Lol's New HST Log

After seeing the picture I'll join the others in congratulating you. Seems that your cut was well worth the effort. I'm really impressed!

Keep up the good work,
Thurs 20/11/08

No bench tonight - the top of my left AC joint is still sore to the touch.

BW: 189.75lb - Back up one and three quarter pounds which is a good thing as it suggests that last week's reading of 188lb was more likely lack of fluid intake.

12th Week UD2: Tension workout

Back Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 2 x 10 x 120kg (264lb)

Dips: 25 x bw, 10 x bw+25kg, 12, 15 x bw+35kg (77lb), 25 x bw

Parallel-grip Chins: 12 x bw, 15 x bw+15kg (33lb) (5 then 10MS reps)

SA DB Rows: 15 x 46kg, 15 x 51kg (112lb) - still too light!

SL Standing Calf Raises: 3 x 20 x bw + burns for extra fun!

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 12, 12 x 41kg (90lb) - shoulders cracked and popped a bit.

EZ-bar Press: 10, 8 x 51kg (112lb) - superset with...

EZ-bar Curls: 10, 9 x 51kg (112lb)

I was quite pleased with my 15 dips with bw+77lb but I keep forgetting that I am getting lighter so they ought to be getting easier.

I'm also please to say that there is a definite improvement in my ongoing right arm issue. It only twinged a little during the curls and p-g chins. Don't think I'll risk regular chins for a while yet though.

That's another week of starvation over with.

Observation: my subcutaneous fat is starting to feel weird. When I grab a chunk of skin the subcutaneous fat isn't smooth anymore, it's lumpy and bumpy - almost as if there are little ridges in it.

@ Dimitris: Cheers mate. I'm going to stick at it for a few more weeks yet, in the hope that I can shed a few more pounds of lard before year's end. Hope your training is going well.  
I agree; a few more pounds seems to be just about right. By the way, have you ever considered some really heavy abs work? Nothing special, but something heavier than your 10 RM and maybe even near your 5 RM. I think it can help with abs visibility during your next bulk (or at least after the end of your cut).

Having said that, congrats again; I'll consider myself lucky if some day I look half as good as you do now!

About my own training, maybe I'll send a PM instead of cluttering your log.
Dimitris, as far as ab work goes, I've been working on front levers on my oly rings. I find them so hard that each attempt is a maximal effort, so it's a bit like max-stim training for abs. I have to be careful because I have strained my abs a few times now. Plenty of warm-ups are essential.

I'm not bothered about a bit of log cluttering but PM me if you'd rather. My log's pretty dull right now - lack of lifting progress is definitely the worst aspect of cutting.
(Lol @ Nov. 21 2008,9:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">- lack of lifting progress is definitely the worst aspect of cutting.</div>
Not to mention being hungry and constantly fatigued...
Sat 22/11/08

12th Week UD2: Heavy Day Part I

Decided to do some Max-Stim sets for back and chest.

Parallel-grip Chins: 5 x bw, 20MS x bw+20kg (44lb), 5 x bw

Dips: 10 x bw, 5 x bw+20kg, 20MS x bw+45.5kg (100lb)

EZ-bar Curls: 15, 10 x 51kg (112lb)

Dips were harder than chins; wasn't sure if I was going to make it to 20 reps with 100lb but I did. I have a feeling I am going to have a sore chest tomorrow!
Sun 23/11/08

12th Week UD2: Heavy Day Part II

BW: 192lb - up a few pounds from mid-week.

Decided to do some deads as haven't done any for months.

Deads: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 110kg, 5 x 160kg, 1 x 190kg (418lb), 0 x 200kg (440lb), 2 x 5 x 170kg (374lb)

The 190kg came off the floor just fine - hard but not a struggle - but then 200kg barely broke the floor. I tried several times but just ended up feeling cheesed off and wiped out. The final two sets of 5 with 374lb weren't easy at all. 15 reps with 352 seems but a distant memory now, as does my 473lb PB.  

Decided to check on my grip:

SA dead-hang grip test: 1:05 minutes with each hand.

After managing to do a single-arm hang from my chinning bar for 1 minute and 5 seconds with my right hand, I then matched that time with my left. That's quite a bit better than I have ever managed before, but I am a fair bit lighter now. Still, it cheered me up a bit.

