Fri 04/09/09
Lunges and shoulder dislocates for warmups.
Low-bar Squat: (No belt, no wraps, etc.)
10 x 60kg
3 x 110kg
1 x 130kg
1 x 140kg
1 x 150kg
1 x 160kg
1 x 165kg (364) - pretty slow and grindy
0 x 170kg (375) - not a hope!
I might have stood a chance with 170kg if I had done fewer singles but I was nervous to really try hard (hernia padded but still vulnerable). Also, having to release some intra-thoracic/abdominal pressure for the drive out of the hole really doesn't help; with the load this high, I had to work hard to keep my back in extension without the extra pressure.
O-bar Press:
5 x 60kg
6 x 60kg
5 x 60kg
7 x 60kg (132)
These didn't feel great. Left arm let the side down. AC joint was the culprit. I am now much weaker at these than I would like to be.
Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
3 x 80kg
6 x 90kg
6 x 90kg
6 x 90kg
7 x 90kg (198)
I did some high-rep sets of shrugs too with 110kg (242)
Anyway, not exactly pleased that I only managed a single squat with 165kg, but it'll have to do. Theoretically, I should have been able to get 170kg seeing that I managed 5 sets of 7 with 142.5kg. 165kg is still 15kg down on my best lift (but that was when I was a fair bit heavier and belted... and younger and less broken!). I don't suppose it helped that I felt like I was getting a cold this week: tight chested and sneezing a fair bit. I dosed myself up with Vit C and, for what it's worth, so far, so good. I decided not to stress myself anymore this week so I didn't try for a 170kg single on Saturday.
I probably won't try another heavy single and I don't think I'm going to bother with the second part of the Smolov squat routine. I think it's just too risky until my hernia is fixed. I'm pleased I got through the base mesocycle but not exactly ecstatic with the results. I've done just as well with lower volume and a regular HST squat routine in the past so I think I'll try another more HST type cycle next but I might stick with a slightly higher frequency - probably 4 x weekly - and adjust volume per session accordingly.
I have to see the surgeon again on Monday re my delayed hernia op; I want to discuss the mesh options available and try to ensure I get the best type for someone who wants to continue to lift heavy stuff and be very active.
My lad's just getting into free-running. Now that's something I would have found a whole lot of fun back in the day. I standing jumped onto a 40" garden wall today without any practice and he couldn't do it. "Yay" for old timers who squat!