

Saying goodbye to my abs for a while is no big deal as I now know it's possible to get them back again.
Sat 01/11/08 p.m.

9th Week UD2: Heavy Day

Squats: 5 x 60kg, 3 x 80kg, 2 x 110kg, 1 x 120kg, 1 x 130kg, 1 x 135kg, 5 x 140kg (308lb), 1 x 145kg, 1 x 150kg, 1 x 155kg, 1 x 160kg (352lb)

Pleased I managed 5 reps with 140kg. The single rep with 160kg wasn't particularly pretty; the depth was good but I tipped forward a bit on the way up.

Bench: 5 x 60kg, 3 x 70kg, 3 x 80kg, 1 x 90kg (198lb), 1 x 100kg (220lb), 1 x 105kg (231lb), 1 x 110kg (242lb), 1 x 115kg (253lb), 0 x 120kg (264lb), 3 x 4 x 100kg (220lb)

Just failed to get 120kg; it stalled about two thirds of the way up and I had nothing left in the tank. When I dropped back to 100kg I could only manage sets of four reps.

No time left today so will try to get something in tomorrow.

Sun 02/11/08 a.m.

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw, 5 x bw+10kg, 5 x bw+15kg, 3 x 5 x bw+20kg

Ring work
Mon 03/11/08

10th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 1

Squat Cleans: 10 x 60kg, 6 x 5 x 60kg - total of 40 reps, a few jerks along the way too.

These felt like they were the best cleans I have done in my life! Something just 'clicked' tonight (in a good way!). My right arm didn't hurt and I racked the bar so much better and at a much lower height than before. I have really missed these babies and I am hoping I can add them back in to my routine. I did the reps pretty fast for all sets (ie. no rest between reps, just a quick reset). Only about a minute or so's rest between sets. After the last set, my quads and spinal erectors were pumped and I was gasping for breath. Excellent!

Bench: 15 x 60kg, 15, 15, 20 x 70kg (154lb) - last five reps of last set were killer.

Parallel-grip Chins: 15 x bw, 3 x 5 x bw - wider hand spacing on last three sets which felt good. Think I was still fatigued from yesterday morning's chins.

Annoyingly, my left shoulder is playing up at the moment (that darn AC joint issue again - it's popping and clicking and thoroughly uncomfortable) so I did a bunch of light lateral raises for it. I think I may have hurt it slightly when squatting on Saturday. Hope it sorts itself out in a few days.

On the plus side, my long-standing right arm pain is definitely starting to subside. It didn't hurt once during cleans and hardly made a fuss during p-g chins.  

Why does it always seem to be the case that a new body part starts to hurt just as another one heals up?
Tue 04/11/08

10th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 2

Squats: 10 x 60kg, 1 x 15 x 90kg, 2 x 15 x 95kg (209lb)

Pullovers: 20 x 31kg (68lb), 2 x 15 x 36kg (79lb)

Skipping all shoulder work (and dips) to give my left AC joint a break.
Wed 05/11/08

I got pretty sore all over from the cleans on Monday. My traps are still really sore today which I think is mainly down to returning the bar to the floor under control rather than the ballistic concentrics; having to decelerate the bar forty times was a fair bit of eccentric work for the traps even though it wasn't a heavy weight.

Left shoulder has improved but it's still sore to the touch so decided to just do a little light shoulder rehab.

Tabata thrusters* with 7kg medicine ball: 8 sets of 10 reps, 10 second rest between sets.

EZ-bar press: 3 x 15 x 36kg (79lb)

EZ-bar Pendlay Rows: 15, 15, 15, 20, 20 x 61kg (134lb)

A bit of ring work for abs.

* Thrusters are a Crossfit exercise: front squat with racked bar to overhead press. I thought they'd be good for some shoulder rehab and for a bit of HIIT type cardio.
Thurs 07/11/08

BW: 191lb -  Exactly the same as last week.

10th Week UD2: Tension workout

Squat Cleans: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 5 x 80kg, 1 x 90kg, 1 x 100kg (220lb), 0 x 105kg (231lb), 3* x 80kg, 5 x 60kg. - with a few jerks along the way.

I matched my PB tonight (100kg) so I'm pretty chuffed with that. I thought I would get 105kg but I chickened out of getting under the bar. Just a mental block I think. My technique is much better than it was - when I get it right!

*On my fourth rep with 80kg I did a perfect 'FearFactory Special' and went right over backwards! Thankfully, no harm done to me or my kitchen. (Yes, I am actually doing cleans in my kitchen. It's the only solid concrete floor I can use at the moment. All the others are suspended timber floors and I've already made a couple of holes through the boards where I dropped the bar before. Ooops!)

Back Squats: 10 x 110kg (242lb) - not too bad but definitely tired from the cleans.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 10, 9 x 90kg (198lb)

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw, 10, 9 x bw+10kg (22lb)

I also did a power snatch with 60kg and then an overhead squat to show a mate what to do. I just assumed it was light enough. When I checked my PR log, I found that 60kg is actually my PR for OHS and snatch! So I matched my PR in both and yet they felt pretty easy. Shoulders felt fine during and after - but then it was just a single.

Not really much of a depletion workout but my shoulder needs some more rest so decided to leave it there.
Ahhh, the old fearfactory special, glad you didn't get hurt, but it makes me chuckle....just thinking about his (ff's) video and those guys just watching him as he tumbled over backwards not even flinching as he fell. Great job on your cleans and your cut.