EZ-bar Curls: 5 x 51kg (112lb), 5 x 56kg, 5+12MS reps x 61kg (134lb)

I know I did curls yesterday but I wanted to try some heavier iron to see how my right arm faired. Pleased that I got 5 reps with 61kg. The follow-on MS reps were killer and I stopped at 12 because I just felt like it was enough already; right arm held up very well but I could feel the MS reps were beginning to take their toll. Half way through the MS reps, I picked up my Oly bar loaded with 60kg to try some reps with that but it instantly felt more dodgy and likely to bother my right arm, so I switched back to the EZ-bar.

Did a bit of ring work too.
Those are still some mighty fine deadlifting numbers Lol, especially since you haven't done them in quite some time. Soon enough you'll be putting up the bigger numbers again....this time leaner and meaner!! We can't wait for that!!
(Lol @ Nov. 23 2008,10:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 110kg, 5 x 160kg, 1 x 190kg (418lb), 0 x 200kg (440lb), 2 x 5 x 170kg (374lb)

SA dead-hang grip test: 1:05 minutes with each hand.

EZ-bar Curls: 5 x 51kg (112lb), 5 x 56kg, 5+12MS reps x 61kg (134lb)</div>
Lol, if I ever get anywhere near you strength-wise, I'll be pleased. Those are great numbers specially during a cut.
Tue 25/11/08

13th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 1

Squats: 4 x 15 x 200lb

Single-leg Standing Calf Raises: 5 x 15 x bw plus some negs

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 4 x 20 x 31kg, 2 x 15 x 31kg (68lb)

I'm focussing on triceps when doing pull-overs. I'm allowing some elbow flexion, making the movement a bit like a skull but with extra stretch (weights touch floor). Got a massive pump in my tris from these. My lats and pecs help to drive my tris to continue on when fatigue is kicking in. Good for depletions.

EZ-bar Curls: 4 x 20 x 31kg (68lb)

30 mins on stationary bike.

I intended to do 6 sets of squats but I ran out of 'get up and go' - feeling pretty shaky after the fourth set.

I also intended to do some SLDLs but I conveniently forgot about them. There's always tomorrow...

Oh, and thanks for the words of encouragement folks. I had almost forgotten what a completely holistic exercise deadlifts are until Monday, when just about every bit of my body was aching. My lower back was still a bit sore today.
(Lol @ Nov. 25 2008,9:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I also intended to do some SLDLs but I conveniently forgot about them. </div>
Yeah, what is it about SLDLs and RDLs that make them so easy to forget....?  

(Lol @ Nov. 25 2008,9:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I had almost forgotten what a completely holistic exercise deadlifts are until Monday, when just about every bit of my body was aching. My lower back was still a bit sore today.</div>
Deads are completely non-discriminatory -- they make everything hurt.
Wed 26/11/08

13th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 2

Left AC joint still really sore and bugging me at night so no bench again today.

10 mins on stationary bike.

Squats: 15 x 200lb

Dips: 5 x 25 x bw - 90s between sets. Last two sets had to briefly pause at 20 and 23 reps.

Parallel-grip Chins: 12, 5, 5 x bw - these were impossibly hard tonight.

SA DB Rows: 2 x 15 x 51kg (112lb)

EZ-bar Upright Rows: 2 x 30 x 31kg (68lb) - light for some left-shoulder rehab.

20 mins on stationary bike.

Oops! I forgot those SLDLs again.
Thurs 27/11/08

BW: 190lb - Back up one quarter pound over this time last week. I have kept my cals in check and done more cardio this week so I expect/hope it's fluid variation. I think I look a tad leaner; I'm certainly not fatter but I'll have to do a calliper check to be sure.

I'm going to do less volume tonight because I am cream crackered, sore pretty much all over, and it's late already.

13th Week UD2: Tension workout

Decided to give bench a go tonight - left AC joint still sore so will proceed with caution...

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 10, 8 x 90kg (198lb) - only just made that 8th rep. Pleased I got 10 with the first work set though.

EZ-bar Rows: 10 x 61kg, 3 (or 4) x 10 x 81kg (178lb) - so darn tired I lost count of the work sets. Grrr!

Back Squats: 10 x 60kg, 3 x 90kg, 12 x 110kg (242lb), 10 x 120kg (264lb) - could have made it to 15 reps with 242lb. My 15RM was 125kg (275lb) prior to this cut.

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 15 x 41kg (90lb), 12 x 46kg (101lb) - improvement over last week. I'm definitely feeling less strain in my abs now from these so I'll be able to push the loads up soon I hope.

EZ-bar Curls: 2 x 12 x 51kg (112lb) - arms are shot.

SL Standing Calf Raises: 2 x 15 x bw+25kg, 3 x 5 x bw+25kg + burns - no rest between sets, ie. one leg straight to next and then back again, etc.

Also did some ring work earlier in the day and 30 mins on the bike.

Carb up now until tomorrow eve, then I'm going to eat at maintenance on Saturday and start dropping the cals/carbs back down on Sunday so I get a good start to next week. I have to see more of a difference before I quit this cutting game. I knew it was going to get harder so I'm prepared mentally for a struggle.

Any tips folks?
(Lol @ Nov. 27 2008,8:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">[
30 mins on the bike.

Any tips folks?</div>
Increasing the intensity of your cardio might do the trick.
A few extra intervals at the end and maybe get that heart pumping a little more, say up to around 135-140 and I think you'll be there.
(Lol @ Nov. 27 2008,8:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SL Standing Calf Raises: 2 x 15 x bw+25kg, 3 x 5 x bw+25kg + burns - no rest between sets, ie. one leg straight to next and then back again, etc.</div>
Whoa! Nice leg work.  
Sat 29/11/08

13th Week UD2: Heavy Day 1

Skinfold measurements same as last time. ie. age 43, bw 192lb, chest 6mm, abdominal 9mm, thigh 14mm =&gt; ~ 10.2% with a lean body mass of ~172lb. So that was a week of body bashing and semi-starvation for nothing!

I'm really getting frustrated with my left shoulder. I'm getting broken sleep every night because of it which sucks. However, in order to make any further progress I'm going to have to take things up a notch. So what to do? Perhaps a week off now to see if the shoulder heals enough and then a three week UD2 blitz through to the end of December? Or, I just stick with it and try to work around my shoulder as best I can and just put up with the discomfort, as I have been doing for a good few weeks now. Hmmm...

My right arm has improved dramatically over the last month - it's taken nine months to heal so far. As long as I don't do anything daft, I hope that it will just continue to improve and I'll forget about it. I won't risk fully supinated chins or bb curls for a while though - the EZ-bar has really helped me work through this.

Back Squats: 5 x 90kg, 2 x 100kg (242lb), 1 x 110kg, 1 x 120kg (264lb), 1 x 130kg (286lb), 1 x 140kg (308lb), 1 x 150kg (330lb), 1 x 155kg (341lb), 0 x 160kg (352lb), 5 x 140kg (308lb)

Cheesed that I missed 160kg again but glad I got 155kg; I probably should have waited a little longer after the 155kg lift as I'm pretty sure I would have got it then. (I made the 160kg count though as, when I stalled on the way up, I did a slow neg down to the pins which were set nice and low, requiring that I drop forward from the deepest position.) The final 5 reps with 140kg were darned hard too - form was pretty horrid for the last rep and I had to really fight to keep the bar moving. Legs actually felt pretty hammered after that so decided to leave it there i the hope that I would get some kind of PS response from ten fairly heavy reps.

EZ-bar Curls: 5 x 31kg, 5 x 41kg, 5 x 51kg, 5 x 61kg (134lb), 5 cheats x 61kg for negs

Had a pretty large roast for dinner and shovelled in loads of veggies too - no dessert though.

Sun 30/11/08

13th Week UD2: Heavy Day 2

I would never normally start with curls but the bar was there, so...

EZ-bar Curls: 5 x 61kg, 6 x 61kg, 5 x 61kg (134lb)

Got mad with the curls and it worked - six reps for my second set. Yea! My lad thought it was pretty funny.

Decided to try some bench; any shoulder pain and I'd stop.

Bench Press: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 2  5 x 100kg (220lb), 2 x 3 x 105kg (231lb)

I was really careful with my set-up. No pops or clicks and no real discomfort. Strange but I'm not complaining at all. Perhaps the fish oil and gelatin are finally helping.

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 10 x 31kg, 10 x 46kg (101lb), 7 x 48.5kg (106lb)

Wide Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw

SL Standing Calf Raises: 6 x 5 x bw+30kg + burns

Ah, to hey with a week off! I just need to kick my butt into gear.
Mon 02/12/08

14th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 1

Front Squats: 15, 20, 25 x 60kg (132lb) - the fatigue from the first two sets made the third set pretty tough.

Sumo Deads to Upright Rows 3 x 15 x 50kg (110lb) - just a bit of light work for increased blood flow to shoulders.

Bike sessions: 5 x 10mins - last minute of each session pedalling setting switched to hardest and rpm increased; last 20 seconds absolute furious pedalling. That was a quad killer.

Not much work for anything else because my shoulder is still being a pain.

Just before bed I had to do something, so I did:

Push-ups: 40, 25, 20, 20, 15, 20 - about a minute's rest between sets.
Tue 02/12/08

14th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 2

Back Squats: 3 x 15 x 90kg (198lb)

Dips: 25 x bw, 15, 15, 13, 13 x bw+25kg (55lb), 20 x bw

Parallel-grip Chins: 15, 10, 5 x bw

Chins: 2 x 15 x bw - only two-thirds ROM. I'm avoiding dropping down to a dead-hang lest I re-injure my right arm.

Bike sessions: 30 mins with some intervals

Didn't do enough today so will have to do more tomorrow.

Wed 03/12/08

14th Week UD2: Light Depletion Day 3

Thrusters: 21, 15, 9 x 95lb

Bench: 25, 15, 15, 15, 13 x 60kg (132lb)

Kipping Pull-ups: 21,15, 9 x bw - used straps to remove the annoying grip element

EZ-bar Curls: 2 x 20 x 41kg (90lb)

Lateral Raises: 2 x 25 x 5kg - light

Bent-over Lateral Raises: 1 x 25 x 5kg

Bike sessions: 30 mins with some intervals again

Tried to keep rest intervals down as much as possible - which I hate.

I had better be losing some fat!
It's almost 4:00am, the weather is absolutely foul and I can't sleep.

I put on the telly to see if there was anything worth watching and there was a great Indian cookery prog on. I've just forced myself to sit through it so I could take down the recipes. Forget 20 rep squats, that was torturous! I could eat a horse now but I haven't even got any cottage cheese left.

Oh well, back to bed...
Thurs 04/12/08

BW: 190lb - Same as last week. I have taken creatine all through the week so there may be a bit of extra water retention going on.

14th Week UD2: Tension Workout

Late one tonight; couldn't start until almost midnight.

Back Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 2 x 10 x 110kg (242lb), 10 x 120kg (264lb) - really didn't want to do that last set but I owe it to myself to try. Made it and with a rep or two in the tank.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 7, 8 x 90kg (198lb) - I'm not surprised these felt crazy hard. I've bombed my chest two days in a row already and my left AC joint is sucking eggs.

Dips: 10, 9, 8 x bw+35kg (77lb), 7 x bw+25kg (77lb), 7 x bw - last three sets done as one work-set plus two drop-sets.

EZ-bar Pendlay Rows: 3 x 10 x 81kg (178lb) - definitely felt harder than normal rows as no stretch reflex.

EZ-bar SLDLs: 15 x 81kg (178lb) - just thought I'd throw a set of these in right after rows.

EZ-bar Pull-overs: 10 x 41kg (90lb), 10, 9 x 46kg (101lb) - these were harder tonight.

EZ-bar Curls: 15 x 41kg (90lb), 12 x 51kg (112lb)

Single-leg Standing Calf Raises: 3 x 15 x bw each leg (+ 10 forced negs* per set) - short rest between sets to allow for hobbling about to relieve the insane burning.

* To do these I use the overhead bar in my rack to allow me to help with the concentric, and then I press hard on the bar to force myself down for the eccentric part of the movement. 15 regular reps immediately followed by 10 forced negs is pure evil and definitely worth a try.  

Also did some intervals on the bike. What I have taken to doing now is several 10 minute sessions with a breather between each. For each of those sessions I do the first 40 seconds of each minute at a steady pace; then for the last 20 seconds of each minute I go flat out - I count the number of revs I get during those 20s and try to match them each minute. 10 mins of that and I'm pretty pooped so I take a short breather of a few minutes and then start over again.

My left shoulder is now complaining and will probably keep me awake. I will have a complete break tomorrow.

And so it's that carb time again. This week I'm kicking off proceedings with four bagels: toasted, lightly buttered, thinly coated with honey and with slices of banana to top them off. Mmmm...

I just used to work out macros for my pre-bed snack:
Total of 1,793 Cals : 27.8g fat, 329.9g carbs, 67.5g protein

I've found if I don't drink enough along with all the carbs I get nasty leg cramps in the night.